Friday, September 15, 2006

VCSS is blogging

Virginians for a Conservative State Senate announced that they have a blog up. Good for them.
In addition, VCSS is pleased to announce that the official VCSS weblog is now on-line at As a precursor to the VCSS website, which is currently in development, the blog will act as a way for the PAC to share news concerning the fight to lower taxes and spending and create a conservative majority in the State Senate. The blog will be updated often and the comments section will be open after every post for activists around the state to share thoughts and ideas. The blog will also serve as the latest news source concerning VCSS news such as press releases and updates on upcoming events. Check out the blog now to a full biography on VCSS’ newest board member, Heidi Stirrup! In addition, every Friday will close with an open comment forum to discuss any topic, from what incumbents people around the state would like to see challenged to their favorite piece of pork barrel legislation.

Here's hoping they can knock off some RINOs next year.


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