Madison Rising: Star-Spangled Banner

In the immediate aftermath, there was information that led us to assess that the attack began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy in Cairo. We provided that initial assessment to Executive Branch officials and members of Congress, who used that information to discuss the attack publicly and provide updates as they became available. Throughout our investigation we continued to emphasize that information gathered was preliminary and evolving.
There's no question that what we have here is the DNI (Obama appointee James Clapper) attempting to fall on his sword and to put an end to the drumbeat of scandal coming mostly from Republicans and right-of-center media. What's been exposed, just weeks before a presidential election, is the fact that in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack, the White House and State Department knowingly misled and lied to the American people about what they knew and when they knew it.
But what the DNI statement is really meant to do is muddy the waters.
The statement deliberately omits any information as to exactly when the determination was made that Benghazi was indeed a terrorist attack. Most importantly, nothing in the statement contradicts numerous news reports that U.S. officials were certain within 24 hours that they were dealing with a terrorist attack and not a spontaneous protest gone bad.
In other words, the DNI statement is so intentionally vague that it could read as confirmation that our government knew within 24 hours that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and still lied about it for days afterward.
And this, my friends, is how a cover up works.
The changing explanations on who was behind the September 11 Benghazi attack have pulled back the covers on Obama's foreign policy frailty.
Reports making the rounds this weekend highlight the fact that Obama has been "suddenly exposed on national security and foreign policy." This has given rise to calls for the U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice to resign and for the State Dept. to turn over all communications between the Benghazi consulate and the Obama administration.
It has also provided a unique opportunity Gov. Romney can use to juxtapose his own foreign policy plans with Obama's tepid approach. In fact, Richard S. Williamson, a top adviser to Romney, says this "opens up the opportunity to talk more broadly about Obama's foreign policy."
Romney has already begun questioning how the administration handled the warning signs in the days leading up to the attacks. Said Romney: "There are a wide array of reports about warnings, and were they heeded? We'll find out."
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the chief culprits in the housing crisis because they encouraged people who could not afford payments to borrow money, according to a congressional report released Tuesday. The claims in the report have long been advanced by conservatives, who argue that the Community Reinvestment Act and other federal programs fed the housing bubble that burst in 2007 and led to the economic downfall in 2008. But the report explains in detail how Fannie and Freddie - government sponsored enterprises (GSE) that were not subject to the same oversight as other publicly traded firms -- “privatized their profits but socialized their risks.”
Labels: glenn beck, islamic terrorism, muslim brotherhood, sharia law, The Blaze, The Project
The behavior of Obama and Secretary of State Clinton over the past 14 days is a scandal of the highest order. Lies, cover ups, and neglect for security of American intelligence and personnel that borders on criminal.
The cost of health insurance today is more than 50% higher than Obama promised it would be--and the costs are expected to continue to rise as Obamacare is impemented.
John Merline of Investor's Business Daily notes the rising costs specifically contradict a campaign promise Obama reiterated several times, including in debates with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and at events along the 2008 campaign trail.
Furthermore, the data show that the rise in family premium costs, largely attributable to the costs of complying with Obamacare, has outpaced the rise in costs under eight years in the previous four years of George W. Bush.
Health insurance companies have already been required to provide additional coverage for so-called “children” up to age 26, among other changes. That coverage is described by Obama as “free,” but in fact the costs are borne by other patients.
Obamacare also does nothing to change the underlying incentives driving the rising costs of health care, and in fact makes them worse by adding mandates and reducing patients’ choices.
Over the next four years, if Obama is re-elected and Obamacare is not repealed, the federal government will have to apply cost controls, resulting in the rationing of health care by bureaucrats and/or hospitals.
That is why the Obama administration placed such a heavy emphasis on the Independent Payments Advisory Board--and why vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has spent so much time attacking it.
Regardless, the central promise of Obamacare--that it would “bend the cost curve down,” not just overall but on a family level--has been broken, as critics said it would be.
So what do we have here?Remember, in order to buy today's media polling, you have to believe Romney has shored up his base and is winning Independents, but still losing because Obama's going to match or best the extraordinary party advantage he enjoyed during the perfect storm of 2008.
