VA Org Mailing Voter Registration Forms Based on Partisan Firm Catalist's Data
Well, at least someone is paying attention. Glad the SBE did something.

The story is from "Duffel Blog" which is a Military version of the Onion.
My bad. It WOULD be funny if true.
By the way, go visit Sean's blog, A NC Gun Blog. It's well worth your time.
Thanks, Sean.
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina – Enlisted Marines everywhere were stunned this week after learning that the creator of enlisted-life comic strip Terminal Lance is actually former Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent. “We’d been getting a s##tload of negative feedback over all the safety briefs we were subjecting our Marines to,” said Sergeant Major Kent. “I mean, you can only listen to so many of the f##kers before you just tune them out.”“But you devil dogs wanna keep crashing your brand-new crotch rocket motorcycles that you just bought with 18% APR and then killing yourselves after your wife leaves you cause you’re 20 grand in the hole and eating dog food every night. So bottom line is we needed a new way to reach out.”
“I said to General Conway, ‘Man, it would be f##king great if we just had some comic that all the E-3′s read, and we could just insert our messages into that.’ Conway looks at me and says ‘S##t yeah, Sergeant Major, I think you’ve got something there’. And so the idea for Terminal Lance was born.”
According to Sergeant Major Kent, writing under a pen name was essential.
“No one’s gonna listen to dumb ole’ Sergeant Major, especially the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, but they will listen to a fellow Lance Corporal, so that’s who I had to pretend to be. ‘Maximilian Uriarte’ is actually an anagram for ‘Do Your Leading Marines MCI’. I’m amazed no one caught it earlier. Then we hired some combat camera guy as our front man and made a bunch of videos of him with #####hanging out.
I always knew you Marines were sneaky.
Labels: Marines
We are reaching dangerous critical mass of those in our country who have enough stake in big government – whether they are employed by it, collecting benefits from it, or businesses getting favors from it – that political protection is commanding a higher premium than freedom.Just think about this: if everyone is getting something from the government, no one is putting anything back in. When the roads and bridges start failing because there are no small businesses or employees to maintain them, don't bitch about it. Its your fault.
If Americans want prosperity, we need a grand reawakening to the incontrovertible fact that its source is entrepreneurs unfettered by meddling politicians.
Our Founding Fathers recognized that part of our birthright as humans in general, but Americans in particular, is the possession of natural rights that cannot be controlled, denied, or otherwise constricted by a man-made government. They took pains to communicate this to us via the Bill of Rights, in which one of the rights they explicitly listed was the right to keep and bear arms.
According to the Founders, the right not only to keep arms but also to bear the arms we keep, "shall not be infringed." Moreover, they held that this right, above and beyond all others, is "necessary to the security of a free state."
Because this right transcends man-made governments, even the U.S. government, it most certainly transcends any treaty the U.N. can produce. This fact needs to pervade our psyches, as we need to be confident in the knowledge of the rights that are ours by birth.
The 2nd Amendment "shall not be infringed."
Early this afternoon, I was on “The Jack Riccardi Show” on KTSA-AM, San Antonio’s ABC Radio station, to talk about “The Dark Knight Rises” (read my review) and this morning’s massacre of moviegoers at a showing of the movie in Aurora, Colorado. On the show, I was asked by Jack if I thought the attack was based on the content and message of the movie or if, as he thought, it was just done there because the killer, Jack Holmes, knew there would be a crowd. I agreed with Jack. But I also said that it was ridiculous to paint Holmes, about whom we knew nothing, as a Tea Party activist. I added that if he were any sort of activist and if his attack were based on the movie, he’d have to be from Occupy or Occupy Wall Street, since the movie’s villain, a terrorist named, “Bane,” has an Occupy message against the rich, and he’s a violent, murderous terrorist. Since then, Twitter’s been lit up with attacks on me by pro-Obama Occupy activists (check out some of the attacks, below). But, now, it turns out I may have been on to something. Private Investigator Bill Warner believes that Holmes was an activist in Black Bloc, the extremist offshoot of the Occupy movement. Here’s why Bill thinks Holmes is part of Black Bloc, whose members often wear all black and gas masks:
Learn more:Staged just in time for a vote on the UN small arms treaty?
