FBI May Impound ‘Pro-Obama’ Voting Machines

Labels: poll workers, rigged elections, stupid voters, voter fraud
Is Jill Kelley, the alleged rival of former CIA chief David Petraeus’ mistress, a spy? Some are beginning to think so.
Imagine you are a spy and want to flirt your way into the hearts of the most powerful men in the United States. Where would you set up shop?
Washington, D.C.?
MacDill Air Force Base, Central Command, outside of Tampa, Florida, which is ground zero for America’s military might.
Our recently disgraced CIA Director, David Petraeus, was head of Central Command from October 2008 to June 2010. In June of 2010, Barack Obama in effect demoted him to lead the troops in Afghanistan and then, in order to keep him on a short leash, appointed him head over the CIA in September of 2011.
But back to Jill Kelley, aka Jill Khawam, who gave lavish parties at her mansion in Tampa, attracting enough military brass to start her own war. According to the Washington Post, Kelley “had become a de facto social ambassador among high-ranking personnel at MacDill, home to the U.S. Central Command and Special Operations Command.”
Petraeus was a frequent guest at these lavish soirées and one night arrived with “a 28-cop motorcycle escort.” He was met with “string quartets on the lawn, premium cigars and champagne, and caviar-laden buffets.”
Except Jill Khawam is not an American citizen. Jill Khawam arrived in the United States in the 1970s from Lebanon as a foreign national. She never should have been a thousand feet from the men and women who command our troops and fleets.
But that was before Barack Hussein Obama. Obama doesn’t care about those silly concepts like “national security.”
But who is Kelley spying for, you ask? Well, the days of Mata Hari are long past, so it isn’t Germany. Who hates the United States more than they hate Israel? Obama’s Middle East “friends.”
According to the Wall Street Journal:
Middle Eastern diplomats in Washington also knew Ms. Kelley, who came from a Lebanese immigrant family and who helped arrange social activities when dignitaries from the region visited Tampa, diplomats said.And if you’re a friend to the Middle East, you’re a friend of Barack Hussein Obama. Where do you think Ms. Khawam was found on September 28, about the time David Petraeus decided he wasn’t going to play “pin the tail” on the Benghazi YouTube video story anymore? Ms. Jill Kelley was at the White House rubbing shoulders with one Barack Hussein Obama. She gushed in an email on September 28th: “In addition to that, I was just recently appointed to be the Honorary Consulate General to South Korea! I’m in DC today — just left from breakfast at the White House. . . . I really hope to see you soon!”
Oh, by the way, who approves these “Honorary Consulate General” positions, complete with official credentials? Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
And the Muslim Brotherhood soap opera continues, starring Barry Obama and co-starring Hillary Rodham Clinton…
Susan Katz Keating is an investigative journalist specializing in national security. A former Washington Times reporter, she is the author of Prisoners of Hope: Exploiting the POW/MIA Myth in America (Random House), and three books for young readers. A People magazine correspondent, she covers high profile stories, including the Virginia Tech and Ft. Hood shootings, and the SEAL assault on Osama bin Laden. Her work has appeared in Readers Digest, The New York Times, Air&Space, American Legion, VFW, Soldier of Fortune, and other publications. She has been cited in the New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal, Salon, and other journals. She is a founding trustee for the National Museum of Americans in Wartime, and serves on the board for Cooking With the Troops. She briefly was in the U.S. Women's Army Corps, where she earned her Expert rating on the M-16 rifle. She was editor of the Dixon Tribune newspaper in California. She was a director of the Travis AFB Museum, and served as restoration crew chief on a B-52. She belongs to the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, and serves on the Draft Board. She attended the University of California at Davis. She lives in Virginia. |
Labels: 1st Amendment, benghazi, Broadwell, citizen intimidation, FBI, free press, Kelly, Petraeus
“This is exactly the kind of fuel the president will use to order measures to ‘protect’ the Republic. And he’ll have the Department of Homeland Security at his disposal to enforce them.”
Noting that President Obama signed his 141st executive order expanding the “partnership” between the Department of Homeland Security and local police, Beck said that when the federal government gets involved, local police almost always take a back seat. Moreover, reports of the Social Security Administration buying 174,000 hollow-point bullets suddenly become much more troubling.
