Happy New Year!!!!!
Should be good cause my BFF says so.
Labels: from my position on the way, in the crosshairs, Susan Katz-Keating, uncle jimbo

Labels: from my position on the way, in the crosshairs, Susan Katz-Keating, uncle jimbo
In 1980, Abraham Karem, an engineer who had emigrated from Israel, retreated into his three-car garage in Hacienda Heights outside Los Angeles and, to the bemusement of his tolerant wife, began to build an aircraft.This is what happens when Americans have disposable income and free time. We play with tools and materials. We think outside the box. We build a different box and think outside that one. We produce things that make life better or safer. Americans are innovators and inventors. Socialist engineering and marxist thinking destroys that edge.
The work eventually spilled into the guest room, and when Karem finished more than a year later, he wheeled into his driveway an odd, cigar-shaped craft that was destined to change the way the United States wages war.
The Albatross, as it was called, was transported to the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, where it demonstrated the ability to stay aloft safely for up to 56 hours — a very, very long time in what was then the crash-prone world of drones.
Labels: leftist idiots
Although it’s being deployed in several states like Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and others, there are still many who have never heard of the Colorado Model. What’s worse, despite all the Left’s bemoaning of the “vast right wing conspiracy,” Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or whatever enemy they can dream up, there is still nothing like the Colorado Model on the Right.
In sum, the Colorado Model is one of the Left’s most effective stratagems that was “built” to turn “red states” into “blue states” over a very short period of time (with the exception, perhaps, of the 2010 election cycle). When combined with the tactics of Saul Alinsky and his disciples, the Colorado Model is akin to a Soviet platoon armed with AK-47s mowing down a militia armed with slingshots.
Labels: Andrew Breitbart, Big Government.com, Big Journalism, big peace, colorado, elections, marxist engineering, saul alinsky
The American Spectator does a nice job of deconstructing this ridiculous piece from a progressive blogger over at the Progressive Christian Alliance. The gist of the piece is this: Jesus was an illegal immigrant baby, thus if you are against illegal immigration, you are against Jesus and the entire story of the nativity is one big political story.Here is what I was taught and learned over the course of time: Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem to pay taxes along with everyone else. That's how it was done back then. Joseph was a self-employed (my assumption) carpenter. Thats why Jesus is often portrayed as a carpenter. Mary was pregnant and there were no rooms available because of the influx of other citizens also paying their taxes. They were not homeless, indigent or illegitimate.
The battle for conservatives isn’t the general (have you seen Obama’s approval ratings?), it’s the primary. The first and best blow that The One can deliver to the GOP is by nudging the establishment to nominate a candidate that cancels out his own faults. Nominate a guy who drafted the blueprint for nationalized health care and you remove health care ammunition from your stores in the general. Nominate a guy weak on immigration and you remove that weapon from your arsenal. There isn’t a bogeyman against which the DNC can pit Obama; aside from congress–whose own approval rating is tanking so it’s useless–their second best choice is to make unnoticeable the difference between Obama and the GOP nominee
Labels: Andrew Breitbart, ballot, Big Government.com, Big Journalism, ELECTION, GOP primaries, primary, principles? what principles? va republicans, republican candidates, RPV
Romney doesn’t seem to get it: the 2012 election is about the size and cost of government.
We already have a “smart” president with ambitious plans who thinks he knows better. That hasn’t worked for our economy, and has damaged trust in our democracy.
Romney says “America doesn’t need a manager,” but his plans reflect what the Journal euphemistically calls “positive technocratic thinking.”
Though Romney may be more “sober” than his rival Newt Gingrich (or, less charitably, more timid than the former Speaker), he evidently shares with Gingrich an enthusiasm for what the federal government could do, if only he were put in control.
Given that Ron Paul’s radical foreign policy is a non-starter, and that several other candidates–however well-meaning–could not manage the mundane task of qualifying for the Virginia ballot, or withstand the media scrutiny of a long campaign, Republicans are feeling new doubts about the current field.
As unlikely as it is for OWS to gain power, what would it mean for our nation, and our society, if they did? Michael Bane provided a frank answer. Bane has several decades of experience in the coverage and study of riots and social cavitations worldwide as a journalist. He is also the host of “Best Defense Survival” on the Outdoor Channel.