What we have is the liberal "paper of record" systematically presenting the 1980 Reagan-Carter election in 9 "Crucial States" as somehow "close" in five of the nine -- Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Florida and Michigan. New York was in the bag for Carter. Only in his own California and New Jersey was Reagan clearly leading.
The actual results had only New York "close" -- with Reagan winning by 2. Reagan carried every other "close" state by a minimum of 6 points and as much 17 -- Florida. Florida, in fact, went for Reagan by a point more than California and about 4 more than New Jersey.
How could the New York Times -- its much ballyhooed polling data and all of its resulting stories proclaiming everything to be "close" -- been so massively, continuously wrong? In the case of its "Crucial States" -- nine out of nine times?
Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”The usual suspects all believed and ran with the story, including Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Krugman.
Now, Roger Simon's piece wasn't funny, and I'm not sure what the hell an untrue thing (which also is not funny) is doing in a non-humor reportage piece. But he did tip off readers by including something which is too implausible to be true, to wit, that Ryan was planning on having "finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan."And if you read Ace of Spades, he knows funny.
Yet the geniuses that would run our lives for us failed to pick up on even that, and rather than take the one minute to contact Simon (or Ryan) to find out if any of this was even remotely true, they just ran with it on television and internet "news" operations.
If there's one thing the media won't tolerate for long, it's an unchanging media narrative. So the current story of the presidential campaign -- Obama sits on a lead that is modest but increasingly comfortable, thanks to a hapless Romney and a hapless Romney campaign -- should be yielding any moment to something fresher.The mistake the writer makes is the assumption the media is more interested in a horse race than a Obama victory. He's certainly correct that the media grows tired of narratives, but what he fails to realize is that thus far, for months now, we've seen the media find no lack of ways to find a fresh narrative that hammers Romney.
The essential property of the new narrative is that it inject new drama into the race, which means it has to be in some sense pro-Romney. This can in turn mean finding previously unappreciated assets in Romney or his campaign, previously undetected vulnerabilities in the Obama campaign, etc.
No. Way. In. Hell.An MSM veteran, Fineman, in essence, is agreeing with conservative critics of his profession: they’ve been cutting the President way too much slack, failing to take him to task in areas (the Woodward portrayal, Libya, the jobs numbers ) where they would have hammered another candidate. Hence the strange, empty, helium-filled trajectory of the Obama campaign so far.Does Fineman’s analysis, from within the belly of HuffPo, suggest an impending surge of MSM Guilt? That could be what just Romney needs at this point–in any case it’s probably the best he can hope for.
Labels: clean coal, coal power, dominion power, virginia coal, virginia jobs
[One week ago]Alpha Natural Resources, one of the world’s leading producers of coal, announced plans to idle eight mines and lay off 1,200 workers in Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.... It’s another unfortunate chapter in what has been a very difficult few years for the American coal industry.
It is against this grim backdrop that the House of Representatives will take up H.R. 3409, the “Stop the War on Coal Act.” The bill was scheduled for Rules Committee debate [last] Wednesday and the House floor shortly thereafter. H.R. 3409 takes aim at several federal regulations that, if allowed to go forward, would effectively kick the coal industry while it’s down. Regulations like EPA’s recently-proposed greenhouse gas New Source Performance Standards, which effectively ban the construction of new conventional coal-fired power plants. Or the “Utility MACT” regulation, a $10 billion annual hit to the economy that costs 40 percent more than all of EPA’s power plant-sector air regulations combined.
Coal is one of the nation’s most abundant energy resources and a vital part of our efforts to meet our energy and transportation needs. Coal generates a significant percentage of our nation’s electricity, and maintaining coal in a diverse national energy portfolio is in the national economic interest. The NAM strongly supports H.R. 3409, which would protect a reliable, affordable and available part of our nation’s energy mix from overregulation.
Labels: clean coal, coal, coal power, domestic energy, epa, manufacturers, power plants, regulate, regulations, virginia jobs
Iranian Fars News reports, “Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president.”
As the new documentary Occupy Unmasked demonstrates, the Occupy movement has always been a top-down phenomenon organized to pursue exactly these sorts of ends. By mobilizing vast numbers of gullible and ideologically driven anarchists, Marxists, and nihilists, then mainstreaming their amalgam anti-American ideology into the public discourse, Occupy legitimizes figures like Ahmadinejad. They treat him as mainstream, even as he seeks to develop weapons with which to pursue a second Holocaust. No wonder Ahmadinejad wants to get together with Occupy, even as Occupy fan Barack Obama snubs Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Occupy movement now helps define the international left, and the anti-Israel left.
