You Are What You Write, Mr. Webb

Dear Friends,
From the last month and a half of our campaign, through the recount, and for the first 9 months of my administration, there has been something missing in the McDonnell family, our oldest daughter. As many of you know, my oldest daughter, Jeanine, has been serving on a 12-month tour of duty in Iraq. While we all worried about her safety, and missed her presence, we also felt tremendous pride in what she was doing. Now, I am happy to report, that yesterday Jeanine returned safely back to America, her tour of duty complete.
Jeanine called Maureen and me shortly after she landed and I have to say that her phone call home was probably the best phone call of our lives. Our daughter was safe and sound on American soil.
Over the past year, so many of you have asked about Jeanine. You have inquired as to her well-being, you have offered your prayers for her safe return, and you have demonstrated time and time again your total and heartfelt concern for her safe return. Maureen and I thank you so much for all the kind words. We thank you for the prayers. And today we just wanted to share with you the wonderful news of Jeanine's safe return.
I am an Army veteran, but in my 21 years I never served anywhere as dangerous as Iraq. Jeanine's courage in the face of this assignment not only reassures me as a fath er, it also gives me great optimism as an American. The young men and women serving our nation in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the globe are the direct descendants of their ancestors who have served so bravely on the islands of the Pacific, the forests of northern Europe, from the mountains of Korea, to the jungles of Vietnam.
Recently I spoke at a 9-11 ceremony in Richmond and I used the old quote that "America is the land of the free, because we are the home of the brave." Today, our brave daughter is safely back home in the land of the free, and we could not be happier. Again, on behalf of my wife, Maureen, and our entire family, thank you for your support over the past year, we could not have gotten through this without you.
Thanking you again,
Bob McDonnell
Webb's comments to the Times-Dispatch prompted Allen campaign officials to direct a reporter to Dan Cragg, a former acquaintance of Webb's, who said Webb used the word while describing his own behavior during his freshman year at the University of Southern California in the early 1960s. Webb later transferred to the U.S. Naval Academy.
Cragg, 67, who lives in Fairfax County, said on Wednesday that Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them.
"They would hop into their cars, and would go down to Watts with these buddies of his," Cragg said Webb told him. "They would take the rifles down there. They would call then [epithets], point the rifles at them, pull the triggers and then drive off laughing. One night, some guys caught them and beat . . . them. And that was the end of that."
by TD of The Right Track
A quick and dirty search through Google News for articles, news, and editorials revealed no less than 14 pieces written in the last month regarding the FairTax. Fully 1/3 of those were editorials agreeing with the need for the FairTax.
A sampling:
From the Denver Daily News, an editorial titled "FairTax, not flat tax, needed to fix nation’s taxation woes":
Dear editor,
The IRS needs to be eliminated and replaced with the FairTax, not the flat tax, as suggested by columnist Aaron Harber in Monday’s Denver Daily News.
The flat tax changes absolutely nothing — the IRS, tax code, regulations, 16th Amendment, corporate taxation and payroll taxes (the way Social Security is funded) stay exactly the same under the flat tax.
At best, the flat tax is temporary, the wrong direction to move towards simplification.
From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "The Fairer Tax":
The Fair Tax ( will make our true tax burden -- most of which is concealed in the price of goods and services -- visible to all and is a necessary first step toward smaller and less-intrusive government.
We cannot allow the perfect to become the enemy of the good.
So first, let's replace the current complex and dishonest system of taxation with a fair and transparent system that will allow the people to choose how much government they can afford in full knowledge of how much it really costs.
The Raleigh/Durham News & Observer has an editorial headlined "Total Replacement":
Our tax code has grown steadily more complex, unwieldy, expensive and out of control ever since its overhaul in 1986. The IRS is increasingly unable to cope with the tax code, and puts much of its resources to uses unrelated to raising revenue and contrary to the wishes of the Founders.
Like Icarus flying ever closer to the sun, the tax system appears to be headed for self-destruction. It is far beyond any fix and is losing respect and credibility. The only reasonable solution is to finally and completely scrap it and replace it. I support the revenue-neutral FairTax plan. ( 1-800-FairTax).
This is just a sampling of what people are saying all across the country. Truly a grassroots effort, it takes people willing to step up and show public support for the FairTax to convince politicians that it's in their best interest to support the bills.
