Stars of ‘Occupy Unmasked’ Threatened with ‘Legitimate Rape’ Ahead of RNC Premiere
Stars of ‘Occupy Unmasked’ Threatened with ‘Legitimate Rape’ Ahead of RNC Premiere
TAGS: rape,dnc,occupy,clinton,rapeisrape,leftist violence,mysoginists,dhimmitude,dhimmi unions, dhimmicrats, pernicious liers,insidious leftist assclowns
And given Occupy's record on rapes, it would be a mistake not to take the threats seriously.
For those who have seen “Occupy Unmasked,” these tactics should come as no surprise. Director Bannon puts the radical movement under a microscope, and determines that in its core, Occupy is brutally violent--it’s built to destroy, not to create.
Occupy's leadership is lousy with bullies, like the people who sent this email. And Andrew Breitbart hated bullies.
“Occupy Unmasked,” produced by David N. Bossie and Citizens United, is headed for a theatrical release through Mark Cuban’s Magnet. The film will also be released Video on Demand (VOD) before the 2012 election. "This film is controversial,” Cuban acknowledged. “And that's exactly the reason we want to ensure it can find its audience prior to the November elections.”
While Occupy has survived on threatening those with whom they disagree, the pre-November release date should be considered a threat to them. If conservative candidates sweep to victory, all of Occupy's activism (and rapes) will have been in vain.
"Occupy Unmasked" will be screened at the RNC in Tampa this Monday at 4pm. The event surrounding the screening will feature Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who will introduce the film. A reception will follow.
TAGS: rape,dnc,occupy,clinton,rapeisrape,leftist violence,mysoginists,dhimmitude,dhimmi unions, dhimmicrats, pernicious liers,insidious leftist assclowns
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