A New Mesage From Fred Thompson

.....the reason for picking Petraeus is simple. Iraq, whatever the current crises in Afghanistan and Pakistan, remains the West's biggest foreign policy challenge of this decade, and if he can halt its slide into all-out anarchy, Gen Petraeus may save more than Iraqi lives.
A failed Iraq would not just be a second Vietnam, nor would it just be America's problem.
It would be a symbolic victory for al-Qaeda, a safe haven for jihadists to plot future September 11s and July 7s, and a battleground for a Shia-Sunni struggle that could draw in the entire Middle East. Our future peace and prosperity depend, in part, on fixing this mess. And, a year ago, few had much hope.
Some of them are intent on making the outcome of the campaign dependent upon their pre-conceived notions. Every once in a while their incomplete and slanted coverage makes this clear.
Today I had this story written about me regarding what I said at a Town Hall event in Burlington, Iowa by a reporter who wasn’t even at the event. Incidentally, I declined to be interviewed by this particular reporter yesterday for reasons which will soon be apparent.
In referring to me, she reported “he doesn’t like modern campaigning, isn’t interested in running for President, and will not be devastated” if he doesn’t win.
Below is a transcript of what I actually said in response to a question by a local Burlington resident which was the basis of the reporter’s story.
It is clear that there are those in the media who will exact a high price for candor and from those whom they consider to be insufficiently ambitious. But it is with increasing amazement that we see that those who are willing to slant or leave out important parts of a story to make their point.
If a candidate succumbs to this he will be reduced to nothing more than a sound bite machine.
As for me I am going to continue to say exactly what is in my heart and is on my mind and give straight and honest answers to those who ask straight and honest questions.
Incidentally, the audience in Burlington broke into applause in the middle of my answer. The reporter wouldn’t know that because she wasn’t even there.
Q: (Courtesy ABC News) My only problem with you and why I haven’t thrown all my support behind you is that I don’t know if you have the desire to be President. If I caucus for you next week, are you still going to be there two months from now?
That is a very good question, not because it’s difficult to answer, but I’m gonna answer it in a little different way than what you might expect.
In the first place, I got into the race about the time people normally get into get into it. The fact of the matter is people get into it a lot earlier than they used to. For some of them, they were juniors in high school.
The first place, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. I wouldn’t be doing this. I grew up in very modest circumstances. I left government and I and my family have made sacrifices to be sitting here today. I haven’t had any income for a long time because I figured to be clean, you’ve got to cut everything off. I was doing speaking engagements and I had a contract to do a tv show. I had a contract with abc radio…and so forth. A man would have to be a total fool to do all those things and to be leaving his family which is not a joyful thing if he didn’’t want to do it.
I am not consumed by personal ambition. I will not be devastated if I don’t do it. I want the people to have the best president they can have.
When this talk first originated from people around the country both directly and through polls, liked the idea of me stepping up and of course, you always look better form a distance.
But most of those people are still there. I approached it from the standpoint of a deal. A kind of a marriage. If one side of a marriage really has to be talked into the marriage, it probably ain’t going to be a good deal. But if you mutually decide it’s going to be a good thing. In this case, if you think this is a good thing for the country, then we have an opportunity to do some wonderful things together.
I’m offering myself up. I’m saying that I have the background, the capability and concern to do this and do it for the right reasons. I’m not particularly interested in running for president, but I think I’d make a good president.
Nowadays, the process has become much more important than it used to be.
I don’t know that they ever asked George Washington a question like this. I don’t know that they ever asked Dwight D. Eisenhower a question like this. But nowadays, it’s all about fire in the belly. I’m not sure in the world we live in today it’s a good thing if a president has too much fire in the belly. I approach life differently than a lot of people. People, I guess, wonder how I’ve been as successful as I’ve been in everything that I’ve done. I won two races in TN by 20 point margins in a state that bill Clinton carried twice. I’ve never had an acting lesson. I guess that’s obvious by people who’ve watched me…
When I did it, I did it. Wasn’t just a lark. Anything that’s worth doing is worth doing well. But I’ve always been a little more laid back than most. I’m only consumed by very, very few things. Politics is not one of them. The welfare of our country and our kids and grandkids is one of them.
