Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama's values

A boy's earliest influence is his parents. Second are the philosophies taught to them by religion. Values taught to the young, unless consciously rejected, will be important to them for their entire lives.

A saying, attributed to the Jesuits, illustrates: "Give me a child of seven, and I will show you the man." Another version: "Give us a boy between the age of 7 and 12, and he is ours for life."

Our Constitution addresses this by requiring that all Presidents be natural born, on the premise that the basic values of the US will be instilled in the individual in childhood.

Barack Hussien Obama, born of a marxist mother and a Muslim father, raised by a devout Muslim step-father, educated in Indonesian madrases, a Muslim until twenty years ago, then becoming a Muslim apostate and professing to be born again in Christianity, then joined an Afro-centric Christian church that blames whites for everything.

Apostasy is punishable by death in the Muslim world. Why did he so soundly reject it, knowing the consequences? Will he speak out about what made him reject the Muslim faith?

What values does he hold that allow him to support a bigoted minister, honor another bigoted minister, and supports a cousin in Kenya that is threatening violence and ethnic cleansing?

What values allow him to be friends with unapologetic terrorists that declared war on the USA?

What values do you have? Would you support a Democratic or Republican candidate with similar issues?

Barack Obama needs to give a speech explaining himself, similar to the ones given by JFK and Romney. If Americans were so "worried" about Mormon values and Catholic values, why should we not be worried about Obama's values?




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