1. AttackWatch The sequel to Obama’s “Fight the Smears” website from 2008, and his “” rat-out-your-neighbors effort during the Obamacare debate, #AttackWatch was part of a larger effort to target Obama’s opponents for confrontation. Conservatives quickly defused AttackWatch by spoofing it--and even the mainstream media was forced to acknowledge (briefly) Obama’s thin-skinned and vindictive tactics.
2. Charlotte Democrats hoped to expand on their gains in 2008 by hosting their 2008 convention in North Carolina. But unions balked at North Carolina’s right-to-work laws, and Democrats--having demonized banks--were embarrassed that Obama was to hold his acceptance speech in the outdoor Bank of America Stadium. In the end, the Obama campaign couldn’t even fill enough seats, and had to move the speech back indoors.
3. Joe Soptic’s Wife How desperate do you have to be to accuse your opponent of killing an innocent woman? That’s what the Obama camp did when Obama’s super PAC aired a commercial featuring untrue claims by Joe Soptic, a man laid off at a company once owned by Bain Capital. The Obama campaign claimed they had no knowledge of Soptic’s crazy story--until it was revealed that they had touted it on a conference call.
4. “Felon” In another sign of desperation, the Obama campaign alleged that Romney may have committed a felony in signing Bain Capital’s reports to the SEC after Romney was no longer actively running the company. Even the Obama-friendly fact-checkers at mainstream news outlets weren’t buying that one. Given the chance to back away from his campaign’s outrageously false accusation, President Obama doubled down on it.
5. “You Didn’t Build That” When Obama decided to mock small business owners and the idea of individual achievement, he gave Romney a much-needed opportunity to clarify his differences with the president, and rally support around his economic policy. “You Didn’t Build That” became the main knock on Obama at the Republican National Convention, and was a consistent punching bag in ads targeted at swing states.
6. Won’t Say if America is Better Off Than Four Years Ago Every single Obama surrogate--even head guru David Axelrod himself--failed to answer the most basic question a president running for re-election must face: are we better off than we were four years ago? In their defense, Obama himself had already acknowledged that we aren’t, so the responsibility for that particular bungle goes straight to the man on top.
7. Biden “Back in Chains” Vice President effectively conceded to newly-nominated Romney running mate Paul Ryan when he embarrassed the Obama campaign in August by warning a largely black audience that Romney would “put y’all back in chains.” The campaign, typically, refused to denounce Biden’s racial scare-mongering. But Biden sealed impressions of him as incompetent--even in the mainstream media.
8. Jerusalem Floor Fight Obama broke his 2008 campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital--and Democrats changed their platform to conform to his new policy. When outrage erupted over the omission of pro-Israel language, and any mention of God, in the party platform, Obama forced through amendments--but not before a noisy floor fight made it clear where many in the party actually stood.
9. 9/11 Embassy Attacks Not only did Obama fail to protect the ambassador in Libya and the embassy in Cairo, but he also kowtowed to the attackers over any offense caused by an anti-Muslim film, propagating the lie that the film provoked the attacks, and giving Romney an opening on foreign policy. Obama--campaigning rather than governing--compounded the damage with a gaffe claiming that Egypt was no longer an ally.
10. Giving Up on “Change” Facing tough questions for virtually the first time on the campaign trail, Obama told a Univision audience that, after four years in office, he did not believe he could change Washington “from inside.” Romney immediately pounced--and left-wing critics of Obama agreed--on what became a metaphor for Obama’s failure to fulfill the ambitious, messianic hopes of his 2008 campaign--or even basic promises.
This president just goes out there and says whatever sounds good at the moment, and the Activist Old Media watches from the sidelines, or often, encourages the deception.
Or, I could use the harsh word and call them all what they really are----lies.
Libya leads the list right now. Barack Obama and his volunteer super PAC, the media, continue to blame a movie for attacks that clearly were premeditated. What the White House is saying about the attacks in Benghazi do not add up and the media chooses to not connect the dots. How about "Obama lied, people died?" The Obama Administration has given so many dishonest statements about that attack that it's hard to keep track anymore.
