Virginia Senators Vote To Ban Flag Burning
We should all be grateful and proud that our two Virginia Senators voted to ban the burning and desecration of the American Flag today. Although the Amendment was defeated, we will carry the fight to another day and common sense and decency will prevail.
Our Flag is so much more than a symbol of the United States. It is the essence of our nation, created from the life blood of all her citizens in war and peace, in prosperity and poverty, in freedom and captivity. It belongs to all of us and is cherished by most of us.
It is our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is our freedom and our spirit, glorious for all to see. The Flag embodies all that is good in us. It is our welcome and beacon of hope to the world.
When our fallen Warriors come home, the Flag is carefully and reverently draped over their coffins. It is the last, loving embrace and farewell.
It is much more than a symbol. It is a gift from God and that is no small thing.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
There are those that say desecrating the American Flag is an expression of free speech. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy voted against the amendment (no surprise there). Sadly Joe Lieberman did and Jim Webb said he would have voted against it given the chance citing protection of free speech.
From On High has this to say:
Here are a few examples of "symbolic speech" as demonstrated by people who don't have the sense they were born with, aided and abetted by judges and politicians with the same handicap:

This is a photo taken at an anti-war rally in Richmond, VA in 2004. Afterwards at a location on the James River, there was an attempt to burn a very large, stolen American Flag. A couple of Viet Nam Vets happened by and ... let's just say they dispersed the crowd.

Over on the west coast if you ride a bike naked you'll get arrested (or at least sent home to get a towel) but if you write something on your perverted butt and call it free speech you can get a permit to ride through the city.

This photo was shot at an Immmigration Rally in Los Angeles on July 4th, 2000. A bit of a riot ensued when "participants" attacked Law Enforcement Officers and counter-protesters. Oh, did I mention they were burning the flag in front of a Veterans Cemetery?
Our Flag is so much more than a symbol of the United States. It is the essence of our nation, created from the life blood of all her citizens in war and peace, in prosperity and poverty, in freedom and captivity. It belongs to all of us and is cherished by most of us.
It is our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is our freedom and our spirit, glorious for all to see. The Flag embodies all that is good in us. It is our welcome and beacon of hope to the world.
When our fallen Warriors come home, the Flag is carefully and reverently draped over their coffins. It is the last, loving embrace and farewell.
It is much more than a symbol. It is a gift from God and that is no small thing.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
There are those that say desecrating the American Flag is an expression of free speech. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy voted against the amendment (no surprise there). Sadly Joe Lieberman did and Jim Webb said he would have voted against it given the chance citing protection of free speech.
From On High has this to say:
Burning the American flag was unlawful in this country (in 48 states) for many, many years. Since before any of us were born, at least. This may come as a shock, but it wasn't until just recently, 1989 to be exact, that a liberal (in the literal sense of the word) Supreme Court decided that the freedom of speech clause in the 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights protected something creatively called "symbolic speech."
Here are a few examples of "symbolic speech" as demonstrated by people who don't have the sense they were born with, aided and abetted by judges and politicians with the same handicap:

This is a photo taken at an anti-war rally in Richmond, VA in 2004. Afterwards at a location on the James River, there was an attempt to burn a very large, stolen American Flag. A couple of Viet Nam Vets happened by and ... let's just say they dispersed the crowd.

Over on the west coast if you ride a bike naked you'll get arrested (or at least sent home to get a towel) but if you write something on your perverted butt and call it free speech you can get a permit to ride through the city.

This photo was shot at an Immmigration Rally in Los Angeles on July 4th, 2000. A bit of a riot ensued when "participants" attacked Law Enforcement Officers and counter-protesters. Oh, did I mention they were burning the flag in front of a Veterans Cemetery?
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