Saturday, June 03, 2006

Drive-by Media Alert: UK Times Story Has Incorrect Photos of Supposed "Marine Massacre!"

There is important information over at Michelle Malkins’ web site. The UK Times posted photographs along with an article entitled “Massacre Marines blinded by hate.” Other than the bias against the Marines – no proof yet has been offered that the Marines committed any crime, much less were “blinded by hate” at the time the alleged atrocities were committed – most insidiously, the photos that accompany the article are NOT those of the so-called “Marines Massacre.” They are photos of another massacre that was committed by the terrorists that we are fighting in Iraq; a massacre that happened “six months before the incident involving our Marines.”

An honest mistake? The UK Times’ Gerard Baker says so. But there is a more important question: How will they correct their mistake? Michelle says “…The [UK] Times must not be allowed to make a covert correction without a public acknowledgement. The editors must apologize for this blatant smear.” I would add that the correction should run on the same page as the incorrect photos were published. Also, the correction should be promoted with as much vigor and emphasis as they did promoting the incorrect piece.

This is an important, breaking story. And the resolution of this will not only affect the lives of the young Marines involved, it will have an impact on how this war is prosecuted and how we and our effort in Iraq is viewed by the Iraqis. Not correcting this hurts the war on terror and aids the enemy with usable propaganda. It also taints public opinion against the Marines. Those of us who go out and defend our conservative beliefs against the left and their anti-war liberal minions want the truth to be out there. We spend enough time trying to refute leftwing stupidity as it is.

Get the details here.

link: Michelle Malkin


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