SurveyUSA: Sen. Allen 56%, Mr. Webb 37%

56% Allen (R)(blue)
37% Webb (D)(red)
2% Parker (IG)
3% Other
3% Undecided
SurveyUSA has the analysis. Release date 06/28/06

(MONONGAHELA, June 29) – Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey – responding to a statement by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, in which Pelosi says the Supreme Court’s decision in the Guantanamo Bay case “reaffirms the rule of law” – today released the following statement:
“A little while ago, Nancy Pelosi released a statement to the press regarding today’s Supreme Court decision on military commissions trying detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Here’s what she said:
“Today’s Supreme Court decision reaffirms the American ideal that all are entitled to the basic guarantees of our justice system. This is a triumph for the rule of law.
“The rights of due process are among our most cherished liberties, and today’s decision is … a reminder of our responsibility to protect both the American people and our Constitutional rights. We cannot allow the values on which our country was founded to become a casualty in the war on terrorism.”
“I welcome Ms. Pelosi to the Irey Campaign Team, and hereby deputize her as a Colonel in the Irey Army – because in releasing that statement, she rebukes Jack Murtha for his reckless condemnation of U.S. Marines at Haditha and his unilateral decision to deprive them of THEIR rights of due process.
“Jack Murtha declared on May 17 that our Marines had ‘killed innocent civilians in cold blood’ – before the first Marine was charged, before the first court-martial was convened, before the first soldier was convicted. When he did that, he deprived our own soldiers of the very rights to due process that Nancy Pelosi extols.
“It’s an odd world, indeed, when Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha care more about making sure that people trying to kill us have rights to due process under the American legal system than they care about making sure that those very same rights apply to those courageous men and women sitting in the sands of Iraq, doing their best to defend us.
“I knew our campaign against Jack Murtha was making progress, but even I didn’t expect to have the top Democrat in the House joining our team so soon.”
With any proposal, sooner or later the naysayers start their doom-and-gloom predictions. The FairTax proposal is no exception. There are those out there whining and crying about how "it won't really work that way", despite the fact that the current income tax system isn't working
the way it's supposed to work. I suppose their fear is exchanging the devil they know for the devil they don't know. In this article, I'll highlight some of their worries and attempt to dispel them.
A national sales tax will create a huge black market.
Among all the arguments to be made against the FairTax, perhaps this one holds the least water. Arguments are made that this "black market" will spring up, with people "illegally trading DVDs, cigarettes, canned foods" yada yada yada. OK, illegally trading? What's illegal today about trading those items? Nothing! So what's the problem?
"They'll be avoiding the tax!"
And that's bad, why? My wife buys romance novels at a used book store now. She'd be avoiding the tax, too. She's also reading books that everyone else read weeks or months ago. I say, "Come on, black market!" Only the market won't be black. It can be right in a store front, advertising used books, consignment shops for clothes, furniture, camping equipment, you name it! A whole new type of business will emerge! That will be great for the economy, right? Right!The national sales tax will give government another reason to make cash purchases illegal.
Those making this argument claim that paying with cash will make it easier to avoid paying the tax. This is simply ridiculous. Number one, most businesses are run by honest, dependable people. It's not the business owner that's being taxed, remember, it's the purchaser of goods
and services. With penalties for those who attempt to cheat the system, the onus is on the business to be open and above-board in collecting and paying the tax. The businesses will keep a small percentage of what they collect in order to offset their expenses in collecting and reporting
the tax! While the consumer might hope for a break from the tax, it would be the rare businessman who would collude with the consumer in his scheme to avoid the tax!
The tax will be used to track your entire financial life.
Coming so closely after the previous argument, you have to laugh. First folks are going to pay with cash to avoid the tax, then the tax will be used to track your entire financial life. Unbelievable. How so? You're not filing a return, are you? To do this, the government would
have to:
But remember, the tax applies to new goods and services only. Don't want the government to know you bought that new Humvee? Get last year's model from a used car dealer. Want a couple of evening gowns? Hit the new consignment shop that just opened up a few blocks from your
work. But do you know why the government won't track your entire financial life? Simply put, you're not that big a deal. Sorry to deflate your ego, but why would the government care to delve into your personal finances? They don't care what you spend money on, as long as they get their cut!
