Monday, August 20, 2012

RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE DEFENDS MARINE ARRESTED: Statement on Hearing | Virginia CopBlockVirginia CopBlock

RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE DEFENDS MARINE ARRESTED: Statement on Hearing | Virginia CopBlockVirginia CopBlock“
For government officials to not only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon. This should be a wake-up call to Americans that the police state is here,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “Brandon Raub is no different from the majority of Americans who use their private Facebook pages to post a variety of content, ranging from song lyrics and political hyperbole to trash talking their neighbors, friends and government leaders.”
Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry are turning in their graves.


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