The Middle East is blowing up right now and the media go after Romney for wanting fewer Americans dependent on government. Bizarro land.
This new information contradicts a malicious claim about Romney's taxes made by Harry Reid during an interview with the Huffington Post. In the interview, Reid claimed someone with close connections to Bain Capital had told him "Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years." Reid doubled down on the claim a few days later, saying his source was "extremely credible." Reid also repeated the claim on the Senate floor, saying, "The word is out that he hasn't paid any taxes for ten years. Let him prove that he has paid taxes because he hasn't." Nancy Pelosi jumped on the Reid bandwagon a week after the story got started,saying, "Harry Reid made a statement that is true. Somebody told him. It is a fact."
Reid's audacious claims were eagerly repeated by left-leaning outlets. Talking Points Memo reported it with a "grain of salt." But outlets like the Washington Post and ABC news also joined in (ABC labeled it an "unsubstantiated rumor"). About a week later the Post's fact-checker finally gave the claim four Pinocchios, but by that point it had made the rounds.
Reid's initial claim about Romney's non-payment of taxes capped a stretch in July when the Obama administration put Romney's tax returns front and center. The campaign released an ad mid-month which was run in four swing states. The ad suggested that, perhaps, Romney hadn't paid any taxes at all during preceding years. Two weeks later, Reid claimed a credible source had confirmed Democrats' darkest fears in a way that ensured the story would continue for another week.
But it wasn't true. What we now know is true is that Sen. Reid's source was lying, Reid himself was a willing dupe who spread the malicious claim without any proof, and the credulous left-wing press was all too eager to give the stunt more attention than it merited. Reid should receive a mark on his credibility for repeatedly touting this false claim. It would be nice to see a few reporters confront him about it directly.
What we have had for four years now is a corrupt media working hand-in-hand with the Obama White House to cover up and downplay every kind of bad news. The media's behavior in his regard has only gotten impossibly worse since Obama's reelection campaign began. But over the last few weeks, the media's shilling has devolved into nothing less than dereliction of duty.
We can't even sing that old refrain, What would the media do if Bush… because Bush never scapegoated an American citizen in order to take the focus and blame off of his own security failures. Bush never told the American people that the successful assassination of an American ambassador by al-Qaeda was a spontaneous protest over a film gone haywire.
But it's probably is safe to say that in final days of Bush's reelection bid, had America suffered its worst airpower loss since Vietnam and an ambassador been assassinated due to unforgivable U.S. security failures, the media would've made damn sure the American people knew exactly what happened.
With results that are tragic in both the global and personal sense, an American president's foreign policy is collapsing all around us, and the only stories the American media will tell are those that will help drag him over the November finish line.
Labels: afghanistan, aviation, big peace, Breitbart, MCAS, talleybahn, usmc, vietnam
Just two weeks before his tragic death, Andrew took a few moments out from the Conservative Political Action Conference to confront the Occupy protesters staking out the event. “Stop raping people!” he shouted at them. “You filthy, filthy, filthy raping, murdering freaks!”Greg Gutfeld calls it the "most chilling movie I've seen in years"
He wasn’t kidding. As Occupy Unmasked shows, the top-down coordination of the Occupy Wall Street movement relied on a leftist leadership willing to mold a conglomeration of the naïve and the criminal into a potent political force. Occupy Unmasked features Andrew delving into the roots of the Occupy movement, and uncovering the coordination between the Obama administration, its allies in the media, and Occupy.
And more than anything else, Occupy Unmasked shows what the Occupy movement was and is, in all of its true horror. And it deserves horror. It morphed from a ridiculous camp-out movement into a dangerous political force, wielded by the Obama administration and the media as the counter-Tea Party, even as it smashed windows, burned property, and assaulted police.
You may notice the pattern here: It's always about what somebody else did or couldn't have done.
It's insulting and dismissive to suggest US Marines couldn't have made a difference. Reports suggest that as few as 20 and no more than 50 peoplewere involved in the consulate attack. The problem was that we had 4-8 Libyan guards and just 5 US security people in a compound with no interior gate and no guard towers. And when we did send in a security detachment from Tripoli by helicopter that night reports suggest that they were able to fight off the attack and rescue remaining staff. It would not have taken many Marines to balance the scales and perhaps result in a very different outcome.