One way to show public support is to write an editorial to your local paper, no matter how large or small. Use the FairTax category that may appear on this participant blog, visit, or read the FairTax book by Boortz and Linder to learn more. Get your facts straight, then write your editorial and submit it. Many papers now have a way to submit online or via e-mail.
However you decide to do it, your public support for the FairTax is vital.
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
(09-26) 18:15 PDT Fredericksburg, Va. (AP) --
Democratic Senate challenger Jim Webb declined to say definitively Tuesday whether he had ever used a common derogatory term to describe blacks, stepping carefully after watching his campaign rival confront charges of racism.
"I don't think that there's anyone who grew up around the South that hasn't had the word pass through their lips at one time or another in their life," Webb told reporters.
Webb referred to his novel, "Fields of Fire," which aides said includes occurrences of the n-word as part of character dialogue. But he added: "I have never issued a racial or ethnic slur."
Asked for clarification of his original answer, spokeswoman Jessica Smith quoted Webb as saying, "I have never used that word in my general vocabulary or in any derogatory way."
She declined to say whether he had ever used the word apart from when he wrote his book.
This is Part 1 of what might be two-parts.
Friday, 22 September, marked my return to Walter Reed Army Medical Center after an extended absence brought on in part by job responsibilities.
It also marked the one year anniversary of my direct participation in street level demonstrations,
my introduction to people who have, in my opinion, become very good friends and my membership in Protest Warrior.
Early Friday afternoon, I received a call from Gary L., the leader of the George Washington University College Republicans asking if someone could pick them up from the Metro Station at Silver Spring.
I immediately offered to pick them up from the campus, as I was staying in Crystal City, and it was right on the way.
When I arrived at the corner of H and 20th Streets, I was greeted by 16 members of the Republican Club, mostly freshmen, and some I had met at the Freedom Walk.
Only having room for 7 bodies, I loaded those who wanted to ride into my Durango, and the remainder took the Metro.
The presence of these youngsters at the Main Gate of Walter Reed Army Medical Center made for a very good night. Gary interacted with a photo-journalist from the Italian Communist Press and seemed to make her re-consider her positions concerning the War on Terror.
I ran into several soldiers I had met last spring and who I thought had returned home. They greeted me like a long lost brother.
I was admonished severely for being away for so long, and hugged repeatedly for coming back.
I was instructed, in no uncertain terms, that I will report to the new drinking establishment for rounds and lies.
This new establishment is a small, dark, cozy bar owned by Hal Koster, and caters specifically to wounded soldiers, any soldier, and any supporter of the afore-mentioned soldiers. It’s located in the Adams-Morgan section of Washington DC.
Hal, for those of you living on the Sun, is a Washington DC legend, and a hero to many who have enjoyed his hospitality. He, together with his partner, Marty O’Brien, owned Fran O’Briens Steakhouse, which was located in the bottom of the Capitol Hilton on 16th Street, 4 blocks north of the White House..
Hilton Hotels, in its corporate stupidity, decided that wounded soldiers, some of whom use crutches and wheel-chairs to get around, might fall down the stairs, and decide to sue Hilton Hotels. Setting aside the absurdity of this mind-set, I doubt any soldier, given the opportunity to enjoy a decent meal with his family and friends, away from the sterile atmosphere of an Army hospital, would mind falling down a set of stairs to get there. I certainly doubt they’d sue anyone.
So, Hal and Marty closed the doors, because Hilton refused to renew their lease, citing inability to comply with ADA guidelines. So much for Hilton. You listening Paris?
Oh, I forgot, you’re too busy screwing your boyfriend, and posting the videos on the web.
Having arrived at Hal's new place, with my assistant chapter leader, AllRightAlltheTime, in tow, donned in Protest Warrior t-shirts, we were immediately set upon by the above-mentioned soldiers, and forced to consume large amounts of alcoholic beverages, with suspicious sounding names like Washington Apple, and YagerBull, and Peppermint Schnapps.
Wandering through the small but rowdy crowd of revelers, I spied a familiar face;
it was none other than the notorious citizen_Smash, AKA LtCmdr Smash, Chapter Leader of San Diego Protest Warrior, smasher of left coast pinkos at Balboa Naval Hospital, smasher of east coast pinkos, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and one of my heroes. He had spied our t-shirts, and was making his way through the crowd to greet us.