More and more, this shooting is looking like a deliberate plot staged by the government itself much like Operation Fast and Furious pulled off by the ATF ( which helped smuggle tens of thousands of guns into Mexico for the purpose of causing "gun violence" in the USA, then blaming the Second Amendment for it.
All this looks like James Holmes completed a "mission" and then calmly ended that mission by surrendering to police and admitting everything. The mission, as we are now learning, was to cause as much terror and mayhem as possible, then to have that multiplied by the national media at exactly the right time leading up the UN vote next week on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. (
Even wrote about this quite extensively, warning readers about the coming gun confiscation effort related to the UN treaty. The story was authored by Larry Bell ( and says the UN treaty could "override our national sovereignty, and in the process, provide license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights."
In other words, this has all the signs of Fast & Furious, Episode II. I wouldn't be surprised to discover someone in Washington was behind it all. After all, there's no quicker way to disarm a nation and take total control over the population than to stage violence, blame it on firearms, then call for leaders to "do something!" Such calls inevitably end up resulting in gun confiscation, and it's never too long after that before government genocide really kicks in like we saw with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and other tyrants.
Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear?
If you start to look at the really big picture here, the obvious question arises: How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, "flammable" booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet, SWAT uniform and all the rest of it?
A decent AR-15 rifle costs $1,000 or more all by itself. The shotgun and handgun might run another $800 total. Spare mags, sights, slings, and so on will run you at least another $1,000 across three firearms. The bullet-proof vest is easily another $800, and the cost of the bomb-making gear is anybody's guess. With all the specialty body gear, ammunition, booby-trap devices and more, I'm guessing this is at least $20,000 in weapons and tactical gear, much of which is very difficult for civilians to get in the first place.
The mere manufacture of an explosive booby-trap device is, all by itself, a felony crime by the way. And remember: "Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes' apartment is booby-trapped with a 'sophisticated' maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it," reported Yahoo News (
Question: Where does an unemployed, introverted medical school student get the training to deploy sophisticated booby traps, tactical body armor, weapons systems and more? Certainly not in graduate school!
All this leads to an obvious third party influence over all this. Someone else taught this guy these skills and funded the acquisition of the equipment.
Note: Some readers have questioned the $20,000 figure estimated here, saying this gear could have been acquired for only $10,000 or so. I doubt that, as all the extras that you need to effectively run these guns cost a lot of money: training courses, spare magazines, etc. Just a decent AR-15 battle sight (a holographic red dot sight) can run $1,000 - $2,000. Search "ACOG" if you don't believe me. It is also reported that Holmes bought 6,000 rounds of ammo, which definitely isn't cheap either. It's clear this guy was spending big bucks. Whether it's $10k or $20k isn't really that much of a point.
Labels: dhimmicrats, enemedia, race hustling poverty pimps, top ten
Combine a Midwestern drought with pointless ethanol mandates, and the supplies of corn inevitably dwindle, driving prices sky high. Politicians like Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri Democrat, are citing the crop crisis as an excuse to ram through a near-$1 trillion farm bill. While a bit of that cash might find its way to a small farmer, the bulk of the loot will be transferred to individuals who are anything but poor. Like the bank bailouts and TARP, the farm bill illustrates the capture of the legislative process by special interests.
The last farm bill in 2008 was the focus of $173.5 million in lobbying expenditure, according to a report released Tuesday by Food Water Watch. This is all money spent on what the Mercatus Center’s Matthew Mitchell calls “unproductive entrepreneurship” where people are organizing and expending their talent to become rent seekers, and the end result is wealth redistribution, not wealth creation.
Real entrepreneurship innovates in ways that are socially useful. Cronyism diverts resources — both money and talent — into a system that rewards privileges to favored groups. In the case of the 2008 farm bill, recipients of subsidies of $30,000 or more had an average household income of $210,000.
The greatest scourge to the honest Midwest farmer is not unfavorable weather, pestilence or disease. Far worse for them is the plague of politicians who create an artificial market in which only those with influence can truly compete. Defeating the budget-busting 2012 farm bill is the best chance at a good harvest.
