Articles: What CNN Cut Out of the TWA 800 Interview

Labels: clean coal, coal jobs, coal power, Virginia economy, virginia jobs
The machine produced in various sizes, for both industrial and home uses, can easily transform a kilogram of plastic waste into a liter of oil, using about 1 kW·h of electricity but without emitting CO2 in the process. The machine uses a temperature controlling electric heater instead of flames, processing anything from polyethylene or polystyrene to polypropylene (numbers 2-4). Comment: 1 kg of plastic produces one liter of oil, which costs $1.50. This process uses only about 1 kW·h of electricity, which costs less than 20 cents! Brochure: pdf Contact: e-mail
Labels: afghanistan, chinook, DEVGRU, Extortion 17, SEAL's, TheBlaze
Labels: Appalachian Trail, BBQ, Cooking With the Troops, Front Royal VFW1860, WarriorHike
Labels: LongIsland, missle, shootdown, TWA800
Labels: ALG, Dumb Democrats, massachuesetts, SEALs, South Dakota, Wiener Pulling
American sources claimed Saturday, June 15, that the “military support” the Obama administration promised the Syrian opposition Friday consisted of automatic weapons, mortars and recoilless rocket grenades (RPGs) for delivery within three weeks through Turkey.
Those items, say debkafile’s military sources, are no more than a mockery of the rebels’ needs. Any Middle East arms trafficker can quickly lay hands on advanced anti-air and anti-tank missiles for a price running into tens of thousands of dollars – whether in Lebanon, Egyptian Sinai, the Palestinian Authority - or even in trading among the Syrian rebel militias themselves. The going prices, according to our sources, are for instance, up to $50,000 for a shoulder-borne Grail SA-7 anti-air missile and $40,000 for a T-55 tank in poor technical condition plus 40 shells.
It should be noted that Congress resisted accepting Iraqi refugees in 2003 following the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Between 1983 and 2009, the U.S. resettled a total of 76,205 Iraqis. Meanwhile, seventy percent of total refugees in the U.S. were on food stamps in 2009. Within that number, 95 percent of Iraqi refugees were food stamp recipients. Additionally, the report shows an unemployment rate of 46 percent in 2009 among Iraqi refugees. A total of 219 Syrian refugees were resettled in the U.S. between 1983 and 2009.
LA Times:
Homeland security officials require careful vetting of refugees, with multiple interviews and background checks before they are allowed to enter the country. Under normal circumstances, the screening process can take a year or longer.
U.S. officials are likely to be extra careful with Syrian refugees. As Islamic militants take a more prominent role in the rebel forces, officials worry about fighters with Al Qaeda ties trying to enter the country. Two resettled Iraqis were convicted of trying to send arms to Al Qaeda from their home in Bowling Green, Ky.
Labels: Al'Queda, refugees, syria, terrorists
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Labels: Flag Day, Liberty and Justice For All, US Army
Now that we know our government unfairly, and perhaps illegally, targeted American citizens, the next logical question is: why?
Here are the facts: the IRS targeted political opponents of the current administration, while repeatedly giving an easy ride to friends of the current administration – going so far as to retroactively approve a so-called charity which was run by the President’s brother, which just happened to be named after the President’s father.
This kind of thuggery and nepotism is usually only found in basket-case countries like North Korea, not in the United States. And yet, over the past few weeks, we have seen example after example of President Obama’s political friends and insiders getting fast-tracked by the IRS, while those of us who dare call ourselves “Patriots” were taken to the woodshed by the powerful tax agency.
So the question remains: was the IRS used to exact vengeance against American patriots who dared to oppose the current occupants of the White House and its signature legislation, Obamacare? And, if so, why?
Good citizens must resist the temptation to regard their government as the enemy, since we know that no government agency would ever lie, cheat and steal from us. So don’t worry. Be happy. If you can.
James Clapper, director of U.S. intelligence, pours on a little soothing syrup. The snooping, he says, “cannot be used to intentionally target any U.S. citizen, any other U.S. persons located outside the United States.” Of course not. But note the weasel word “intentionally,” and what, exactly, is a “U.S. person” if he is not a citizen? The Washington Post reports that, while in one surveillance program American citizens are not “intended” to be targets of surveillance, large quantities of “content” from Americans are nevertheless screened to track or learn more about the target.Clapper, during his testimony to Congress, had the appearence of an 8 year old boy who had been caught with copies of Hustler magazine. The hand gestures, the eye movements, the inability to look at the questioner while answering a direct query regarding whether or not the NSA was spying on US citizens, all were red flags and klaxon horns that said "I'm lying to you right now." The other "weasel word" of the day was "wittingly". Anyone who thinks this current administration would not use the powers of any government agnecy to suppress dissent and silence opposition, has not turned on a TV, listened to a radio or read a newspaper in the last 3 months. We know they will. They already have.
