Nominees for the Best State Political Blog
The Virginian Federalist
Raising Kaine
Vivian J. Paige
Labels: virginia blogs

Labels: virginia blogs
Labels: berkeley, usmc recruiting
Democrats have a 150-year history of using race as a political weapon to keep blacks in virtual slavery and Republicans out of power.
Labels: Black Republican, Frances Rice, National Black Republican Association
Labels: british troops, fallen heroes, Lance Cpl Matt Croucher, Royal Marines
Labels: Fitna
Labels: bad voodoo, frontline, iraq campaign, pbs
Labels: haditha, Marines, michelle malkin, murtha EX-marine
Labels: Basra, british army, iraq campaign
Labels: The Last of the few, Theo Sparks
Labels: hollywood, Pat Dollard
Labels: blackfive, Heroes tour, iraqvetsfor congress, the next greatest generation, Vets For Freedom
Labels: 4000 reasons to win, iraq, iraq campaign, iraq security, self determination, victory
Labels: bill bolling
Saturday around 12:10 PM, a member of the Chester County Peace Movement (CCPM) slapped a woman twice (that would be me) who was videotaping an exchange between the two opposing groups. Police were called and an officer arrived at 12:15 PM and announced to the crowd that he was conducting an investigation.
The CCPM member was pointed out to police and the officer told the man to come forward and the man refused. The guy was totally uncooperative, belligerent and would not go with the officer. When he shoved the officer, the officer's partner took him to the ground to be handcuffed. The guy continued to resist while on the ground and the peace movement folks surrounded the officers, some as close as a foot or so away.
Photos here show this quite clearly.
I've prided myself in my professional conduct at this rally and to be struck twice by a 'peace' protester who has been present since the time I began covering this rally is truly disturbing.
Let me add that Skye doesn't appear at first glance to be anything other than a reporter. She carries several camera bags and always has a notebook. Nothing about her outward appearence would suggest she is anything but a reporter covering an event.
This is just one more example of the rabid left, the so-called "peaceful, non-violent left", showing their true colors when the odds are against them and they know they are losing.Labels: Midnight Blue, posse, skye, WestchesterPA
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides,"Obama said. "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it."Well, satire is supposed to expand upon the topic, with a sideways twist. It's supposed to make you look closer at the subject matter, and question the subject.
Labels: 08 election, Barack Obama, race, racism
Here is how I have it...and it makes much more sense than this inflammatory video does, primarily because all this could not have come to happen during the short seven years of the Bush administration and in the truly booming economy we enjoyed until just the last few months. BTW, it seems to have turned the corner about two months ago, if the trend in spot copper prices is a good indicator...and it is.
The policies which lead to this problem as noted below are clearly liberal and leftist. The content of this video, while possibly partially correct, is a misrepresentation which appears to show Bush simply following established law and not the perpetrator in this problem, yet being demonized for being unsympathetic. It looks like just another liberal democrat lie. I have come to understand that it was the liberal left during the Clinton administration who found banks properly red-lining certain people and areas as uncreditworthy or as high credit risks, because that is exactly what they were. I understand that numbers of various "civil rights" groups placed an enormous amount of pressure on lending institutions to stop red-lining areas and the people in them, forcing the banks to make the types of bad loans which now have come home to roost. It IS sound lending policy in a more or less free market system to deny loans and credit or to charge higher rates to high risks. That good judgment was effectively stifled by the threat of "civil rights" lawsuits.
There is no reason for the rest of us to pay for the indiscretion, poor judgment or precarious financial condition of others. Is this discriminatory...certainly and it IS justified...and is NOT on the basis of race, which is incidental in this case.
Here again sound fiscal policy becomes confused with desired and forced social policy, just as it disingenuously does in the, "tax cuts for the rich" argument. "Marginal rate reductions for tax payers" (the people who invest and sign paychecks) is the more correct phase. Without their prosperity none of us prospers and we end up like the old USSR. Just another liberal lie, like the man-made global warming notion; without any doubt. Our recent history is rife with this BS. These lies for power are easily dispelled with a little honest research.