The presidential election has given us two myths about the rich. First, that their incomes, and income inequality, are at all-time highs. Second, that the wealthy pay less in taxes than ever, and lower taxes than the rest of us.The rest of the article is here.
A recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, however, suggests that both may be false.
Let’s consider income first. Between 2007 and 2009, after-tax earnings by Americans in the top one percent for income fell 37 percent. On a pre-tax basis they fell 36 percent in the same period.
It is this view of successful businesses—essentially, “You owe us”—that drives Obama’s continued attacks on the country’s job creators in the form of tax hikes and regulations.
It’s a tough time to be a business owner and entrepreneur in America. Surveys show small business owners are struggling, and they are not expanding or hiring because of tax and regulatory uncertainty. Federal agencies, from Health and Human Services to the Environmental Protection Agency, are regulating them to death. And just last week, President Obama announced his latest economic plan was to hit job creators with a tax increase.
The President’s plan to raise taxes on earnings above $200,000 ($250,000 for joint filers) would hit 1.2 million small-business employers who pay their taxes through the individual income tax, known as flow-through businesses. These businesses that are creating jobs earn almost all—91 percent—of the income earned by flow-through employer-businesses.
The new tax increase could be equivalent to one employee per small business. According to calculations by The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis, the average American with $250,000 or more in income can expect an average $24,888 tax increase next year under Obama’s proposed policies. That $24,888 figure is often enough for a salary. So the President could be putting about 1.2 million jobs—perhaps even more—at risk with this tax hike.
Hitting private job creators while advocating more stimulus spending and government jobs. That’s the President’s plan for the economy.
The Obama campaign has been blaming Mitt Romney for the failure of the GST Steel Company in 2001, conveniently ignoring the fact that Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, which had taken over GST, in 1999. This in itself is a dishonest attack, which will surprise no one, but it gets even more egregious when coupled with this salient fact: one of Barack Obama’s top bundlers, Jonathan Lavine, managing director at Bain, who has bundled between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, was one of the guys running Bain when GST went belly-up.
It will be hard for Obama to knock Romney on steel; when Romney was at Bain in 1994, he helped launch Steel Dynamics, which currently employs over 6,000 people. When it comes to investment choice and American job creation, Obama is simply no match for Romney.
By screaming racism (which is what "birther" really means) and claiming perfectly valid criticism of Obama is "dangerous," this is how the media protects Obama from effective criticism and spins that criticism around into an attack against Republicans.In 2008, using this partisan tactic, the media was able to intimidate and cow John McCain into submission. In fact, when Sarah Palin started hitting Obama for his relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, out of whole cloth the media made up the charge that someone at a Palin rally screamed, "Kill him!," in reference to Obama.You see, this is how the corrupt media attempts to snuff out criticism Obama can't weather. If they can't call the criticism racist they call it dangerous. And if they have to, the media will simply create a narrative based on what they know is a lie.The corrupt media refuses to vet Obama, because they know that if they did, he would lose. This means that they must also stop Republicans from discussing Obama's past by any means necessary. And this includes bullying Obama's critics by declaring their criticism "racist" and "dangerous."Hopefully, Mitt Romney learned a thing or two watching what happened to McCain and will keep on keeping on.
By focusing on nonsense and on Romney, the media can protect Obama from what you see below --which is an economy and Americans in very real trouble.1. Weekly jobless claims shot up to 386,000.2. Foreclosures are hitting our most vulnerable citizens.3. Factory activity contracted for a second month in a row.4. Home sales dropped a whopping 5.4% -- the biggest drop in nine months.5. Retail sales dropped for the third straight month.6. Consumer confidence dipped to 84.7.7. U.S. business inventories increased by .3%...8. …sales dropped .1%.9. Food prices are skyrocketing.10. More Americans are getting federal disability than jobs.
Labels: 0bama, bridges, construction, corrupt Obama, Dr Zero, roads, small business
Were it not for the collective willful amnesia on the part of academia and the media regarding communist subversion in the United States, would Barack Obama be in the White House today?
The question comes to mind when reading Paul Kengor’s intriguing political mystery tale about “Frank,” Obama’s much-admired mentor in Dreams from My Father. His identity has been established as Frank Marshall Davis (by biographers sympathetic to Obama). In The Communist, Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, Kengor presents a gripping narrative about a man who represents an ignored part of American history: the exploitation of African Americans by the Soviet Union for subversive purposes.