If people really want in their president super type-a personality, someone who has gotten up every morning and gone to bed every night and been thinking about for years how they win the presidency of the united states, someone who can look you straight in the eye and say they enjoy every minute of campaigning, I ain’t that guy. So I hope I’ve discussed that and didn’t talk you out of anything. I honestly want – I can’t imagine a worse set of circumstances [than] achieving the Presidency of the United States under false pretenses. I go out of my way to be myself... (continues at update)
Labels: 08 election, conservatism, fred thompson
Labels: democrat congress, polls
by Ann Coulter
December 26, 2007
All I want for Christmas is for Christians to listen to what Mike Huckabee says, rather than what the media say about him. The mainstream media keep flogging Huckabee for being a Christian, apparently unaware that this “God” fellow is testing through the roof in focus groups.
Huckabee is a “compassionate conservative” only in the sense that calling him a conservative is being compassionate.
He responded to my column last week—pointing out that he is on record supporting the Supreme Court’s sodomy-is-a-constitutional-right decision—by saying that he was relying on the word of a caller to his radio show and didn’t know the details of the case. Ironically, that’s how most people feel about sodomy: They support it until they hear the details.
First, I’d pay a lot of money to hear how a court opinion finding that sodomy is a constitutional right could be made to sound reasonable. But the caller had the right response when Huckabee asked him, “What’s your favorite radio station?” So he seemed like a reliable source.
Second, Huckabee’s statement that he agreed with the court’s sodomy ruling was made one week after the decision. According to Nexis, in that one week, the sodomy decision had been the cover story on every newspaper in the country, including The New York Times. It was the talk of all the Sunday news programs. It had been denounced by every conservative and Christian group in America—as well as other random groups of sane individuals having no conservative inclinations whatsoever.
The highest court in the land had found sodomy was a constitutional right! That sort of thing tends to make news. (I was going to say the sodomy ruling got publicity up the wazoo, but this is, after all, Christmas week.)
So this little stretch-marked cornpone is either lying, has a closed head injury, is a complete ignoramus—or all of the above.
Huckabee opposes school choice, earning him the coveted endorsement of the National Education Association of New Hampshire, which is like the sheriff being endorsed by the local whorehouse.
He is, however, in favor of school choice for kids in Mexico: They have the choice of going to school there or here. Huckabee promoted giving in-state tuition in Arkansas to illegal immigrants from Mexico—but not to U.S. citizens from Ohio. “I don’t believe you punish the children,” he said, “for the crime and sins of the parents.”
Since when is not offering someone lavish taxpayer-funded benefits a form of punishment? That’s almost as crazy as a governor pardoning a known sex offender so he can go out and rape and kill.
Huckabee claims he’s against punishing children for the crimes of their fathers in the case of illegal immigrants. But in the case of slavery, he believes the children of the children’s children should be routinely punished for the crimes of their fathers.
Huckabee has said illegal immigration gives Americans a chance to make up for slavery. (I thought letting O.J. walk for murdering two people was payback for slavery.)
Just two years ago, Huckabee cheerfully announced to a meeting of the Hispanic advocacy group League of United Latin American Citizens that “Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the minority.” Who’s writing this guy’s speeches—Al Sharpton? (Actually, take out “Southern” and “white,” and I agree with Huckabee’s sentiment).
He said the transition from Arkansas’ Southern traditions would “require extraordinary efforts on both sides of the border.” But, curiously, most of the efforts Huckabee described would come entirely from this side of the border. Arkansas, he pledged, would celebrate diversity “in culture, in language and in population.” He said America would have to “accommodate” those who come here.
All that he expected from those south of the border was that they have a desire to provide better opportunities for their families. Basically, we have to keep accommodating everyone but U.S. citizens.
For those of you keeping score at home, this puts Huckabee just a little to the left of Dennis Kucinich on illegal immigration and border control. The only difference is that Kucinich supports amnesty for aliens from south of the border and north of Saturn.
In a widely quoted remark, Huckabee denounced a Republican bill that would merely require proof of citizenship to vote and receive government benefits as “un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life,” according to the Arkansas News Bureau. Now, where have I heard this sort of thing before? Hmmm ... wait, now I remember: It was during the Democratic debates!
In his current attempt to pretend to be against illegal immigration, Huckabee makes a meaningless joke about how the federal government should track illegals the way Federal Express tracks packages. (Can a Mexican fit in one of those little envelopes?)
In other words, Huckabee is going to address the problem of illegal immigration by making jokes. It’s called leadership, folks.
Huckabee confirms for liberal TV hosts their image of conservatives as dorks by bragging about how cool he is because he “likes music.” What’s he doing—running for president or filling out his Facebook profile? Arkansas former fatty loves to make jokes and play the bass guitar. Remember what happened to the last former fatboy from Arkansas trying to be “cool” by liking music? I’ll take “Stained Dresses” for $400, Alex.