Bane discussed Occupy’s anarchist collaboration: “If anyone succeeds in bringing down the United States government or creating a social dislocation that breaks this fragile, amazing machine the Founders created, what comes after is not pleasant. What comes is what was before the Dream of America… That was simply survival of the most vicious.”
Bane continues, “What the toy anarchists in the Occupy movement don’t understand is that the best organized people in the country are the criminal enterprises. They’re very good at it. MS-13? Biker gangs? Mexican cartels? These guys are good at anarchy… because they are without conscience or any sense of moderation… That is what anarchy looks like. Anarchy looks like someone’s head on a bed.”
The communist and socialist elements within the Occupy movement believe the elimination of our current system, or at least the collapse of it, will bring about a favorable revolution. What the Occupiers fail to understand is the historical, if not psychological, context behind a revolution. These movements are regularly co-opted by more insidious ideologies. Those who instigated the French Revolution ultimately found their way to the guillotines just as many of the antagonists who toppled the Russian Empire found their way into the gulags of Soviet Russia
Labels: 2012, The Stupid Party
Labels: congress, happy new year, merry christmas, VA-02
Labels: gamble, literary fund, VA Lottery, Virginia Budget, virginia education
Labels: North Korea
Twenty-year-old Christine Rousselle of Maine recently wrote a column about her experiences with welfare recipients while working as a Walmart cashier (see earlier story). While she says she saw many people using the welfare system as it was intended, she was "really upset" by those who abused the privilege and did things incorrectly
With a record 46 million Americans now receiving food stamps and rampant abuse resulting in what the Wall Street Journal calls a “food stamp crime wave,” Nation reporter Lizzie Ratner believes that “deep racism” is “at the heart of conservative food stamp critiques”:
So…..do they suck WORSE than Obama?
All of the candidates are politicians. ALL of them think that government has answers….YES, even Ron Paul. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE IN POLITICS.
Let’s see….
Romney is a front runner because he’s electable….except when he’s not. He’s conservative….except when he’s not. He’s a businessman….except when he’s not. He’s been running for office since the Last election. Desire for public office like this raises the hackles of many Americans. He’s a liberal Republican. Either we vote for him or Obama is elected and runs the nation into the ground like a meteor hitting the earth.
Gingrich is a front runner because he’s fighting back. He’s not electable….except he seems to have A LOT of support in many states. Is he a conservative? Depends on how you define conservative and to whom you compare it to……like the 1994 Democrats. Does he think government has the answers? Yep. If elected….he will use government power to enact “conservative” ideas, by HIS definition. This isn’t a secret and was, until recently, a point of attraction to many Republicans. Is he an insider? Yep. Is he a former philanderer? Yep. All of his scandals are common knowledge. Is that a point in favor or against his nomination? No one knows. Either we vote for him or Obama is elected and runs the nation into the ground like a meteor hitting the earth.
Perry is a front runner…or was. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to do well in the format that was chosen for this primary Charlie Foxtrot. His ideas, when presented, are huge applause lines. He’s consistent on message about downsizing the federal government. He’s pro-defense, pro-border enforcement, has executive experience, and has a record of improving business climates. According to some, he too, has grown government and his former “Democratness” is a liability, as his immigration stance. Either we vote for him or Obama is elected and runs the nation into the ground like a meteor hitting the earth.
Paul…..what can you say about Paul that hasn’t been said, refuted, argued about, refuted again, and repeated. His message about limited government is music to the Tea Party. His foreign policy, when more closely examined, is horrible. And his belief that America is the cause of all of our problems, his white washing of the fact that SOME governments across the world ARE evil…..is just the deal killer. Except he’s still better than another four years of Obama. Either we vote for him or Obama is elected and runs the nation into the ground like a meteor hitting the earth.
Bachmann should be the front runner. Face it…she would be historical….the first woman president. Of course we all know that’s only valid for liberal women. She’s the ideal of the Tea Party, seeking smaller government with libertarian overtones. She’s pro-defense and pro-border defense. She’s socially conservative. So…what’s holding her back? In my experience, something about her personality on TV grates on me. I’m sure that she is a wonderful person, but her TV personality seems shrill. And tactically, I think she’s weak. She continually emphasizes attacks on small points of her opponents, as “gotcha moments.” People are tired of “gotcha.” Either we vote for him or Obama ….you get the idea.
Huntsman should never have entered the race. What made him think that he could gain any traction?