The communists’ campaign began in the 1920s. Then, the Comintern was preparing to bring a dozen black Americans to Moscow for training in propaganda and agitation for a separate “Negro Republic” in the South (that would then join a workers’ uprising in the North). Among the dupes: Paul Robeson, who went on to fame and fortune as a result; Richard Wright, who went on to repudiate communism; and Lovett Fort-Whiteman, who was among the dozen who moved to the USSR in 1930 and who perished in the gulag after daring to object to being kept from returning to the United States.
The other ignored history is that of Barack Obama, who before he even held elective office provided an autobiography with the mystery man “Frank.” When Frank Marshall Davis’s FBI file was obtained and posted online by investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid, the mainstream media ignored it. In May 2008, when Kincaid held a press conference releasing a report on Davis coauthored with Herb Romerstein, they were mocked by Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank. As the 2008 campaign season geared up, reporters for AP, the Washington Post, and Newsweek ignored the evidence about Davis’s communism, even as they wrote profiles of the mentor.
The fact is, the House has only voted twice -- not 33 times -- to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. And the two times includes the July 11 vote. Regardless of the truth, media outlet after media outlet parroted the "33rd vote to repeal" narrative.
One example is Daniel Akst of Newsday, who scolded Republicans for this repeal attempt. "Despite a host of pressing national problems, House Republicans today voted for the 33rd time to repeal President Obama's health care law," Akst scornfully wrote.
Akst's partisan "those-evil-Republicans" narrative was the one most media outlets followed.
A few more examples: McClatchy-Tribune took up the claim. Naturally, so did Lawrence (Liar Liar) O'Donnell on an MSNBC show. Bloomberg threw out the claim, as did CBS News. The L.A. Times joined them.
In short, nearly every paper, TV News outlet and cable channel uncorked this "33rd repeal" nonsense.
So, how did the Old Media get to a claim of a "33rd repeal vote"? By including the 31 other votes that removed small parts of Obamacare. It should be noted that most of those votes were a bipartisan repealing of small segments of Obamacare.
Remember when former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi chortled that we'd have to pass Obamacare before we'd know what's in it? Well, once the Democrats forced passage of that flawed bill stuffed with un-vetted and destructive provisions, many Democrats were shocked by the garbage stuffed into the 2,700 pages of Obamacare, pages not one single lawmaker ever read before voting on the bill.
Romney needs to get above all this and reset the narrative. Every debate comes down to a 30-second position and a 5-minute position. The person who can explain their position in 30 seconds will always beat the person who needs 5 minutes. Romney is in danger of going into the fall with a 5 minute position as it relates to his wealth and Bain Capital.
Obama is basing his campaign on an out-right assault against free enterprise. In recent days, he has argued that those who are successful in business are "lucky" or their success was dependent on government building "roads and bridges" or providing other support.
His lack of understanding of the private sector or investment, risk, and profit are mind-boggling. He is using this rhetoric and his attacks on Bain to shift the public's understanding of markets and the economy in a very radical way. He is stoking the embers of class resentment to cast the wealthy, at least those who aren't his donors, as an object of contempt. To secure reelection, he is willing to burn down ideals our country has held since its founding.
4. Race. Racial acrimony sadly is already rising. The more the growing irrelevance of race in society at large, the more the desperation of those careers that cannot continue without it. Rev. Wright, Obama pastor emeritus, last week was, in Alfred Rosenberg-fashion, bemoaning evil “white DNA.” I’ll pass on the NAACP convention other than to note that the media sought to accuse Romney of racism because he had the fortitude to give his plain message to an audience without pandering. Somehow skipping a sympathetic national NAACP meeting is expected, but venturing into a hostile crowd and trying to win it over with racially blind arguments to economic reason is racist. Suddenly, in the last month or so, everyone from Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock, and James Earl Jones—fading careers all—to the Congressional Black Caucus have weighed in with charges of racism, and sometimes incoherently and in racialist fashion themselves. In the cases of Freeman and Rock, obsession with “white” has become a serial habit.