Simply put, any tax scheme can run rampant over the American people without diligent and unceasing attention on the part of the American taxpayer. It is up to you and I to keep our government on a short leash. We must realize that there are no free rides. When the government gives you something, they have to take something away from you first in order to do so.
As author Edward Abbey said, "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government."TD
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to join us, please e-mail Terry or Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.Press Releases
Webb Joins Kerry, Kennedy, Schumer in Opposing Flag Amendment
Protecting Flag Dismissed as ‘Divisive Politics’ by Webb
Contact: Bill Bozin (703) xxx-xxxx
ARLINGTON, VA – Democratic Senate candidate James H. Webb, Jr. has joined Senators John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer in opposing a constitutional amendment authorizing Congress to protect the American Flag according to today’s Newport News Daily Press.
“James H. Webb, Jr. continues to demonstrate he is totally beholden to the liberal Washington Senators who dragged him across the line in the Democratic primary,” said Dick Wadhams, campaign manager for U.S. Senator George Allen’s reelection campaign. “By announcing his opposition to the Flag Protection Amendment, James H. Webb, Jr. puts himself firmly on the side of John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer.”
Webb was forced to finally reveal his position on the Flag Protection Amendment following a challenge yesterday by Senator Allen’s campaign. The Senate is debating and voting this week on the proposed constitutional amendment which would authorize Congress to “prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.” Senator Allen is a cosponsor of the amendment.
Today’s Newport News Daily Press reported that Webb’s campaign said he was opposed to the amendment and dismissed it as “divisive politics that distract Americans from the real issues that are facing our country.”
“Now that we know that James H. Webb, Jr. is following Kerry, Kennedy and Schumer in opposing the Flag Protection Amendment, maybe he will finally take a position on other ‘real issues’ such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and immigration,” Wadhams said. “His positions change daily.”
# # #
Paid for by Friends of George Allen
Contact: Jeff Pyatt
(703) 778-4080 x202
June 27, 2006
Webb Campaign Blasts Allen Campaign for “Weak-Kneed Attacks” Against Men and Women in Uniform
Arlington—The campaign of U.S. Senate candidate Jim Webb today called the attacks on Webb’s patriotism by Allen’s campaign, “weak-kneed attacks by cowards” and demanded that Allen and his campaign apologize.
“George Felix Allen Jr. and his bush-league lapdog, Dick Wadhams, have not earned the right to challenge Jim Webb’s position on free speech and flag burning. Jim Webb served and fought for our flag and what it stands for, while George Felix Allen Jr. chose to cut and run. When he and his disrespectful campaign puppets attack Jim Webb they are attacking every man and woman who served. Their comments are nothing more than weak-kneed attacks by cowards. George Felix Allen Jr. needs to apologize to Jim Webb and to all men and women who have served our nation,” Webb spokesman Steve Jarding said.
On Tuesday, George Felix Allen Jr. and his campaign issued a press release in which the Allen campaign, through Wadhams, implied that Webb’s position in support of the Free Speech Amendment to the U.S. Constitution amounted to a political act and not a defense of our Constitution, which Webb fought for and for which he was highly decorated. George Felix Allen Jr. did not serve.
“I believe it is precisely because of bush-league attacks like this that John Zogby, a highly respected, independent polling expert just this week said that Dick Wadhams is not fit to serve as a campaign manager and that George Allen should find a new manager,” Jarding said.
“While Jim Webb and others of George Felix Allen Jr.’s generation were fighting for our freedoms and for our symbols of freedom in Vietnam, George Felix Allen Jr. was playing cowboy at a dude ranch in Nevada. People who live in glass dude ranches should not question the patriotism of real soldiers who fought and bled for this country on a real battlefield,” Jarding said.
