Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beating a Dead Horse: The Left Media Lies About Romney Taxes

Beating a Dead Horse: The Left Media Lies About Romney Taxes
The left media knows “Mitt Romney Gets A $50 Tax Deduction” isn’t a great headline. Their easy solution: when the facts don’t serve the narrative, just ignore the facts.
Its so much easier to make stuff up than it is to do the research and gather the facts. Hell, I can do that, and I'm just/only a blogger.

However, I know a Marxist when I hear one and Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist. He was raised as a Marxist. He believes in the power of himself in government. He believes in the power of government to force citizens to obey. He has surrounded himself with Marxists and useful idiots to further that power.

Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama as Supreme Ruler, Dear Leader, The One will complete the destruction of the America we were given by men who understood the power of self-reliance and free-will.


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