This is only the beginning. Expect a lot more brief suspensions at MSNBC or CNN as commentators indulge in racially polarizing smears. Eric Holder has already trumped “cowards,” “my people,” and the release of the Black Panthers with accusations that congressional inquirers were racist, as was the Arizona immigration law, as was asking for an ID to vote… as is about everything. And before October passes, “clingers,” “typical white person,” “punish our enemies,” and the quips about Skip Gates and Trayvon Martin will seem passé and mild. It is not going to be an easy thing to watch, because the no-win logic demands that voting for Obama in 2008 won racial redemption and voting against him in 2012 is proof of racism. End of story. Anything less than 45% of the white vote for Obama is proof of racism; more than 95% of the black vote for Obama is proof of sobriety and open-mindedness. Without evil white men behind the curtain with gears and pulleys, there is only disinterested judgment of the economic record that the Congressional Black Caucus and Barack Obama helped craft—one that has set back the inner city and race relations in general two decades.
We have an ugly summer ahead of us.
5. October surprise. This is an old charge against every incumbent, but we all know presidents facing reelection or impeachment can time foreign adventures at opportune times. Nixon went to high-defense alert during Watergate. Bill Clinton wagged the dog against terrorist targets during Monicagate. We never quite knew what both Carter was trying to do with Iran as his polls in the last two weeks slumped or what he accused the Reagan campaign of trying to do. The first siege of Fallujah was called off in 2004—only to be renewed after the election. Obama has already tipped his hand on Russia, with assurances that after the election he will do things he will not do now. And so on. I would expect a real chance for a preemptive strike against Iran, or perhaps even a few UN-approved lead-from-behind bombings in Syria—but only if Obama were 5 points or more behind in the polls and Putin gave him permission. The Right would rally to American soldiers under fire and the national interest, and, as we saw with renditions, preventative detentions, Guantanamo, the Patriot Act, predators, and military tribunals, the Left worries only about supposedly anti-constitutional protocols and the use of military force as clubs to bash conservative presidents. The Left would complain about a strike on Iran about as much as they did an open Guantanamo or a 2,000+ Predator assassination tally—as former Bush (“torturer in chief”) critic Harold Koh would write yet another State Department legal brief reminding us that bombing the hell out of an opponent was not really a military operation. Bottom line: watch U.S. naval and air deployments in late September.
I don’t know who Mitt Romney will choose as his running mate. There are many good men and women that would be outstanding in that role. But I don’t believe he could do much better than having Allen West to stand with him against Barack Obama and Joe Biden. In a battle this important, I certainly know I would want Allen West standing beside me.I have to put that paragraph in a quotebox because I didn't write it. But I could have.
It only takes Ronald Reagan five minutes to demonstrate the fallacies of the great destroyer of prosperity known as Socialism. This hilarious animated video features some of the prominent political figures of our time. All proponents of capitalism and free market should watch. You never know when you’ll come across a confused, mentally challenged liberal.Yea, I know. That last sentence is redundant.