“If the government begins arming itself against the citizens at the federal level, and say ‘by the way, we’re your new state police,’ that would indeed be the point in the course of human events where it becomes necessary to dissolve political bands,” Beck said, concluding with a passage from the Declaration of Independence.
But, Beck said, “secession is not an option,” and so it is up to you to contact your governor, find out what your kids are learning, and change the media. Because the next step isn’t going to be easy
Labels: Civilian Defense Force, Declaration of Independence, martial law, re-education camps, rendition, secede, secession, union
Labels: 4th of July, great britain, tea time
Did the timing of General Petraeus’ resignation have something to do with the Nov. 6 election?
Knowing President Barack Obama‘s propensity to do anything to save his own hide, one has to believe it played a part in the saga. According to a report by Ronald Kessler, it came months after the FBI began investigating his relationship with Paula Broadwell, the author of his biography, “All In,” and it left some FBI agents fuming.
Did it have something to do with the House Intelligence Committee’s upcoming hearing about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya?General Petraeus’ resignation came only days before he was — and, some say, still is — expected to testify Nov. 15 at a closed-door hearing during which members of the committee are expected to ask tough questions and demand truthful answers about the CIA‘s role in events before, during and after the attack which left Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others dead. One has to believe it played a part as well.
Did it have anything to do with the fact that, by virtue of his position atop the CIA, he knew he would be subjected to periodic, in-depth polygraph examinations and face questions regarding, among other things, his personal conduct?As a high-ranking government employee privy to classified information of the highest order, General Petraeus falls into the category of people who expected to be subjected to polygraph examinations on an annual basis. As a retired Army four-star general with more than three decades in uniform, he also knows that a host of countermeasures are available to anyone wanting to defeat the polygraph; therefore, I doubt he had any concerns about undergoing such an examination.
Did it have anything to do with General Petraeus believing foreign intelligence agents might try to compromise him if they became aware of his clandestine activities with Mrs. Broadwell, the married mother of two is not his wife?
Well-schooled in all manner of intelligence-gathering operations, General Petraeus knows that foreign intelligence agents keep watchful eyes on people like him with the hope of finding information they might use in attempts to compromise him at some future date; therefore, I’m sure he limited his reckless behavior with his mistress to environments where none of the “bad guys” could catch him in the act. Likewise, he probably trusted his extramarital lover.
Unfortunately, General Petraeus must have known he could not hide his affair from FBI agents able to install wiretaps and conduct surveillance activities not available to foreign agents. In knowing those agents’ chain of command leads to Attorney General Eric Holder, the general also knew that the information would likely be seen by President Obama and held over his head as a bargaining chip of sorts for use at some point in the future when the president was in trouble and needed his CIA director to be his “fall guy.”
Understandably, General Petraeus decided he would rather face the wrath of his wife now than end up “under the bus” at some time in the future on trumped-up circumstances.
Though I don’t condone the general’s pre-resignation actions in any way and despise him for the role he’s played in shaping DoD’s severely-flawed “catch-and-release” policies which have turned many battlefields into untenable environments for warfighters, I can’t say I blame him from protecting himself from his boss.
Hopefully, the whole truth will come out during this week’s hearings and beyond.
On November 6, 2012, 3.2 million fewer Americans voted for Mitt Romney than President Obama. 61.8 million Americans voted for Obama, while only 58.6 million voted for Romney.
Despite losing the popular vote 51% to 48%--not a landslide for Obama by any means, but on the other hand not the “neck and neck” outcome many predicted--Mitt Romney would be President today if he had secured 333,908 more votes in four key swing states.
The final electoral college count gave President Obama a wide 332 to 206 margin over Romney. 270 electoral college votes are needed to win the Presidency.
Romney lost New Hampshire’s 4 electoral college votes by a margin of 40,659. Obama won with 368,529 to Romney’s 327,870.
Romney lost Florida’s 29 electoral college votes by a margin of 73,858. Obama won with 4,236,032 to Romney's 4,162,174.