Yesterday, Jay Carney announced "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack." This is just the latest shift in a series that seem designed at deflecting blame. What is truly self-evident is that the administration has been trying very hard to avoid taking responsibility for the security failure that led to the first killing of a US Ambassador in 30 years. The administration was happy to let the press obsess over Romney's comments for the first couple days. Then they claimed it was a protest gone wrong and blamed a You Tube clip. Now they're claiming no amount of security, not even the Marines, couldn't have stopped what happened.
If Mitt Romney lost the last week, there is one reason and one reason only: people like (WAPO reporter Chris) Cillizza, who flack for the president at every possible opportunity. This president had the worst foreign and domestic policy week since the American embassy in Iran was stormed some three decades ago. But Romney said some stuff that was factually correct. Clearly Romney has to start living by Chris Cillizza’s standards: govern like a nincompoop, and lie to the country routinely, as President Obama does, and you’ll get off scot-free. Cillizza has to lie about Romney’s actions this week in order to achieve the “Mitt Lost The Week” result
Their latest single, “Right to Bear,” was a response to the lack of an anthem for gun enthusiasts.Read more:
“There was no great pro-gun rock song so we collectively decided we’re gonna write one,” the band said, “because we all believe in the right to bear [arms] and we want people to know it and crank it up in their car.”
The “Right to Bear” music video features a “pistol-packin mama” who uses a gun to protect herself and her child.
Madison Rising explained why: “If you take the guns away legally from people who are using them properly … all you’re doing is giving power to a criminal.”
Lead singer Dave Bray said, “When people can’t defend themselves, society will fall, tyrants rise.”
That’s a common theme in conservative politics — one that the band wishes more Americans were exposed to.
Labels: casino, engineering, homes for heroes, monte carlo, new jersey, Philadelphia, SAME, travis mannion
Because the corrupt media is so breathtakingly corrupt in its push to reelect a failed president, Big Journalism needs a running live blog. Please help us in our quest to capture the breadth and scope of this corruption by forwarding your tips to or Twitter me @NolteNC.
Newest posts are at the top.
Media Narrative Tide Is Finally Turning
Only because they've run out of fresh angles to hit it with, the "47 percent" obsession is ebbing some and the discussion is actually turning towards Libya and that Romney is climbing out of a hole. The undercover video won't really work itself out until after the Sunday shows, but the end is in sight. By Wednesday next week, we'll know the full effect of the 47 percent remarks as far as the polls go.
Earlier today, President Obama made an epic gaffe on Univision when he said, and I'm quoting, “The most important lesson I’ve learned is that you can’t change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside.”
On the stump in Florida, Romney showed an unexpected nimbleness and already hit Obama hard over it.
It's a potential game changer when a sitting president running for reelection says that the most important thing he's learned is that he can't change Washington. Why vote for him?
Let's see if the Romney campaign can capitalize.
Politico Uses Deceptively Edited Video From Left-wing Source to Falsely Trash GOP Congressman
Congressman Bobby Schilling spoke to Breitbart News today and is demanding Politico retract and correct a story that falsely claims he walked out on a constituent townhall meeting. Which begs a question... What is it with the corrupt media uncritically buying into and reporting on every video that comes their way?
Well, I should say, every video that comes their way not from someone named James O'Keefe.
My full story is here.
Media Spins Fast & Furious Report As Holder/White House Win
Though there was plenty to slam the White House with after the release of yesterday's Fast and Furious report resulted in the resignations of two DOJ officials and declarative condemnations of judgement and management failures, the media is holding tight to Eric Holder surviving the report in order to paint this as an overall win for Obama.
CNN, Politico, NBC's Chuck Todd... The talking points are written in stone.
CNN's Soledad O'Brien Attempts to Smear Christianity as Anti-Gay
You can see the video here as Soledad and her panel gang up on televangelist Joel Osteen. It's really borderline bullying and yet another move on the media's part to declare Christianity itself as bigoted and intolerant -- which has always been the endgame.
The way I see it, being gay is not a sin. Who you are is not a sin. Soledad is just lying when she tries to state that the Bible or Christians declare homosexuals as sinners. We're all sinners. It's behavior practiced by gays and straights alike that the Bible deems sinful. This has nothing to do with who you are, gay or straight.