Our banking system has no social obligation to be a welfare agency, but a first obligation to sound lending practices and to its depositors...PERIOD! Once again, we see grand social engineers distorting a working free market system. People should not be given free and easy no down payment loans they can't afford. The banks should not be forced to do so by the race-baiting poverty pimps we see on the left. That is exactly what has happened to the best of my knowledge in this case. Once regulations are relaxed, then veryone jumps on board to remain competitive...and down the spiral goes with good intentions, but for the wrong reasons.
Screw-up and then blame it on someone else...another classic one from the liberal left! Check it out.
A little more in depth research will demonstrate the accuracy of the above. "You have no civil right that someone else has to pay for." ...we all have Constitutional Rights that no one else is required to support financially.
Labels: berkeley, gathering of eagles, michelle malkin, Move America Forward, Patriot riders, usmc recruiting
Labels: blogtalkradio, cao, eagles, gathering of eagles, ivaw, Marine, Marine Corp, rurick, USA, winter soldier, WS2
Labels: rules of engagement.
Now on to the most widespread of all the alleged crimes, what I call car-icide.Now, between you and me and the internet, 50 meters is only, ONLY, 160 feet, (+/-). The distance from the 50 yard line to the end zone. That's called DAMN CLOSE when you're dealing with a VBIED.
Everybody has a story about shooting cars, either cars sitting by the side of the road, or speeding up and trying to dash through American convoys. Ever since the Hajjis started using cars as a major means of delivering explosives, the troops have been very sensitive about cars that fail to cooperate. Convoys are preceded and followed by vehicles bearing large signs in English and Arabic warning civilian vehicles to maintain a 50 meter distance, or so I have been told by other non-IVAW Iraqi vets. Funny that the IVAWs omitted mentioning that detail. Just as it is funny that they omit mentioning the quaint Islamic couture of suicide belts when mentioning occasions of Iraqi civilians being gunned down by US troops.
Of course the template requires that anything involving America must include racism to be complete. Thus we have the first speaker Hart Viges, who is at pains to denounce the term “hajji” as racist. First of all, in Arabic the term “hajji” is a title of honor, attached to the name of anyone who has made the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca, though I doubt that the average American knows the significance. Or would care if he did. Fact is, in every war, both sides have some special term they use to designate the enemy. This is a common feature of us, our allies, and our enemies as well. Even as far back as 1776 when we fought the Lobsterbacks. And yes, they have always had negative terms for us as well. Logan Laituri, who seems to be a real prince of self-loathing-by-proxy made a big deal of comparing himself to a KKK member because he was more bothered by the death of a fellow American than by anonymous Iraqis. Do not let your hair down and relax with a man like that. While some of these guys might be plausible drinking companions this one seems like he would be an unbearable PC shithead.Umm, more bothered by the death of his fellow warriors, than the death of an Iraqi, who may or may not have been a terrorist? Analyze that sentence. He's bothered by his concern for his brothers. I'm sitting here shaking my head, trying to understand that and it's going to give me a headache if I think about it for much longer, so I'm going to stop.
Labels: blogtalkradio, cao, farce, ivaw, thekeytovictory, vvaw
Labels: muslims, obama's church, race, TUCC
Labels: Barack HUSSEIN Obama, racial profiling, racism, typical white people
Labels: Sgt. Princess, usmc, youtube
Labels: eagles, marine recruiting, military recruiting, piiitsburgh, Recruiters
Labels: Megan McArdle, Newsmax, The Last of the few, The Line Is Here, The Picador Project, Wall St.Journal
Labels: Chesapeake Police, Ryan Frederick
Labels: DC ProtestWarrior, Democracy Project, Illusion or Reality, ivaw, Midnight Blue, Orbiter Dicum, Ronald Winter, The Sniper, This Ain't Hell, Veteran American, Vets For Freedom, winter soldier
Labels: concealed carry, Governor Kaine, gun laws, restaurant carry, VCDL
Labels: afghanistan, iraq campaign, msm
Labels: Cpl. David Thibodeaux, marine music
Labels: March 19, michelle malkin, moonbats, zombietime
Labels: Arthur C. Clarke
Labels: 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, DC, Heller case
Labels: Medal of Honor, Michael A Monsoor, Navy SEAL, Navy SEAL Warrior Fund
What military aircraft are you? B-52 Stratofortress You're a B-52. You are old and wise, and you absolutely love destruction. You believe in the principle of "peace through deterrence" and aren`t afraid to throw your weight around. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. |
Labels: eagles up, gathering of eagles, Marine, MARINE CORPS, support the troops, troops, usmc
Labels: eagles up, gathering of eagles, iraq, support the troops, troops, truth, victory, winter soldier
Labels: St. Patrick's Day
Caveats: NONE
For your information. As the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war approaches, protest groups are increasing activity, some to include a direct threat to Recruiters, other Soldiers, others with DoD decals and their families. Areas of concern include Seattle and Tacoma, Washington; Pittsburgh; Washington, DC.; Chicago; Chapel Hill, NC; New York; Orlando and many locations in
Mitigation recommendations include standard AT/FP precautions to include:
- Avoid known risks
- Remain vigilant
- Use the Buddy system
- Inspect vehicles
- Do not engage belligerents
I did not link or provide the actual text found because the message, while UNCLASSIFIED, was still FOUO (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY). Mentioned specifically was the Tacoma Mall Recruiting Station.