Summary as passed Senate: (all summaries) Constitutional amendment (second resolution); taking or damaging of private property; public use. Revises the prohibition on the enactment by the General Assembly of laws whereby private property may be taken or damaged. An existing provision authorizing the General Assembly to define what constitutes a public use is removed. The proposed amendment provides that private property can be taken or damaged only for a public use, only with just compensation to the owner, and only so much taken as is necessary for the public use. Just compensation must equal or exceed the value of the property taken, lost profits and lost access, and damages to the residue caused by the taking. A public service company, public service corporation, or railroad exercises the power of eminent domain for public use when such exercise is for the authorized provision of utility, common carrier, or railroad services. In all other cases, a taking or damaging of private property is not for public use if the primary use is for private gain, private benefit, private enterprise, increasing jobs, increasing tax revenue, or economic development, except for the elimination of a public nuisance existing on the property. The condemnor bears the burden of proving that the use is public, without a presumption that it is. The Resolution incorporates SJ 67 and SJ 117. Full text: 11/21/11 Senate: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/12 12100006D pdf | impact statement 01/31/12 Senate: Committee substitute printed 12104981D-S1 pdf 03/15/12 Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SJ3ER) pdf 04/10/12 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0738) pdf Status: 11/21/11 Senate: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/12 12100006D 11/21/11 Senate: Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections 01/31/12 Senate: Reported from Privileges and Elections with substitute (13-Y 2-N) 01/31/12 Senate: Committee substitute printed 12104981D-S1 02/01/12 Senate: Incorporates SJ67 02/01/12 Senate: Incorporates SJ117 02/02/12 Senate: Read first time 02/03/12 Senate: Read second time 02/03/12 Senate: Passed by for the day 02/06/12 Senate: Read second time 02/06/12 Senate: Passed by for the day 02/07/12 Senate: Passed by for the day 02/08/12 Senate: Passed by for the day 02/09/12 Senate: Passed by for the day 02/10/12 Senate: Read second time 02/10/12 Senate: Reading of substitute waived 02/10/12 Senate: Committee substitute agreed to 12104981D-S1 02/10/12 Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute SJ3S1 02/13/12 Senate: Read third time and agreed to by Senate (23-Y 16-N) 02/13/12 Senate: Reconsideration of passage agreed to by Senate (40-Y 0-N) 02/13/12 Senate: Agreed to by Senate (23-Y 17-N) 02/15/12 House: Placed on Calendar 02/15/12 House: Read first time 02/15/12 House: Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections 02/16/12 House: Assigned P & E sub: Constitutional Amendments Subcommittee 02/27/12 House: Subcommittee recommends reporting (6-Y 0-N) 03/02/12 House: Reported from Privileges and Elections (20-Y 2-N) 03/06/12 House: Taken up 03/06/12 House: Agreed to by House (83-Y 17-N) 03/06/12 House: VOTE: ADOPTION (83-Y 17-N) 03/15/12 Senate: Enrolled 03/15/12 Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SJ3ER) 03/15/12 House: Signed by Speaker 03/17/12 Senate: Signed by President 04/09/12 House: Assigned Chapter 738 (effective - see bill) 04/10/12 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0738) |
Labels: eminent domain, Kelo Decision, private property, property rights, VA Senate, virginia
Labels: Black Five, Cooking With the Troops, Laughing Wolf, Susan Katz-Keating
The left media knows “Mitt Romney Gets A $50 Tax Deduction” isn’t a great headline. Their easy solution: when the facts don’t serve the narrative, just ignore the facts.Its so much easier to make stuff up than it is to do the research and gather the facts. Hell, I can do that, and I'm just/only a blogger.
A representative from Koch Companies Public Sector responded to CBS News with the following statement via email:
In 2010, influenced by the Tea Party and its focus on fiscal issues, 17 states elected Republican governors. And, according to an analysis, every one of those states saw a drop in their unemployment rates since January of 2011. Furthermore, the average drop in the unemployment rate in these states was 1.35%, compared to the national decline of .9%, which means, according to the analysis, that the job market in these Republican states is improving 50% faster than the national rate.
Since January of 2011, here is how much the unemployment rate declined in each of the 17 states that elected Republican governors in 2010, according to the Examiner:
Kansas - 6.9% to 6.1% = a decline of 0.8%Maine - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%Michigan - 10.9% to 8.5% = a decline of 2.4%New Mexico - 7.7% to 6.7% = a decline of 1.0%Oklahoma - 6.2% to 4.8% = a decline of 1.4%Pennsylvania - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%Tennessee - 9.5% to 7.9% = a decline of 1.6%Wisconsin - 7.7% to 6.8% = a decline of 0.9%Wyoming - 6.3% to 5.2% = a decline of 1.1%Alabama - 9.3% to 7.4% = a decline of 1.9%Georgia - 10.1% to 8.9% = a decline of 1.2%South Carolina - 10.6% to 9.1% = a decline of 1.5%South Dakota - 5.0% to 4.3% = a decline of 0.7%Florida - 10.9% to 8.6% = a decline of 2.3%Nevada - 13.8% to 11.6% = a decline of 2.2%Iowa - 6.1% to 5.1% = a decline of 1.0%Ohio - 9.0% to 7.3% = a decline of 1.7%On the other hand, the unemployment rate in states that elected Democrats in 2010 dropped, on average, as much as the national rate decline and, in some states such as New York, the unemployment rate has risen since January of 2011.