Santorum has tried. Tried mightily to gain traction. And failed. If he gets any delegates, I’ll applaud. His conservative bonafides seem valid. But he does not connect with the voters.
So, since having a perfect candidate is completely ludicrous….do we stay home? Would McCain really have been worse that Obama? I don’t know. But is Obama BETTER THAN ANY OF THE ABOVE?
Some libertarians think so. Some are planning on voting for him as the lesser of two evils. They are hoping that a GOP dominated Congress will gridlock a President Obama that would not be checked by the need to get reelected. Or that Obama will get the blame for the upcoming disaster. Really? When has the GOP EVER stood up to the Democrat media and political machine? But I repeat myself. And Obama and the Democrats aren’t getting the blame NOW! The GOP ALWAYS gets the blame.
So, who of the above, if you plan to vote for a Republican candidate, will be able to withstand the liberal press and Obama?
Picture a President Obama without the need to get reelected and an establishment GOP in Congress. You didn’t think that the GOP is going to give the Tea Party any authority yet, did you?
Because it seems that we’ve already decided that our candidate will beat Obama. And we’re terrified what the assorted candidates might do. Or that we might get the blame if things go south. Have you thought that we might deserve the blame if we don’t even try and stay home?
Remember that old saying….”Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” First we have to beat Obama and its NOT going to be easy.
So go pick a freaking candidate. Don’t stay home. And then vote for the nominee.
You go to war with the army that you have. And this IS war.
Edit: cross posted and put on the Front Page at RedState!
Labels: conservatism, republican candidates, Tea Party
Attorney General Eric Holder gave a speech this week declaring that vote fraud is “uncommon.” He also said in an interview to The Washington Post, “You constantly hear about voter fraud … but you don’t see huge amounts of vote fraud out there.” Eric Holder, along with others on the left, is worried that the truth will get out. Vote fraud denial is a project of the radical left to associate voter ID and other electoral reforms with racism of the past like Jim Crow, poll taxes, the KKK. Even comparisons to torturing and killing children have been made.
HI! Ah’m Rick Perry.
You know my two competitors? Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich?
Yeeaaahhhh ……(smiles and drawls)
Ah’m not either of those two guys.
Vote for the real conservative.
Bless their hearts.
Have a nice day.
Ah’m Rick Perry and Ah approve this message.
Labels: 2012, perry, presidency
Labels: amendments, congress weasels
Labels: Shots Across The Bow, unemployment rate
The current occupy wall street movement is the best illustration to date of what barack hussein obama's America looks like. It is an America where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly.
Labels: America, blood sucking heartless dhimmicrats, greedy manipulative coniving democrats, occupation, patriots, Pledge of Allegiance, Tea Party, Thomas Sowell, union thugs, wall street, zombies
Every woman in my life now either has or is considering a gun for self-defense. Many of them have gone on to get their CCW, including my mom.
I'm satisfied.
Labels: 2nd Amendment, The Breda Fallacy
Labels: 2012, biden, ELECTION, presidential candidates, presidential elections, sarah palin
Labels: 2012, Georgia, presidential candidates
On November 30, CNN’s T. J. Holmes gave us a great example of how the Old Media is soft peddling the law-breaking going on at the Occupy events in order to make these events seem far less dangerous and illicit than they are. Like many in the Old Media, Holmes seems desperate to give lawbreaking Occupiers as much cover as possible — a benefit they never offered the tea partiers.Because the TEA Party rallies NEVER NEEDED THE COVER.
Paul R. Hollrah // Nov 30, 2011 at 7:33 pm
Nor is his name Herman Clinton.
I suppose it is Neal Boortz’s, Sean Hannity’s, and Rush Limbaugh’s newness to the conservative cause that makes them ignorant of the full significance of the effort to destroy Herman Cain. They seem not to understand that the one thing liberals and Democrats cannot have is for young blacks to see what can happen to a black child who goes to school, studies, and works hard.
If they did, and if blacks then voted for Republicans and Democrats in roughly the same percentages as the rest of the population, the balance of power in the US Senate today would be 59 Republicans, 39 Democrats, and 2 Independents. I have studied every Senate race in the 2006, 2008, and 2010 Senate campaigns and that’s what the study shows.
Given what is at stake, the stories about Herman cannot be believed unless there is positive proof. Democrats will do literally anything… including murder… to see to it that he does not succeed.
Labels: blogging, Brent Bozell, media research center, newsbusters, paul hollrah