“Is Dick Wadhams willing to publicly say that Colin Powell, John Glenn and Bob Kerrey are unpatriotic for having the same position on the flag burning amendment that Jim Webb has? Ask him,” Jarding said.
Jarding continued, “The following is why George Felix Allen Jr. has not earned the right to challenge Jim Webb in his support of our Constitution and its free speech provisions:
* Jim Webb was first in this class of 243 at the Marine Corps Officer’s Basic School in Quantico, Virginia.
* Jim Webb served with the Fifth Marine Regiment in Vietnam, where as a rifle platoon and company commander in the infamous An Hoa Basin west of Danang.
* Jim Webb was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal, two Bronze Star Medals and two Purple Hearts while fighting in Vietnam.
* Jim Webb served as a platoon commander and as an instructor in tactics and weapons at Marine Corps Officer Candidates School.
* Jim Webb served in the US Congress as counsel to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from 1977 to 1981, becoming the first Vietnam veteran to serve as a full committee counsel in the Congress.
* In 1982, Jim Webb first proposed, then led the fight for including an African American soldier in the memorial statue that now graces the Vietnam Veterans memorial on the National Mall.
* In 1984, Jim Webb was appointed the inaugural Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, where he traveled extensively in, and worked closely with, our NATO allies. As Assistant Secretary, Webb directed considerable research and analysis of the U.S. military’s mobilization capabilities.
* In 1987, Jim Webb was appointed Secretary of the Navy becoming the first Naval Academy graduate in history to serve in the military and be appointed Secretary of the Navy.
* In addition to his wartime medals, Jim Webb has been awarded the following medals and citations:
o The Department of Defense distinguished Public Service Medal
o The Medal of Honor Society’s Patriot Award
o The American Legion National Commander’s Public Service Award
o The VFW’s Media Service Award
o The Marine Corps League’s Military Order of the Iron Mike Award
o The John Russell Leadership Award
o The Robert L. Denig Distinguished Service Award.
Paid for by Jim Webb for U.S. Senate
Burning the American flag was unlawful in this country (in 48 states) for many, many years. Since before any of us were born, at least. This may come as a shock, but it wasn't until just recently, 1989 to be exact, that a liberal (in the literal sense of the word) Supreme Court decided that the freedom of speech clause in the 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights protected something creatively called "symbolic speech."
I hate it when a Soldier dies. I hate it even more when a Soldier is tortured and brutally killed, while the ACLU is off and fighting for Terrorists to have the same civil rights as you or I. It frustrates me that we have people in our country that are scared to win.
“That plunge is a major factor in our recent soaring deficits. Indeed, international corporations are essentially “voluntary” taxpayers today, paying only that amount in taxes that they believe will avoid attracting embarrassing news coverage. These corporations believe that our draconian tax structures make their actions necessary. The OFCs [offshore financial centers, or banks - TD] make their plans feasible” [Emphasis added - TD]
by Terry of The Right Track
There are many reasons to support the FairTax. I managed to do a little research, and found some rather unique points of view that I had not previously considered, and was reminded of some previously-covered ideas that are still worth mentioning.
But even with all this, we must remember that the FairTax initiative is a grassroots effort. If your Senator or Representative does not support the FairTax, find out why. Then let them know that you do support it. Make phone calls, write letters. Let your friends and family know the details of the FairTax, and why you believe it is such a good deal for Americans. Only through the diligent and concerned efforts of ordinary citizens will these bills ever make it through to the
floors of the House and Senate.
"UPDATE: Keep voting- we need to hold Harris Miller under 45% to make sure he doesn't try to run in 2009."
Net Neutrality Debate Turns Ideological
Human Events OnLine -- Matt Kibbe
High-tech giant Google, locking arms with and a host of high-tech lobbyists, is pressing Congress to pass "net neutrality" mandates purportedly needed to protect the open nature of the Internet, where all consumers, content providers, and application providers can interact.