This is yet another example of how the so-called “blue state” model is not working.
The Activist Old Media is making it very clear who they want to win the White House in 2012. It's the same guy they were rooting for in 2008.
Lowering gas prices is one of the weapons they will use to try to convince you that Barack Obama is fixing this economy that, in reality, is still spinning very much out of control. Reality be damned, they have an election to win for the Democrat this fall.
On ABC's "Good Morning America" Monday, the anchors were talking about falling gas prices, and reporter Paula Faris said something so blatantly biased I almost couldn't believe ABC would allow it. She said, "The best news, it (the gas price) might drop another 50 cents by Halloween, just before the election."
Why bring the election into this? I don't fill up my tank wondering what the price will be in the fall. I look at the price on the pump now. It's almost like they have something mapped out here, sort of like a template that they are putting together between now and November to tell the story they want. Is that how you do news?
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Labels: Semper Fidelis
FactCheck.Org keeps most of its focus on the Obama campaign's ads and statements, but you can also read this as a repudiation of the Washington Post's now discredited reporting.
The evidence is now irrefutable. The Post and the Obama campaign not only coordinated an attack against Mitt Romney, they coordinated a false attack against Mitt Romney.
As you know, I'm no fan of these dishonest media fact-checkers and find myself uncomfortable citing them, even to back our side up. But knowing what I know about how these fact-checkers were designed by the media to undermine criticisms and potential narratives that might damage Obama means that this kind of exception is notable.
Obama accuses Romney in a series of TV ads of being a “corporate raider” who “shipped jobs to China and Mexico,” asking if voters want to elect an “outsourcer in chief.” But some of the claims in the ads are untrue, and others are thinly supported.
Bain Capital, the venture capital firm founded by Romney in 1984, is the focus of the Obama campaign’s attacks. There is no question that Bain invested in some companies that helped other companies outsource work and that some of that work went overseas. That was the core business for Modus Media and SMTC Corp. — two outsource companies featured in a June 21 article in the Washington Post that has been the basis of recent Obama TV ads. Bain also invested in U.S.-based companies that sold goods manufactured here and abroad, and some of those companies closed U.S. facilities and eliminated U.S. jobs.
But after reviewing numerous corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contemporary news accounts, company histories and press releases, and the evidence offered by both the Obama and Romney campaigns, we found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas.
- One TV ad, called “Come and Go,” claims that Romney “shipped jobs to China and Mexico.” But two examples cited by the Obama campaign occurred after Romney left Bain. There’s no clear evidence that a third company shipped jobs to China under Romney.
- A second ad called “Revealed” mocks Romney’s tough talk about cracking down on China’s trade practices by saying “all he’s ever done is send them our jobs” and citing the Washington Post article. But the newspaper article contained no examples of U.S. jobs being shipped to China while Romney was working at Bain.
- The “Come and Go” ad casts Romney as a “corporate raider,” but that term, loaded with negative connotations, is simply inaccurate. Bain didn’t engage in hostile takeovers when Romney was at the helm.
- That ad also repeats the claim that as governor of Massachusetts, Romney was “outsourcing state jobs to India.” But it wasn’t the state that outsourced contracts. Rather, Romney vetoed a measure that would have prevented the state from doing business with a state contractor that was locating state customer-service calls in India.
The ‘Obama Truth Team’ is an outreach of the Obama 2012 re-election campaign that urges supporters to “help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record” by reporting supposed misrepresentations and lies. However, as ABC News reported, the ‘Truth Team’ has mischaracterized legitimate criticism as smears in an effort to chill dissent against Obama. It has also been caught fibbing on a number of other occasions.
The same methods of intimidation were also very much in force during the 2008 campaign season. Under the guise of the ‘Obama Truth Squad’, influential public figures in Missouri including St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, promised to “respond quickly, forcefully, and aggressively” to “lies” about Obama.
As ABC News highlighted, this helped to create a chilling atmosphere in which “Missourians might be afraid of being prosecuted for criticizing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.”
Labels: blood sucking heartless dhimmicrats, free speech for thee but not for me, free speech my ass, stormtrooper