According to Huckabee, most people think conservatives don’t like music. Who on earth says conservatives don’t like music—other than liberals and Mike Huckabee? This desperate need to be liked by liberals has never led to anything but calamity.
Huckabee wants to get kids involved in music at an early age because he believes it leads to a more balanced and developed brain. You know, as we saw with the Jackson family. Maybe someone should tell him the Osmonds are voting for Romney.
He supports a nationwide smoking ban anyplace where people work, constitutional protection for sodomy, big government, higher taxes and government benefits for illegal aliens. According to my calculations, that puts him about three earmarks away from being Nancy Pelosi.
Liberals take a perverse pleasure in touting Huckabee because they know he will give them everything they want—big government and a Christian they can roll.Climbing to the president's chair, Webb took the gavel and banged it.For that flash in the pan, all he had to do was sell out a generation of American Warriors, court Hillary Clinton, and kiss John Kerry's butt. How sweet is that?
"The Senate will come to order," he intoned, reading from a two-line script to a floor empty of other senators but witnessed from the gallery by one reporter and about a half dozen staffers. "Under the previous order, the Senate stands in recess until Friday, December 28th, 2007 at 10 a.m."
His work done, Webb left. The floor staff reported to those in the gallery overhead that the session had lasted nine seconds. [link]
President Bush has used recess appointments to seat blocked judicial nominees, ambassadors, and Federal commission members, angering Senate Democrats each time. After he appointed Judge William Pryor to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Ted Kennedy, sued, saying that the appointment was unconstitutional. Sen. Kennedy and others petitioned the court to enforce a narrow interpretation of the president's power to make appointments during Senate recesses, allowing them only during the annual recess at Christmas. The Eleventh Circuit court disagreed, ruling 8-2 that the president's action was Constitutional, settling on a broader interpretation of the power that grants the president the authority to make recess appointments at any time during the year. The Supreme Court declined to intervene in the case, letting the lower court's decision stand.
Since Democrats have taken control of Congress, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has sought to make agreements with the White House over recess appointments. In April of this year, the first recess under a Democratic watch, President Bush made three appointments, including appointing a Swift Boat Veterans for Truth donor, Sam Fox, as Ambassador to Belgium. Determined not to let that happen again in August, Reid and the White House agreed that the Senate would move 42 stalled nominations and President Bush would make no recess appointments during the break. The deal held. Later in the year, a deal could not be reached, and so Reid held the Senate in pro-forma sessions over the Thanksgiving holiday, just as he is doing now. [Link]
Labels: i wanna be king, jim webb
U.S. Rep. Nancy Boyda, D-Kan., who has been a vocal critic of President Bush’s policy in the war in Iraq, on Monday visited troops in Iraq and said the situation appears to be improving.
“What is happening on the ground tactically is very good, and everyone is hopeful that it will continue, but no one is taking anything for granted and they don’t want to overstate things,” she said. “Our troops have done an incredibly good job,” she said. “The buds of a political solution are starting to form.”
Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of plaster & stone.
I had come down the chimney, with presents to give
and to see just who in this home did live
As I looked all about, a strange sight I did see,
no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.
On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.
With medals and badges, awards of all kind,
a sobering thought soon came to my mind.
For this house was different, unlike any I'd seen.
This was the home of a U.S. Marine.
I'd heard stories about them, I had to see more,
so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home.
He seemed so gentle, his face so serene,
Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.
Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?
His head was clean-shaven, his weathered face tan.
I soon understood, this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night,
owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.
Soon around the Nation, the children would play,
And grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,
because of Marines like this one lying here.
I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas Eve, in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.
I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.
He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,
"Santa, don't cry, this life is my choice
I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more.
My life is my God, my country, my Corps."
With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep,
I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still.
I noticed he shivered from the cold night's chill.
So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.
Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,
with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.
And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.
I didn't want to leave him so quiet in the night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.
But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,
said "Carry on, Santa, it's Christmas Day, all secure."
One look at my watch and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.
Labels: Christmas, Corporal Schmidt, usmc
Labels: corruption, huckabee
Labels: hillary clinton, humor
Labels: fred08, Marie's two cents, primaries
How can you wish our troops a Merry Christmas?
By telling them during a very special Patriot Radio segment with the Lee Brothers on Dec 22nd. Christmas Wishes from Home is your chance to send a special Christmas wish to friends or
family serving in harms way!