CBS News: We Won't Know Truth About Libya Attack Until After the Election
Breitbart TV has the video, but the most dispiriting part of the CBS News report is the admission that we will not know what really happened until after the presidential election.
This isn't just due just to the Administration's timetable, but also to a media that will only dutifully report the lies told by the White House as they focus unceasingly on a narrative about Romney losing the election -- in order to make this a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We could know the truth sooner if the media would push the matter and put pressure on the White House to answer questions, but they just aren't going to do that until after he's safely reelected.
The media and the Obama campaign believe, and I don't think they're wrong, that given the choice between a president who lies and a candidate too incompetent to run a presidential campaign, that the public will choose the competent liar over the bumbler every time.
I've always believed the over-arching goal of the media and Team Obama was to keep Romney constantly on his heels so he looks weak, defensive, and caught off guard. That's how you disqualify a candidate.
Above all, people want competence and if a presidential candidate doesn't look competent he can't win, no matter how bad the other guy is.
Media's Latest: Cell Phones Are Why We Can't Kill Romney
Something crushing the media's celebratory mood are those polls chewing at the back of their subconscious -- Gallup and Rasmussen -- which show Obama's bounce gone, the race tied, and the media's month-long crusade to take Romney down for good -- from Clint to Cairo apology to 47 percent -- having no effect whatsoever. Infact, these polls show Romney gaining ground while under this withering assault.
Nate Silver, the New York Times' poll cruncher who got 2010 exactly wrong, thinks he might have the answer:
Although there are exceptions on either side, like the Gallup national tracking poll, for the most part Mr. Obama seems to be getting stronger results in polls that use live interviewers and that include cellphones in their samples — enough to suggest that he has a clear advantage in the race.It's a long piece of analysis, but who knows? I'm as confused as anyone by these numbers but have believed for over a decade that Gallup and Rasmussen are about as good as it gets.
In the polls that use an automated dialing method (“robopolls”) or which exclude cellphones, Mr. Obama’s bounce has been much harder to discern, and the race looks considerably closer.
What I can't believe, though, is that a poll with a D+11 sample coming out of a R+1 state like Virginia is worth the paper its printed on.
Moreover, both Gallup and Rasmussen have to get it right. Their reputations demand it. If they don't get it right, they go the way of John Zogby -- who spent the last couple of elections chasing headlines instead of accuracy and has since disappeared and become a punchline. Media pollsters, however, need not get it right because they're attached to the media.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Labels: Libya, muslim brotherhood, Obama, press, radical muslims
Labels: 2012 elections., islamofascism, israeli-palestinian conflict, mitt romney, taxes
Labels: Constitution Day, essential liberty, mark alexander, patriot post
Law professor and media commentator Jonathan Turley believes the Obama administration handed a victory to religious extremists when it requested YouTube reconsider its decision to host a film trailer critical of Islam.Read more:
Google, the parent company of YouTube, on Friday denied the administration’s request to censor the movie “Innocence of Muslims,” which has sparked violent protests and riots across the Middle East.
“This is the latest triumph of politics over principle by the Obama administration,” Turley told The Daily Caller in a phone interview. “The position of the White House is rather transparent. It does not want to be seen as limiting free speech. This request was couched as a review.”
“The film was simply an act of free speech. The position of the United States should be clear. Violence was not caused by any film,” said Turley. “Free speech is not a characteristic of America. It defines being an American.”
Turley added that the administration has done “unprecedented harm” to principles of free speech.
White House press secretary Jay Carney has denied that the White House asked YouTube to censor the video, a position Turley called “perfectly incoherent.” (RELATED: ACLU ‘concerned’ about White House request that YouTube ‘review’ anti-Muslim video)
Do not expect the mainstream media to correct these mistakes. Do not expect them to hold the Obama administration accountable. Do not expect them to correct themselves once they have some disgruntled Republicans to affirm their overall narrative. Do not expect them to remember this is an election, in which the opposition has the right--the obligation--to state its views. Do not expect them to stand up for free speech--or truth.
Labels: 9/11, 9/11 first responders, 9/11 heroes
This constant parroting of the lie that Obama knew nothing about the original version of the platform has been debunked, incredibly enough, by Politico itself. As John Nolte has written, Politico inadvertently revealed that Obama had vetted the platform, and then, with no trace of morals or conscience, actually erased the passage and republished the column.
