We, the Militia........

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The above amendment states, in MY opinion, that the citizens of the United States have the right to bear arms. The purpose of the right is to provide for the security of their freedom. And since unorganized mobs tend to lose battles to organized forces, the citizens should form well trained militias. In fact, we HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to form militias to secure our freedoms and those of our fellow citizens. With all rights come responsibilities. Since part of the the freedom that we enjoy includes the right of being safe in our homes and in our daily lives, carrying weapons for self defense is included.
The militia was always a volunteer force, expected to provide their own weapons, subject to being placed under government control voluntarily, subject to the ability to leave government service under certain conditions. While not as well supplied or trained as regular forces (hence the name "regular"), the LOCAL militia was still armed with the latest weapons affordable, including CREW SERVED WEAPONS. While, admittedly, such cannon were kept in central armories, they were kept there for efficiency, because there were no regulations or laws restricting ownership of cannon.
All this being said, the blogger at Ricketyclick has an interesting idea:
How about this: the people’s right to keep and bear arms includes their right to join a (loosely) organized militia. However, while owning a firearm would be a prerequisite to joining the militia, militia service would not be a prerequisite for owning a firearm. (Disabled folk especially must be allowed to arm themselves for self-defense.)
The vision that I have is high schools offering a voluntary Militia class, along the same lines as Drivers’ Education. This would include:
- A review of BOR law.
- Instruction on how to comport yourself during a police stop. (”Keep your mouth shut and don’t consent to any search.”)
- Instruction on how to comport yourself as a juror or a witness.
- Expanded Citizens’ Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, including firefighting, search and rescue, and first aid through CPR. Extra credit for obtaining a ham license.
- And the capstone: Firearms training with rifle and pistol, including self defense law, practical shooting exercises, and paintball battles.
All to be taught, per Heinlein, by combat vets.
While this is just a rough idea, the basic premise is sound. Concealed carry is already common. Most CCW's accept the responsibility of bearing arms in the defense of themselves AND OTHERS. Crime prevention can only be accomplished the citizenry. The police catch criminals after the crime is committed. Civil defense training would only improve the emergency response capabilities of communities.
Also, many citizens have seen the continued growth of government into our personal lives. I don't believe that the militia would be necessary to "fight" the government in any foreseeable future. But, I see that the existence of the militia would bring to the forefront of the citizenry the idea that the government is supposed to be limited and work FOR us. Decisions such as the Kelo decision or the seizure of Elian Gonzales, or other such over reaching would become rare. The militia's purpose is to provide security to the population and to protect the freedoms of the population.
If the local populace does not need to rely on a central government for safety or disaster relief; if such needs could be decentralized, the citizenry would be empowered.
Remember, we are a FREE people. Let us educate our children to be Free and independent.
Labels: 2nd Amendment, civil defense, civil rights, Independence, militias, self defense
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