Labels: 4th Amendment, citizen terrorists, Clapper Memo, NSA, Washington Times, Wes Pruden
The unprecedented overreach of public school administrators regarding the issue of guns continues at breakneck speed. Regardless of context, children now regularly face draconian punishment for even mentioning the word.
If rational thought ever again prevails in America, we might look back to one event signaling the point this leftist movement jumped the shark: an elementary school’s toy gun buyback program.
Charles Hill, principal of Strobridge Elementary School in California, organized the “Safety Day” event and offers students books and a chance to win one of four new bikes as incentives to bring in their water guns and other toys he said make it “easier for them to use a real gun.”
It is alleged that the gunman’s name is John Samir Zawhawi who killed his father Samir Zawhawi and brother in a house said to be owned by Samir Zawhawi. Certainly sounds like a Muslim name to me. But the media are keeping mum on this potentially inflammatory aspect of the slaughter. Wouldn’t want the DOJ to start arresting reporters, would we?
Labels: Bare Naked Islam, california, Islam religion of peace my ass, Jihad
The problem is that President Obama does not want to believe that radical Islam is at war with us. He told the nation last month that "this war, like all wars, must end," promising to repeal--not refine--the 2001 Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Al Qaeda. And yet he has increased the federal government's snooping--dramatically. What use is that information, if it will not be used against terror?
And then comes a reminder of which information the government has been most interested in: information about Tea Party and conservative groups, information about individual activists in the conservative movement, information about the prayers of pro-life groups--information, in other words, about its political opponents, who have been treated since the beginning of the Obama administration like the real national enemy.
Kimberly Strassel observes of the IRS scandal--which now seems almost quaint in the context of Verizon and Prism--that President Obama set the tone from the beginning with vicious rhetorical attacks on conservative non-profit groups and their donors, calling them "a threat to our democracy." Meanwhile, the Obama administration missed real threats--blind to the danger its own behavior poses to our democratic republic.
The Iraqi government was poised to sign no-bid contracts with those firms this summer to help make immediate and needed improvements in Iraq's oil infrastructure. The result would have been significant foreign investment in Iraq, an expansion of Iraqi government revenues, and an increase in the global supply of oil. One would have thought that leading Democratic senators who claim to be interested in finding other sources of funding to replace American dollars in Iraq, in helping Iraq spend its own money on its own people, and in lowering the price of gasoline for American citizens, would have been all for it. Instead, Senators Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, and Claire McCaskill wrote a letter to Secretary of State Rice asking her "to persuade the GOI [Government of Iraq] to refrain from signing contracts with multinational oil companies until a hydrocarbon law is in effect in Iraq." The Bush administration wisely refused to do so, but the resulting media hooraw in Iraq led to the cancellation of the contracts, and helps to explain why Iraq is doing oil deals instead with China.
WASHINGTON - The National Security Agency has been collecting the telephone records of millions of U.S. customers of Verizon under a top secret court order, according to a report in Britain's Guardian newspaper.
The order was granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on April 25 and is good until July 19, the newspaper reported Wednesday. The order requires Verizon, one of the nation's largest telecommunications companies, on an "ongoing, daily basis" to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and other countries.
Verizon Communications Inc. listed 121 million customers in its first-quarter earnings report this April - 98.9 million wireless customers, 11.7 million residential phone lines and about 10 million commercial lines. The court order didn't specify which type of phone customers' records were being tracked.
Under the terms of the order, the phone numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as are location data, call duration, unique identifiers, and the time and duration of all calls. The contents of the conversation itself are not covered, The Guardian said.
The broad, unlimited nature of the records being handed over to the NSA is unusual. FISA court orders typically direct the production of records pertaining to a specific named target suspected of being an agent of a terrorist group or foreign state, or a finite set of individually named targets. NSA warrantless wiretapping during the George W. Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks was very controversial.
The FISA court order, signed by Judge Roger Vinson, compelled Verizon to provide the NSA with electronic copies of "all call detail records or telephony metadata created by Verizon for communications between the United States and abroad" or "wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls," The Guardian said.
The law on which the order explicitly relies is the "business records" provision of the USA Patriot Act.
Labels: 1st Amendment, assclowns, freedom of speech, Freedom of the Press, stupid republicans
Labels: alqaeda, Boston Bombings, extra crispy dead tangos, ricin, yemen
McCain said Wednesday, two days after meeting with rebels in Syria, that he was confident the United States could send weapons to fighters in Syria without the risk they would fall into the wrong hands.Hey, Capt Queeg, if we send weapons to anyone in the ME, THEY WILL ALREADY BE IN THE WRONG HANDS!!! My God. This man is a sitting senator and he is so stupid, I wonder who the hell dresses him in the morning. Time for you to go home, Senator. Retire. Enjoy your twilight years in obscurity. Drink your wife's beer and play golf.