When confronted with the news that Axelrod didn’t want to discuss the matter, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt told Politico, "We've been on the record on this all week. Happy to go on again."
Enough is enough. Everyone knows by now, or should know, that Obama is lying through his teeth. The only reason there was a change made is because they were caught red-handed, and then they had to frantically cover their tracks by claiming Obama was ignorant of the matter.
This morning on CBS’ Face the Nation, President Obama made clear that the centerpiece of his entire presidential campaign will be his Ahab-like quest to raise Americans’ taxes. Last year, Republicans signaled they were willing to raise some taxes in order to cut the deficit, so long as Obama agreed to spending cuts; Obama sunk that deal at the last minute by insisting in hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes to which Republicans had not agreed.
Scott Pelley of CBS called Obama on his nonsense:
OBAMA: What I’ve said in reducing our deficits – we can make sure that we cut 2.5 dollars for every dollar of increased revenue.
PELLEY: That’s the deal they turned down.
OBAMA: That’s part of what this election is about. Gov. Romney said he wouldn’t take a deal for $10 in spending cuts for $1 of revenue increases.
But the same day that Obama cited Romney’s unwillingness to raise taxes in a deal to cut spending, Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan told ABC’s This Week that he’d consider at $10 to $1 spending cut to tax increases deal. “It depends on the quality f the policy,” he said. “Our negotiators in the supercommittee offered higher revenues through tax reform. John Boehner did as well. So George, what really matters to me is not ratios but what matters is the quality of the policy.”
Ryan didn’t endorse such a deal, because it hadn’t been offered. “There’s no deal to walk away from,” he said. “The point is, you’re not giving me a deal to look at. You’re giving me ratios … Our problem is not that we are overtaxed. We are overtaxed. Our problem is we spend too much money.” (Emphasis added)
When Obama took office in 2009, the average price for gas was $1.84 a gallon. Today, it's well over twice that, and in many parts of the country it's more than $4 a gallon.
Taken on top of the 43 straight months of unemployment at higher than 8%, this is terrible news for the Obama administration. Yet Obama should have seen them coming, because his policies have largely caused them.
These are Obama's gas prices.
Early in his presidency, Obama's Interior Secretary Ken Salazar began making it more difficult for oil and gas companies to get permits to drill for oil domestically. This effectively froze oil and gas procurement without freezing demand for oil and gas products.
Following this, the BP oil spill took place and Obama ordered a moratorium on the expansion of oil and gas procurement in the Gulf. A District Judge ruled the moratorium unconstitutional, but Obama has maintained part of it anyway.
Then there was the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have transported nearly 1.1 million barrels of crude a day into the U.S. from Canada had it been approved. But Obama nixed the construction of that pipeline, so China is now working with Canada to find a way to send all that oil to the communist paradise instead.
Moreover, offshore drilling is a no-go for the Obama administration, as is oil and gas procurement in ANWR or Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). And between ANWR and the OSC alone, there are billions of barrels oil and more than one hundred trillion cubic feet of natural gas left untapped.
Under pressure in an election cycle, Obama is starting to rethink some offshore drilling opportunities in Alaska, but it's too little too late at this point. We have spent nearly four years suffering high energy prices under his governance and are now paying an excruciatingly high price at the pump.
Every time I fill up the tank on my Jeep I say to myself, "These are Obama's gas prices."
...Romney never...implied that Obama wanted to remove God from the pledge or the coinage. He simply stated his deep support for the role of God in our public discourse – a position at odds with large swaths of the Democratic Party base, and at odds with President Obama. The fact remains that President Obama is significantly more uncomfortable with the invocation of God in public life than Romney is. That’s why back in November 2011, Obama singled out a House vote to reaffirm the nation’s motto, “In God We Trust.” And just the year before, Obama mistakenly said our national motto is “E pluribus unum.”
After saying that the House shouldn’t spend time reaffirming “In God We Trust,” Obama added, “the phrase from the Bible is, ‘The lord helps those who helps themselves.’” Except that phrase isn’t from the Bible.
Does Obama have a God problem? Absolutely. And it’s that broader issue that Romney was seeking to highlight.
Labels: 2012 Election, domestic energy, energy development, Heritage Foundation, new taxes, offshore drilling, Wall St.Journal