Spiritual Warfare for a Patriot
Tonight, when you take a few minutes to thank God for the day you've had, please mention Richard Lee.
Thank you
Labels: 1140wrva, patriots, The Lee Brothers, wrva

Labels: 1140wrva, patriots, The Lee Brothers, wrva
Fort Bragg, NC – The White House Press Office announced today that President Obama will soon be inducted into the Special Forces Association and receive an honorary Green Beret.Read the whole awesome post at: http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/08/obama-to-receive-honorary-green-beret-induction-into-special-forces-association/#ixzz253HLfxO4
Officials have said the honor will be bestowed in an upcoming September 11th ceremony at Fort Bragg.
“The President has in fact already received his Trident from the SEAL community,” said Carney. “He was honored to accept the insignia during a private ceremony in California, a week after his gutsy call where he singlehandedly took out bin Laden.”
When Carney was asked who had initiated the calls for President Obama to be given the illustrious honors, he hesitated before replying, “we’ll dig into it.”...
And given Occupy's record on rapes, it would be a mistake not to take the threats seriously.
For those who have seen “Occupy Unmasked,” these tactics should come as no surprise. Director Bannon puts the radical movement under a microscope, and determines that in its core, Occupy is brutally violent--it’s built to destroy, not to create.
Occupy's leadership is lousy with bullies, like the people who sent this email. And Andrew Breitbart hated bullies.
“Occupy Unmasked,” produced by David N. Bossie and Citizens United, is headed for a theatrical release through Mark Cuban’s Magnet. The film will also be released Video on Demand (VOD) before the 2012 election. "This film is controversial,” Cuban acknowledged. “And that's exactly the reason we want to ensure it can find its audience prior to the November elections.”
While Occupy has survived on threatening those with whom they disagree, the pre-November release date should be considered a threat to them. If conservative candidates sweep to victory, all of Occupy's activism (and rapes) will have been in vain.
"Occupy Unmasked" will be screened at the RNC in Tampa this Monday at 4pm. The event surrounding the screening will feature Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who will introduce the film. A reception will follow.
“There are liars; there are compulsive liars; and then there is the Obama campaign.”and there is Bill Clinton. An "exceptionally good liar" and a rapist, who will be speaking at the DNC.
This is exactly right. There is no way at all the Obama’s team didn’t know that Maria Ciano was an out-and-out Democrat and has been for years.
Labels: dhimmi propaganda, earned income, false ads, marxist tactics, mitt romney, socialist engineering, tax rates, taxes, wealth
Ryan Zinke, a member of the Montana state Senate and a U.S. Navy SEAL from 1985 to 2008, told Breitbart News: “It's a sad time for America when a President has to resort to bully tactics, intimidation, and misleading personal attacks against anyone who dares to speak out and be heard. The good thing is Americans have a long history of defeating tyrants.”I guess the next step will be to send the brownshirts and jackboots, aka the EFFA Bee Eye to round up and start "detaining" the members of these groups. You know if you post something on Facebook or a website, you can be held for "psychological evaluation" for saying things someone doesn't like. They used to do things like that in the USSR. Seems we are now living in the USSA.
For government officials to not only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon. This should be a wake-up call to Americans that the police state is here, said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. Brandon Raub is no different from the majority of Americans who use their private Facebook pages to post a variety of content, ranging from song lyrics and political hyperbole to trash talking their neighbors, friends and government leaders.Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry are turning in their graves.
Labels: chesterfield, FBI, Marine, New Black Panther Party
Labels: assclowns, douchebag reporters, enemedia, George Soros, koolade, marxist sugar daddy, mmfa
Labels: congress, House Republicans
Ryan, who has become a Democratic target for his plan to revamp Medicare for future benefit recipients, has a mother in Florida who is on Medicare. Obviously, he doesn’t want to end Medicare as we know it – he wants to maintain it for the future. Here’s what Ryan said – and what CBS News cut out of the interview:
My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida. Our point is we need to preserve their benefits, because government made promises to them that they've organized their retirements around. In order to make sure we can do that, you must reform it for those of us who are younger. And we think these reforms are good reforms, that have bipartisan origins. They started from the Clinton commission in the late '90s.
That’s about as egregious a cut as you can make in politics. It’s the equivalent of failing to inform viewers that Bill Clinton grew up poor in Arkansas, or Barack Obama was raised by his grandparents. These are vital biographical details that go to the motivation of political actors. Ryan isn’t out of touch with seniors. He’s fully in touch with them, as evidenced by his mom. The media just doesn’t want anybody to know about it.