I promptly introduced him to AllRightAlltheTime, my assistant chapter leader, and she drooled appropriately. (She has a thing for military men, being young, single, and having been in the Army as an MP for a time)
Smash was just preparing to leave, so I didn’t press him to join us. I sat at the bar for a time and allowed the bartender, who I knew from another establishment, to ply me with drinks. I felt guilty after awhile, and finally slipped him all the cash I had.
I took my drink and moved down the bar to where Hal was enjoying the company of several very comely young ladies. I introduced myself, explained Protest Warrior, and told him what we had done at Walter Reed.
He thanked us, and shook my hand.
He introduced me to his partner, Tom Maier, who runs The Aleethia Foundation The Aleethia Foundation is the organization which funds the dinners for the troops, and also hands out small grants to soldiers who need a little financial help.
Now I’m going to ask for help. Specifically, I’m going to ask everyone who reads this, to help Hal continue this most excellent of endeavors.
With the exception of dinners at the Italian and Taiwanese Embassies, and two rooftop dinners at another local establishment, The Exchange, Hal has paid for every Friday night dinner out of his own pocket.
I would consider it a personal favor if every one of you could send Hal 10 dollars, 20 dollars, whatever you can afford.
Make all checks or money orders payable to The Aleethia Foundation and mail to 1718 M Street NW
Suite 1170 Washington DC 20038.
You may, at your discretion, use United Conservatives of Virginia as the originator of the donation.
I recovered sufficiently to make the Troop Rally on Saturday, with large doses of caffeine, Alleve, and Motrin.
So ends Part 1 of my most excellent weekend.
Part 2 will be posted when I can remember all of it.
To quote a very famous singer/songwriter: “The hangovers hurt more than they used too.”
"Despite his P.O.W. background, Mr. McCain frequently angered veterans groups by moving forward toward normalization when they were still pushing for a fuller accounting of those still listed as missing in action. Having been in prison during the most hostile period of antiwar protests, he has displayed little understanding of how deeply many combat veterans were scarred by the reception they received upon coming home.... and end with this:
Never having served on the ground in South Vietnam, he seldom articulated a concern for those South Vietnamese who had suffered immensely in the war and its aftermath. And he created a perception in some circles that he would reach over allies to work with enemies by allying himself to Senator John Kerry, who once headed Vietnam Veterans Against the War, as well as providing political cover for President Clinton when normalization was announced."
"Resolving this issue may not show John McCain's ability to unite disparate groups, but it is certainly testimony to his ability to lead."
by Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous
To borrow what was spoken of last week in the Fair Tax BlogBurst, I thought I would take this burst, and build upon the debate begun by one of Debbie's readers at Right Truth. For those of you new to the audience, here is the original burst, and here is the assertion made by "Ralph Ekwall."
We now have a progressive income tax system that imposes a higher rate of taxation for high income earners. The so-called “Fair Tax” would impose a higher rate of taxation on middle and low income earners and allow most of the money earned by wealthy people to be untaxed.
I tend to disagree entirely with the thesis underpinning any progressive tax system delineating that there are certain brackets of individuals who should be punished just for the simple fact that they earn higher incomes than other individuals.
The fundamental creed of this dogma accepts the premise that the spectrum of incomes is nothing more than a zero-sum game. Thus, individuals do not have any chance whatsoever to rise to those higher brackets and better themselves as they move throughout life.
However, I digress, for I wanted to discuss was the specifics surrounding "the prebate." I believe this scheme encapsulates the “equality” sought by “progressive” proponents of any progressive tax scheme better than the progressive tax could ever hope to achieve. That is, equality can be seen only if one does not have class warfare and envy as the basis for their tax structure.
So, how does this “prebate” work?
All valid Social Security cardholders who are U.S. residents receive a monthly rebate equivalent to the FairTax paid on essential goods and services, also known as the poverty level expenditures. The rebate is paid in advance, in equal installments each month. The size of the rebate is determined by the Department of Health & Human Services’ poverty level guideline multiplied by the tax rate. This is a well-accepted, long-used poverty-level calculation that includes food, clothing, shelter, transportation, medical care, etc. (See chart in Figure 1)
And, as we see in how this "prebate" works, one is able to ascertain the notion of equality realized by the "prebate." The prebate seeks to treat a "necessity" just as their name implies they should be treated. The necessities are the substance and the needs that every American needs in order to survive. It treats every American as if they are the same in the basics of what they need to survive.
It treats all Americans equally.
In this definition of "equal" all Americans are treated the same no matter their socio-economic status, which brings up another subject....constitutional history.
