Do It For Our Troops: Dump Murtha Now!
Rep. John Murtha (D) of Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District is a national embarrassment, a shame to Pennsylvania and a disgrace to the United States Marine Corps.
Diana Irey (R) and many 12th District constituents are working hard to ensure that Murtha does not return to Congress after the November '06 election.
Please consider "adopting" Diana Irey and supporting her campaign effort. She is an intelligent and articulate lady. She is well-known, admired and respected in her District and if anybody can defeat an entrenched encumbent like Murtha, Irey can!
Pennsylvanians can and will retire Murtha and we can help them. Every contribution, no matter the amount, is welcome! Thanks to grassroots efforts, Irey is receiving support from across the country as well as across political lines. As she proves to be made of the Right Stuff, the RNC should start kicking in also (give them a nudge folks!).
The folks at Free Republic have been instrumental in publicizing Diana Irey's campaign and putting her in the national spotlight. Check this out!!!
Diana Irey U.S. Congress

Please consider "adopting" Diana Irey and supporting her campaign effort. She is an intelligent and articulate lady. She is well-known, admired and respected in her District and if anybody can defeat an entrenched encumbent like Murtha, Irey can!
Pennsylvanians can and will retire Murtha and we can help them. Every contribution, no matter the amount, is welcome! Thanks to grassroots efforts, Irey is receiving support from across the country as well as across political lines. As she proves to be made of the Right Stuff, the RNC should start kicking in also (give them a nudge folks!).
The folks at Free Republic have been instrumental in publicizing Diana Irey's campaign and putting her in the national spotlight. Check this out!!!
- Her campaign has now received donations from all 50 states, plus some extra special contributions from troops deployed in Iraq.
- On May 31st there were about 818K hits on website. As of June 16th there were 925K, and right now there are over 951K.
- Total online donations for Diana Irey are around 1,300. No count on snail mail contributions, but they're rolling in.
- Think an appearance on FNC and a mention by Rush Limbaugh helped any? Donations last Saturday - 35, Sunday - under 20, and Monday... 290!
- As of late yesterday afternoon they were approaching 200 online donations for the day. Hat Tip to Coop.
Diana Irey U.S. Congress
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