Simply call during the Patriot Radio segment on Dec 22nd
and your special wish will be posted on the WRVA website and www.theleebrothers.com for our troops to listen to at their convenience.
Christmas Wishes from Home - It is the
least we can do for the best of America! Patriot Radio with the Lee Brothers,
Dec 22nd 6-8 am.
If you can not call in, please send us an e-mail at patriots@theleebrothers.com with your Christmas wishes including the name of your friend or family, unit, and where they are serving and we will say it for you!
God Bless our troops and Merry Christmas from the Lee Brothers!
Scott and Richard Lee
Labels: lee brothers, support the troops, wrva
Labels: afghanistan, gwot, iraq campaign, support the troops
Labels: 08 election, duncan hunter, fred thompson, gop, romney, tancredo
“Sure there’s less violence, but that’s because we’ve ethnically cleansed most of Baghdad”
– Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA)
Video of Morons' comments here
From our friends at Vets for Freedom:
(Washington, DC) Vets for Freedom condemns the recent comments by Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) on the floor of the House of Representatives in which he stated that American troops “ethnically cleansed Baghdad.” The United Nations, along with the rest of the civilized world, commonly refers to ethnic cleansing as genocide.
“Once again, Congressman Moran demonstrates how far from reality he has fallen,” said Executive Director of Vets for Freedom and Iraq Army veteran, Pete Hegseth. “Jim Moran has a long history of putting his foot in his mouth, but this time he has gone too far. The men and women who make up our nation’s military are decent and honorable citizens who bravely serve to fight our enemies who threaten our national security. Insinuating that they are war criminals is outright despicable.”
He continued, “I call on all Members of Congress to follow Vets for Freedom in our condemnation of these irresponsible accusations, as well as on the constituents of the 8th District of Virginia to stand up to such nonsense and support the men and women whose very sacrifice allows Moran to run his mouth.”
Vets for Freedom is a nonpartisan organization established by combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its mission is to educate the American public about the importance of achieving success in these conflicts by applying our first-hand knowledge to issues of American military strategy. For more information, please visit http://www.vetsforfreedom.org/. For more information or to schedule interviews with Pete Hegseth or other Iraq/Afghanistan veterans, please contact Josh Grodin at (202) 841-1387 or Josh@VetsForFreedom.org.
Labels: Young Republicans
I don’t know if this is true. Probably isn’t. But this sounds like it could be Fred. Gotta love Scrappleface.
Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson today, upon hearing that rival Ron Paul’s supporters had raised $6 million in 24 hours to commemorate the Boston Tea Party, called on his supporters to match that figure in gun purchases before Christmas to mark George Washington’s victory at the Battle of Trenton.
“I’m tired of running around the country raising money that I just have to hand over to the same mainstream media companies that ignore my campaign,” said the former senator from Tennessee. “We’ve done enough this year to support the so-called free press of the first amendment. Let’s give a boost to our friends who make it possible for us to exercise our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.”Labels: fred thompson, fred08, guns, scrappleface
A USMC sniper was real good at his job, and he had a method. He would yell out some insult at the enemy and when someone stood up to reply, BANG - one less insurgent!
After every mission the company commander would ask "How many insurgents have you shot today?"
However, on this particular day when asked about the number killed, he reported "Five killed and I let one go, sir."
"Let one go?" roared the company commander. "What do you mean, you let one go?"
"Well, sir, I yelled out 'Osama is a Homo!' Then this big insurgent stood up and yelled 'Hillary is a Bitch!'Labels: hillary clinton, humor, military humor, usmc
Labels: 2nd Amendment, CCW, concealed carry, gun control, Gun Free Zones, liability law, self defense
Kill the terrorists. Protect the borders. Punch the hippies.
Any blogger supporting Fred HAS to put this video on.
via RightWingNews and IMAO.
Labels: fred facts, fred thompson, humor, IMAO, rightwingnews
Labels: Chuck Norris, fred facts, fred thompson, humor, IMAO
The vision that I have is high schools offering a voluntary Militia class, along the same lines as Drivers’ Education. This would include:
All to be taught, per Heinlein, by combat vets.
Labels: 2nd Amendment, civil defense, civil rights, Independence, militias, self defense
Labels: 08 election, AP, fred thompson, fred08, msm, O'Reilly
Phyllis Schlafly, president of the national Eagle Forum, is even more blunt. "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles," she says. "Yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a 'compassionate conservative' are now trying to sell us on Mike Huckabee.