In reality, there is nothing neutral about this effort. It is a clear push to grant the federal government sweeping new controls over the Internet while providing big content companies like Google access to broadband providers are regulated rates. Proponents claim greater federal control over the Internet would prevent big broadband providers from blocking content on the web and turning it into a walled garden freely accessible only to those with the money. Yet there have been very few instances where broadband providers have engaged in anticompetitive practices and these violations were handled easily by the FCC under existing law without requiring a new heavy-handed regulatory regime.
The lightly regulated Internet is already a place where people freely exchange ideas and commerce moves at nearly the speed of light. It is precisely the ever-present market forces that have lowered prices, promoted access, and boosted innovation. Restricting the type of service and content that can be provided by broadband service providers closes off a dimension of competition -- pricing flexibility by broadband companies.
Without this flexibility, very little separates one provider from another in the market, leading to a natural advantage for larger companies. The end result would be less choice and higher prices for consumers. With fewer dimensions by which broadband providers can compete, smaller companies would lose their comparative advantage in the market, precipitating a concentration of ownership of the broadband providers. What Washington should really be promoting is net diversity -- allowing providers to experiment and provide services that meet a wide array of demands, from telemedicine and online video gaming, to video programming and email. Such policies would encourage investment in the broadband infrastructure, inviting in more competition while keeping prices in check.
Big Internet companies like Google and are lobbying government to regulate the Internet in a manner that will make the natural evolution of the physical architecture of the Internet unfeasible and stifle competition that benefits consumers and widens access. Today's Internet is already feeling its age, and new bandwidth intensive applications and content will only make current shortcomings more apparent. Quality of service will become a much more important issue, and require important investments in the broadband infrastructure itself, not merely the applications and content provided at the edge of the Internet.
Rather than address such concerns, net neutrality mandates would ensure that the Internet operates in the same way for the rest of its existence, regardless of whether engineers and scientists find another approach that works better for consumers. The best way to alleviate any concerns about anticompetitive behavior or concerns about blocked web sites would be to allow more competitors and new choices in the broadband market. Congress should auction off unused and inefficiently allocated wireless spectrum to broadband companies seeking to establish a wireless Internet backbone.
Congress can also eliminate the morass of local franchise laws that hinder competition and prevent entry into the market. A national video franchise is already in the works, and has garnered support on both sides of the aisle. Addressing such concerns will do far more to expand access and encourage investments in the next generation of the Internet.
The bill introduced by Rep. Joe Barton in the U.S. House recognizes the importance of opening the broadband market to new forms of competition. This important vision of a state-of-the-art Internet that expands access should not be bridled with new mandates to protect favored users of the Internet at the expense of consumers in general.
Mr. Kibbe is President of FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization dedicated to lower taxes, less government, and more freedom for all.
To enable supporters of Governor Timothy M. Kaine to demonstrate their pride in his leadership of our Commonwealth, a special series of license plate numbers has been established. This special series consists of a number preceded or followed by the letter "K."We at UCV are proud to offer this sneak preview of the K-Series and the K-Vanity-of-Vanities-Series.
There were the bloggers — nearly a thousand of them, many of them familiar names by now — emerging from the shadows of their computers for a three-day blur of workshops, panels and speeches about politics, the power of the Internet and the shortcomings of the Washington media.
The phrase “emerging from the shadows of their computers” suggests that the bloggers live for the most part in a non-experiential world, in contrast to real journalists. And whereas the professional media might find such a conference a feature-rich landscape, to these poor neophytes it is merely “a three-day blur.”Even the pictures accompanying the article cast the bloggers in a negative light. Whenever before have you seen a convention picture of the back of an attendee’s legs at the registration desk, with the heads cut off?
And right behind them was a parade of prospective Democratic presidential candidates and party leaders, their presence a tribute to just how much the often rowdy voices of the Web have been absorbed into the very political process they frequently disdain, much to the amazement, and perhaps discomfort, of some of the bloggers themselves.