At this moment, I would really like to express my appreciation to TD for being patient with me throughout the course of this summer. As some of you may know, I sat for the bar recently and I have been detained with an interstate move, new employment and biting my fingernails off as I wait for the bar results. But, enough of my excuses, Terry and I started this BlogBurst and, unfortunately, Terry has had to shoulder much of the load this summer. He has done a tremendous job and I know all of you appreciate his hard work and dedication. I just wanted to say thanks, good buddy!
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
I've been looking for something like this from the moment I saw that despicable ad on TV.
From the blog QandO
Any long-time reader of this blog knows I'm an advocate for our troops when it comes to ensuring they have the proper equipment with which to do their job. Any doubt about that should have been erased during the time I was giving Rumsfeld and the Pentagon hell for not uparmoring our lighter vehicles fast enough.That brings us to a political ad I viewed which claims our troops have had to make do with "left over" armor from Vietnam and that George Allen voted against procuring the new vests.
Read the rest of this enlightening article by clicking on the title.
In addition, VCSS is pleased to announce that the official VCSS weblog is now on-line at As a precursor to the VCSS website, which is currently in development, the blog will act as a way for the PAC to share news concerning the fight to lower taxes and spending and create a conservative majority in the State Senate. The blog will be updated often and the comments section will be open after every post for activists around the state to share thoughts and ideas. The blog will also serve as the latest news source concerning VCSS news such as press releases and updates on upcoming events. Check out the blog now to a full biography on VCSS’ newest board member, Heidi Stirrup! In addition, every Friday will close with an open comment forum to discuss any topic, from what incumbents people around the state would like to see challenged to their favorite piece of pork barrel legislation.
MOST [Webb supporters] stated Mr. Webb would not vote for any more gun laws restricting our gun rights. One spokeslady talked to us for quite some time--she stated Mr Webb supported our rights--then she made an eye opening statement--- she stated Mr Webb was like President Clinton, and would not be a part of any new gun laws------when I asked her--"What about the assault weapons ban of 1994?", she did NOT know what I was talking about!
Hell you'd prolly kill half your family by firing the damn thing in your home if you didn't know what you were doing and were startled by a burglar.Uhhh, ok. Please tell me, how exactly would that happen? A startled homeowner is going to start randomly firing into the dark and kill their family? You've got a nice imagination, but in the real world things like that don't happen.
On guns, Webb is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. He has never changed his position on this issue since I've known him (12/05).
Quote for the day from "Lord of War" with Nicolas Cage, who plays an arms broker, "There are over 550,000,000 firearms in worldwide circulation. That is one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is ... how do we arm the other eleven?"
Now on to new events.
The DC Chapter of FreeRepublic, the DC Chapter of Protest Warrior, and the Coastal Jersey Chapter of Protest Warrior will hold their second annual Support the Troops Rally in Washington DC on 22 and 23 September.
This also coincides with the 10th anniversary of the founding of
All the people I now call friends, all the people who have helped me make a difference over the past year, I met at the FIRST Support the Troops Rally in 2005.
It has been a helluva year, FRiends. We have done a lot of good things.
Thanks to the encouragement and support of all of you, I have made a difference. We put the DC Chapter of Protest Warrior in the forefront. We "kicked code pink to the curb" and we let the wounded know that there are people who care about them, and appreciate the sacrfices they have made.
And people noticed.
I'm still trying to decide if that's a good thing. ;) Some of the emails I have received are totally whacked, but that means we got to them, and we hurt them.
The weekend of the 22nd we will be "Rocking the House".
It starts Friday night at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 7200 Georgia Ave. NW.
It continues on the 23rd with a Troop Support Rally at the Sylvan Theater, which is located at the corner of 15th Street and Independence Ave.
Kristinn has lined up some great speakers, and there will be "special guests" in attendence.
"I frankly happen to be very disappointed to read articles in the media that seem to indicate that the establishment isn't supporting her, I certainly don't get that sense personally," said Manatee County Republican Committee Chairman Mark Flanagan, who estimated that Harris has the support of every GOP county chair in the state.
"Politics is local and Republicans in southwest Florida in particular are proud of Katherine Harris and are very thankful that she has been there for us as citizens and as Republicans," Flanagan added.
"Most of our folks are put off by it and feel that it's not helpful for the Washington people to be putting this out there," said Sarasota County Republican Committee Chairman Bob Waechter. "Katherine enjoys tremendous support here." fox news
Senator Allen has long advocated more advanced medical treatment and rehabilitation for American soldiers injured in the global war on terror.