Update: Tacoma recruiters were defended by patriots outnumbering the World Can't Wait protesters.Labels: counter protests, gathering of eagles, patriots, Recruiters, Tacoma Mall, World Can't Wait
On Friday, it got to be too much for Alegre, a diarist on the flagship liberal blog DailyKos, who frequently writes in support of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“I’ve put up with the abuse and anger because I’ve always believed in what our online community has tried to accomplish in this world,” Alegre wrote Friday evening. “No more.”
Objecting to the tone of attacks against Mrs. Clinton and her supporters on the blog, the diarist called for a “writers strike.”
“This is a strike - a walkout over unfair writing conditions at DailyKos. It does not mean that if conditions get better I won’t ‘work’’ at DailyKos again,” Alegre wrote, promising to come back only “if we ever get to the point where we’re engaging each other in discussion rather than facing off in shouting matches.”Labels: DailyKos
Labels: gathering of eagles, ivaw, winter soldier
Labels: Barack HUSSEIN Obama
"We've got more black men in prison than there are in college," he began. "Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse [Jackson] and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outside what she can give with her body."
Mr. Wright thundered on: "America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. . . . We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers . . . We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi . . . We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God."
His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, "We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. . . . We care nothing about human life if the end justifies the means. . . ."
Concluding, Mr. Wright said: "We started the AIDS virus . . . We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. . . ."
This speech has so many holes in it, that its not worth "fisking." But I think any black woman that reads this, like say, Michelle Obama, should be upset with this man's views on a black woman's status in America. She is living proof that this demagogue preacher is either lying or deluded.Again, why are people voting for a man that supports a "minister" like this one?
When is Obama going to answer the questions about his beliefs and how they relate to his membership in this church?
Labels: bigotry, Jeremiah Wright, Obama, TUCC
Johannes returned to Iraq in 2007 to see 'The Surge' and the 'Anbar Awakening' first hand.
The 2005 trip resulted in the the release of the original 'Outside the Wire: Call Sign Vengeance' which follows one Marine infantry platoon through their deployment to the Fallujah area in 2005.
The 2007 trip resulted in three documentaries: 'Danger Close', 'Anbar Awakens' and 'Baghdad Surge'.
J.D. Johannes also has a blog. Today's post mentions those Idiot Veterans Assisting Wahhabiism in their slavish imitation of John Kerry and Winter Soldier.
To those of you faithful readers in the media business, please take a look at this documentary. Support his work. You won't find this on the evening news.
Labels: danger close, j.d.johannes, outside the wire
Free Republic and DC Protest Warriors will be at 14th and L recruiting station all day.
Berkeley Recruiting Station will be manned by Free Republic
Chapel Hill, NC Recruiting Station will be manned by Eagles UP! and Gathering of Eagles.
By the way, Congress is NOT in session. And its supposed to rain.In related news from Mark My Words:
Who said this: You defeated us! We knew it, and we thought you knew it. But we were elated to notice your media was definitely helping us. They were causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields. We were ready to surrender. You had won!"
General Vo Nguyen Giap- the brilliant, highly respected leader of the North Vietnam military.
And from a commenter on Michelle's site:
Joseph Stalin: “America is like a healthy body, and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we (communists) can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
Communist Goals (1963)
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
Sound familiar?