Congress is moving on 2 key issues this week – Take Action NOW!
FreedomWorks is glad that the House Energy and Commerce Committee is moving forward with telecom reform legislation. But the House Judiciary Committee just passed a "net neutrality" bill that will threaten Internet Freedom! We expect a vote to take place on the House Floor this week that will address both telecom reform and net neutrality.
Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi,, and other ultra-liberal forces have come to together to pressure Congress to pass these so-called “net neutrality” provisions that will regulate and fundamentally change the Internet as we know it.
Net neutrality expands regulation in the telecommunications arena and allows the government to dictate to businesses how they offer services. The government has no more right to tell a cable or phone company how to manage the pipes that offer their clients Internet service than they do to tell McDonald’s how to make their Happy Meals!
As proponents of the free market we oppose net neutrality provisions that allow the government to regulate the Internet.
Use FreedomWorks’ automatic email system to send an urgent message to those in the Congress that can most directly influence this debate and stop net neutrality provisions from moving forward.
In the Senate this week: Time to Kill the Death Tax Once and For All!!
With marginal rates as high as 55 percent, the Death Tax has made our government the most notorious grave robber in America. President Bush’s 2001 tax cuts included the slow phase out of the Death Tax by 2010, but this unjust levy will rise from the grave in 2011 if nothing is done.
Fortunately, the House of Representatives passed a bill—H.R. 8—that would kill the Death Tax once and for all. This bill has been introduced in the Senate as S.420 and has gained significant momentum over the last few months. This week the Senate will vote on this legislation and at last decide whether or not to do away with the unfair, un-American Death Tax.
Americans overwhelmingly agree that the death tax is unfair because the government already taxes savings when it is earned as income, and then taxes the return on that savings all of the person’s life. Taxing lifetime savings again at death is an unfair double, or triple, tax.
Let’s make sure the Senate hears us loud and clear: Kill the Death Tax Once and For All!
Dick Armey
The war in Iraq is a low-level insurrection slowly – all too slowly – grinding to a halt. The insurgents have attempted to take and hold ground in cities like Tal Afar and Fallujah, and have failed. They have attempted to stop the electoral process through intimidation, and have failed. They have attempted to split the country through civil war, and have failed. Few tactics remain to them, one of which is to take a page from the Vietnam playbook and work the media, hoping that upheaval in the U.S. itself will win their war for them. And that requires a My Lai.
So they’ve been trying to arrange one. To create the conditions for a massacre. Ambushing Coalition troops from houses full of helpless, unarmed civilians, hoping that the soldiers would respond with all the firepower at their command, and exposing the resulting carnage to the full glare of the international media. That was the plan at Ishaqi, and it might have worked if the shooter hadn’t survived. That was also the plan at Haditha—and somebody walked right into it. Some young men angered beyond rationality at seeing a friend blown in half by an IED, driven by impulses we will never know, stormed the nearest homes to kill not only the lone terrorist (according to the account in Time, there were two AK-47s but only one gunman), but everyone else as well—man, woman, and child.
If more proof is needed, consider the May 30 USA Today story in which Marine Captain Andrew Del Gaudio described coming under machine-gun fire this past April after an IED killed four of his men. As he was about to engage, he saw that the enemy had placed a line of children in front of the gun, with two video cameras ready to film them as they were shot down. Del Gaudio held his fire, and was injured by the next rounds. His troops flanked the machine-gun nest before attacking, and the children survived. (Further testimony along the same lines in offered in the Wall Street Journal’s June 6 “Best of the Web Today” by a unnamed officer under the heading “Letter from Iraq”.)
Clearly, there is no conceivable way to exaggerate the sheer viciousness of the fanatic Islamist.