In recent visits to Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Medical Center in Richmond, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and meeting with soldiers and their families throughout Virginia, Senator Allen has talked about the prevalence of head injuries suffered by soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Because of the vile tactics of the insurgents and terrorists using roadside bombs, car bombs and IEDs, too many of our brave soldiers are suffering devastating trauma to the head and I’m pleased that we put aside partisan politics for the health and well-being of our American heroes,” said Senator Allen in response to the passage of his amendment.
by Debbie of The Right Truth
A reader here at Right Truth, Ralph Ekwall, who doesn't like the Fair Tax sent me an email. He seemed to think that I would not be interested in hearing his opinions, but that could not be further from the truth. I think healthy debate is good and encourage it. Below are his arguments and our reply:
I doubt you will print this since it is in opposition to the "Fair Tax." The "Fair Tax" is really unfair because it taxes middle and low income people at a higher rate than wealthy income people. Here is an example.
Let us consider a tax rate of 30% for the so-called "Fair Tax." Let us look at how it affects two different American families: Mr. Average Joe and Mr. Rich.
Mr. Average Joe makes just $45,000 per year. At that salary he must spend everything that he makes to support his family. So, almost all of his income is taxed. His rate of taxation is between 27- and 30% He may give money to his church or to a charity and that would not be taxed.
Now consider Mr. Rich who has an income of $10,000,000 per year. He is really rich. Most of his income will be reinvested in his business and not taxed. He will put some of his money into an education trust for his children and that is not taxed. It may be possible that he will spend $1,000,000 of his income, but that is doubtful. If so then $1,000,000 of his income is taxed and he has $9,000,000 of income that is not touched by taxation. His rate of taxation is about 3%. I ask you - is that a fair tax?????????
We now have a progressive income tax system that imposes a higher rate of taxation for high income earners. The so-called "Fair Tax" would impose a higher rate of taxation on middle and low income earners and allow most of the money earned by wealthy people to be untaxed.
It does not seem fair to me. --by Ralph Ekwall
Our reply:
You fail to mention that Mr. Average Joe will benefit tremendously from the PREBATE included in the FairTax. Your statement that "almost all" of his income would be taxed is erroneous. I cannot off the top of my head tell you how much of a prebate Mr. Average Joe and his family would receive, but it would be substantial.
You also fail to consider that Mr. Rich who will not have to pay tax on his income or on returns from his investments will now have more money to re-invest and he will probably have more money to return to his business which in turn creates jobs for people like Mr. Average Joe. The economy prospers, Mr. Rich is rewarded rather than punished for his entrepreneurship, and Mr. Average Joe and his friends would be assured of good jobs.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, I'm doing a little math here:
If Mr. Average Joe spends all of his 45,000 dollars and is taxed at say 23 percent he would pay $10,350 in taxes most of which he would get back in the prebate.
If Mr. Rich spends a million dollars at 23 percent his tax would be $230,000 and his prebate would be insignificant to the tax that he paid.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds fair to me.
Also, don't forget that the tax is paid ONLY on NEW goods and services. If Mr. Average Joe buys that decent used minivan for his family, guess what! NO TAX! --by Thomas Hamilton
We welcome any other comments or opinions, and thanks Mr. Ekwall for this opportunity to address your questions.
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
Now, we're not claiming that what Raising Kaine PAC is doing constitutes a public communication since internet communications are exempt from those provisions. But they are engaging in other activities on behalf of the Webb campaign that do not fall under that sole exemption. Furthermore, it would not appear that what Raising Kaine PAC is doing could even constitute an independent expenditure under federal law...
Given Lowell Feld's dual role as both a paid staffer of the Webb campaign and a leader of Raising Kaine, it impossible for an agent of the Webb campaign NOT to be materially involved in such decisions. This opens up a potential can of worms for the Webb campaign as well.
While nothing I could ever say would make up for the loss of this brave and talented Non-Commisioned Officer, I can say that I personally feel what a catastrophic loss SSgt. May's death is for our Armored Force. And I feel like I have lost a brother-in-arms.
Even over three years after that tragic day in Iraq, when SSgt. May's tank went over a bridge and into the Euphrates River, the pain of that loss still affects the men and women who looked up to, trusted, and respected SSgt. May.
from Master Gunner's Tribute