Paul Pressler, a former Texas judge who led the conservative Southern Baptist revolt, told me, "I know of no conservative he appointed while he headed the Arkansas Baptist Convention."
I've said it before: Huckabee is a GOP Jimmy Carter. He may be religious, but he does not seem to have the courage of his convictions. He wants to be "nice" and "liked" by all the right people.
On Iran, for example, he makes a case for diplomacy by saying, "Before we put boots on the ground elsewhere, we had better have wingtips there first."
He adds that the U.S. can exploit the Iranian government's hunger for regional clout, saying, "We cannot live with al-Qaida, but we might be able to live with a contained Iran."
And just how is his "wing tip shoes" going to stop Iran from being a nuclear armed belligerent state? What can he offer or threaten that does not include military threats? Is this the same "vigorous diplomacy" offered by Clinton? Someone should ask Huckabee how his ideas differ.
Last week, Huckabee missed a report the White House released saying Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program; one day later, the candidate said he was unaware of the report and had been campaigning too hard to read the newspaper or be briefed. The Foreign Affairs article seems to have been written before the report was released, citing "urgent concerns about Iran's development of nuclear weapons."
If Huckabee has not been briefed, how can he offer an informed opinion on Iran? Is he just mouthing platitudes, hoping to appear different from the supposed war-mongers in office?
Labels: 08 election, huckabee
Labels: 08 election, conservative principles, duncan hunter, fred thompson
Labels: 08 election, fred08, huckabee, Thompson
Labels: 2nd Amendment, concealed carry, gun control, guns, oleg volk, open carry
Labels: al gore, carbon offsets, global warming, scams
Young Marines, Sacramento, CA Rally
photo by Move America Forward
Join Move America Forward and our fellow pro-troop supporters with Freedom's Watch, Gathering of Eagles, and Eagles Up for the “Honoring Heroes at the Holidays Tour” this November 26th - December 16th as we cross this nation holding pro-troop events in 40 cities across America to honor and salute the men and women of the U.S. military who will be thousands of miles away from their homes and families during this holiday season. (Help us pay for the cost of this effort by making a donation - HERE).
RICHMOND, VA. Pro-Troop Rally
Thursday, December 13th, 2007
1:30 PM
The Carillon @ William Byrd Park - CLICK HERE for MAP
Bring your family, flags and signs that thank our troops, express support for our troops. And of course be sure to bring Christmas, Hanukkah and holiday greeting cards for our troops - we’ll gladly accept them at the event and deliver them to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Labels: support the troops
Labels: gen. peter pace, usmc
Labels: Christmas, democrats, elf yourself, humor
Except for the "No action on the mortgage crisis" this is great!
The government has no business in fixing the "mortgage crisis."
Buying a house is not like buying a pack of gum. You sign that mortgage, its YOUR problem.
If you can't pay it, sell.
Labels: cantor, clueless democrats, democrat congress, mortgage, pelosi, video
Labels: america's history, HEROES, pearl harbor
Labels: 08 election, charlie rose, conservative principles, fred thompson, fred08, republican candidates
Check the casualty lists in any war. See who stands tall and salutes when the flag passes by. Note who wasn't sleeping in Lincoln's bedroom when Bill Clinton occupied the White House.Sen. Jim Webb in December of 2007:
Instead, Bill and Hillary's misadventures provide an echo of a different time and place, another set of values. Of bright students brought to good schools and becoming convinced, as Ben Stein wrote of his years at Yale Law School with the Clintons, "that we were supermen, floating above history and precedent, the natural rulers of the universe. . . . The law did not apply to us."
Meet The Press Transcript
MR. RUSSERT: You were very critical of Bill Clinton, talked about his ethical fraudulence, he—that he left with arrogance. Are you more receptive to Hillary Clinton?
SEN. WEBB: Hillary Clinton has been, been very good to work with. She’s been very impressive. I, I sit on the Armed Services Committee with her. She has taken some positions and I’ve aligned myself with her on, on a number of positions over the past year.
MR. RUSSERT: She make a good president?
SEN. WEBB: I think Hillary Clinton would be a good president.
MR. RUSSERT: How about Barack Obama?
SEN. WEBB: I think Barack Obama would be a good president. Barack Obama is a, is a very bright individual, and he—he’s got a lot of good ideas. He’s very charismatic, and I—I’ve enjoyed working with both of them.
MR. RUSSERT: Protecting your options there, huh?
SEN. WEBB: Well, I just happen to—I happen to have respect for both of them.
Labels: hillary clinton, jim webb, lt. dan, rats