None of this excuses the alleged actions of the troops at Haditha. Nothing could excuse that. If guilty, they will be tried and punished as they deserve. But if they were goaded into attacking, if it was a setup, if the terrorists are deliberately working to create such atrocities, then it’s a development we ignore at our peril. The My Lai paradigm must not be allowed to blind us to the possibility. This tactic (if that’s the term I’m groping for) must be investigated, verified, and exposed. Otherwise Haditha, and the media firestorm surrounding it, will simply open the door to a never-ending series of such tragedies. To more lines of children, and more houses full of innocents.
I have no doubt this tactic is being utilized.
FairTax still kicking
By: Dave Williams
Many political observers were ready to bury U.S. Rep. John Linder’s FairTax bill last fall when President Bush’s tax reform commission gave the back of its hand to the proposed national sales tax.
The panel chose to recommend tweaking the current income tax system rather than such a dramatic overhaul of the way the federal government collects the revenue it needs to operate.
But the FairTax won’t go away. During a raucous public rally in Gwinnett County last month in support of the legislation, Linder, R-Duluth, announced that he is being offered an opportunity to present the bill to the president and House Republican leaders.
He will meet this week with the House GOP leadership, then head to the White House on a date yet to be set — accompanied by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. — to outline his bill to Bush.
So much for the demise of the FairTax.
“The national sales tax is very much like Freddy,’’ said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato, referring to the main character in countless installments of the “Nightmare on Elm Street” horror movie series. “It just refuses to die.’’
A capacity crowd of 4,500 jammed the Gwinnett Convention Center for last month’s rally, which featured Linder, Atlanta-based syndicated radio talk show host Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity of the Fox Television Network.
“We think there were 3,000 people turned away,’’ Linder said. “I was amazed.’’
The event was so successful that Linder and Boortz are talking about following it up with a series of rallies. Linder said they’re looking at Orlando, Fla., as the next stop.
The FairTax also faces competition from other proposals aimed at overhauling the current system, including the flat tax on incomes once championed on the presidential campaign trail by Republican Steve Forbes.
“The vast majority agree the tax code needs drastic revision,’’ Sabato said. “The problem is nobody agrees on what the revision should be. … There just isn’t a national consensus for it or anything close to it.’’
But Sabato gives Linder high marks for persistence.
“He is trying to plant the seed,’’ Sabato said. “Who knows whether the seed may sprout and even flower? On the other hand, the seed may die in the ground.’’
EXCERPT: If you travel professionally in Mexico and have professional friends from Mexico (as I have and do), you will hear that virtually all the politicians in Mexico are controlled by the Narcos. This includes the current and several former presidents of Mexico.... we should not support a corrupt government that encourages millions of its people to violate our law and invade the US every year; and we should move to protect America’s business from being corrupted in Mexico and bringing that corruption back to the United States.
As you know, I almost never reach out to you personally with a request to get involved in a debate in the U.S. Congress. However, today I feel I must.
Right now, the telephone and cable companies in control of Internet access are trying to use their enormous political muscle to dramatically change the Internet. It might be hard to believe, but lawmakers in Washington are seriously debating whether consumers should be free to use the Internet as they want in the future.
The phone and cable companies now control more than 95% of all Internet access. These large corporations are spending millions of dollars to promote legislation that would divide the Internet into a two-tiered system.
The top tier would be a "Pay-to-Play" high-speed toll-road restricted to only the largest companies that can afford to pay high fees for preferential access to the Net.
The bottom tier -- the slow lane -- would be what is left for everyone else. If the fast lane is the information "super-highway," the slow lane will operate more like a dirt road.
Today's Internet is an incredible open marketplace for goods, services, information and ideas. We can't give that up. A two lane system will restrict innovation because start-ups and small companies -- the companies that can't afford the high fees -- will be unable to succeed, and we'll lose out on the jobs, creativity and inspiration that come with them.
The power belongs with Internet users, not the big phone and cable companies. Let's use that power to send as many messages as possible to our elected officials in Washington. Please join me by clicking here right now to send a message to your representatives in Congress before it is too late. You can make the difference.
Thank you for reading this note. I hope you'll make your voice heard today.
Meg Whitman
President and CEO
eBay Inc.