Labels: Andrew Breitbart, Big Journalism, warfare
To any casual outside observer, the contrast of O'Brien's treatment of Democrat and Republican guests, plus her use of left-wing talking points, this is not the work of a non-partisan, objective journalist.
Even as state election officials across the U.S. have noticed a rise in military voting, a disturbing trend has appeared. The rate active-duty military voters who reported not receiving a requested absentee ballot almost doubled from 16 percent in 2008 to 29 percent in 2010, according to a survey done by the Defense Department’s Federal Voter Assistance Program (FVAP).
“It is a very real challenge” to get ballots out to forward operating bases in Afghanistan and other duty stations worldwide, said Paddy McGuire, FVAP’s deputy director for Elections Assistance. Mail services must also return those ballots as servicemembers try to keep track of ever-changing voting deadlines and the blizzard of federal, state and local election laws.
The political parties have added to the confusion of who can vote and when. Both Republicans and Democrats have dispatched platoons of lawyers to challenge or defend local election laws as they jockey for advantage.
The parties have clashed recently over an Ohio law that allowed military absentee ballots to be accepted up to the day before the Nov. 6 general election day. The cutoff for civilian absentee ballots is Nov. 2.
The National Guard Association filed a motion backing Republicans seeking to keep the three-day window for the military although Joseph Goheen, an NGA spokesman, said the motion was filed reluctantly.
“Our intent was to ensure that our members had a voice in this,” Goheen said. “But it’s been twisted in every direction by those seeking to politicize this.”
He said he supported the solution of accepting all absentee ballots up to Nov. 5 as requested in the lawsuit filed jointly by the Obama campaign, the Democratic National Committee and Ohio Democratic Party in July.
“We have no problem with that. We’re really not taking sides in this,” said Goheen, who explained that NGA’s main concern is making voting as easy as possible for servicemembers overseas.
McGuire admits a “complexity problem” still exists for troops trying to navigate the absentee ballot process.
Labels: absentee ballots, military ballots, military voting, military.com, national guard, ohio, overseas voting, presidential elections, virginia
One year ago today, I sat at 6:30AM on the end of a dock in Maine, drinking my coffee and reading the paper on my Ipad. The news of a helicopter crash glaring out at me, I just knew. Then, making two of the worst phone calls of my life, one to the wife of someone closer to me than family, the other to another friend just as close, I received and passed on the most devastating news I had ever heard.Some of their deepest joys of life ahead of them back home, the 30 warriors never thought twice about stepping on that helicopter to help those soldiers on the ground in need. We should never forget our heroic origins as Americans nor those, as these men, who continued to uphold that legacy. Let us continue to stand for the ideas by which they lived and died.
Long Live The Brotherhood.
When Democrats sue to remove an exemption designed to give military voters an equal chance of being counted, they claim they are only acting in the interests of fairness. When Republicans support for voter ID laws--laws supported by large majorities, even among black voters--the left cries "racism," claiming that Republicans want to suppress the vote of those most likely to vote Democrat. It is a sadly typical act of leftist projection--for is is Democrats, not Republicans, trying to make it more difficult for a particular group to vote because that group tends to vote for the opposition.
Since Flynn's story broke, the Romney campaign weighed in to support those facing down the Obama campaign's army of lawyers. "I stand with the fifteen military groups that are defending the rights of military voters, and if I'm entrusted to be the commander-in-chief, I'll work to protect the voting rights of our military, not undermine them," Mitt Romney said.
Yes, counting the ballots of a reliable Republican voting bloc is good for Romney, politically. But it is also in keeping with the measures taken by nearly every state in the Union over the past two years to make voting easier for soldiers, who have done so much to fight for the right of strangers to vote in hostile lands.
Barack Obama, who once claimed he supported gay marriage because of the soldiers "fighting on my behalf," evidently cannot be bothered to defend those same soldiers' right to vote.
I think it's unconscionable that we as a nation wouldn't make it as easy as possible for members of the military to vote. They arguably have more right to vote than the rest of us, since it is their service and sacrifice that ensures we have the right to vote in the first place.
If anyone proposes legislation to combat voter fraud, Democrats will loudly scream that the proposal could "disenfranchise" some voter, somewhere. We must ensure, they argue, that voting is easy and accessible to every single voter. Every voter, that is, except the men and women of our military.
Make no mistake, the Democrat lawsuit is intended to disenfranchise some unknown number of military voters. The judge should reject it with prejudice.