Romney lost Ohio’s 18 electoral college votes by a margin of 103,481. Obama won with 2,697,260 to Romney’s 2,593,779
Romney lost Virginia’s 13 electoral college votes by a margin of 115,910. Obama won with 1,905,528 to Romney’s 1,789,618.
Add the 64 electoral college votes from this switch of 333,908 votes in these four key states to Romney’s 206, remove them from Obama’s 332, and Romney defeats Obama 270 to 268.
Overall, voter turnout was down, from 131 million in 2008 to 122 million in 2012. Obama won 7.6 million fewer votes than he did in 2008, and Romney won 1.3 million fewer than McCain in 2008.
Romney improved his vote total's over McCain's by the slightest amount in three of these four states, but in Ohio, he actually had 81,000 fewer votes than McCain in 2008
Obama’s victory doesn’t constitute a mandate for his far left agenda to “transform America” into some nightmarish amalgam combining the worst features of a European socialist state with an Indonesian oligarchy.
This election was not about grand vision. It was about small details and focused pandering to specific demographic groups.
The Obama campaign performed its nationally divisive mission of small ball with excellence and focus. In contrast, the Romney campaign failed in the basic nuts and bolts of campaigning and lost focus on the four key states that mattered by diverting the candidate's time and the campaign's financial resources to states that didn't matter.
While Romney campaigned in Ohio on Election Day, his last campaign event took place in Pennsylvania, where he didn't have a chance. Romney had no election day campaign stops in Virginia or Florida, though he did have an election eve event in New Hampshire.
An even more critical error took place in the diversion of financial resources from Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio to "expand the map" and buy expensive television ad time in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Pennsylvania. This grand strategy, developed by Karl Rove's Crossroads Group and influenced by senior campaign advisor Ed Gillespie, was a fatal error in crucial last weeks of the campaign.
Labels: dhimmitude, elections have consequences when morons vote, Total Asshat Assimilation
It was just a coincidence that the attack on the Benghazi consulate occurred on the anniversary of 9/11. We were told that it was really a “protest turned violent” over an anti-Islam video that had exactly seventeen views on YouTube, being uploaded two months before, averaging less than one view per day.
CIA director David Petraeus towed the party line and parroted this ludicrous YouTube story, backing up Obama in testimony to Congress. At least until we found out that there was no protest.
At least until we found out that Obama had known it was a terrorist act in less than an hour with emails going directly to the White House Situation Room.
At least until we found out that the Obama administration had a live drone feed of the entire seven hour attack.
Then we found out the two former SEALS and then CIA operatives Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were told to repeatedly “stand down” and not help Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans. But they disobeyed a direct order and went anyway, saving over twenty Americans, but paying with their lives.
Petraeus towed the party line with the video but refused to fall on the sword and say the CIA gave this stand down order, thus implicating that it was Obama who had denied help to both the consulate and CIA annex which later came under attack.
And when you cross a Chicago thug like Obama, payback is swift and lethal.
Petraeus needed to be taken out—but after the election—and before he was scheduled to testify under oath this time to Congress about what he knew about Benghazi.
Petraeus’ resignation had nothing to do with an affair. In fact, the affair had been over for months. The FBI had been investigating literally thousands of emails that Petraeus had sent to his former paramour, biographer Paula Broadwell, for longer than that and could have dropped the guillotine months before if they wanted to.
It was rather about paybacks and keeping the American people in the dark about the real reason Petraeus had to be kept quiet about Benghazi: gunrunning. Gunrunning of tens of thousands of Libyan weapons to the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels.
Labels: Cooking With the Troops, cwtt, NASDAQ, Veteran's Day
Labels: Pile of Empty Brass, rangerup, RhinoDen
Labels: No Better Friend No Worse Enemy, US Marines, USMC Birthday
Barack Obama had nearly 10 million fewer votes last night than in 2008.
But it was enough to win.
Fewer Republicans turned out to vote for Mitt Romney
Mitt won only 57 million votes.
In 2008 John McCain had nearly 60 million votes.
And in 2004 Bush had 62 million votes.
The Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away. It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday's election … The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? Silence.
Prompt and strong action from the White House on Sept. 11 might have saved American lives, as well as America's reputation as a nation not to be messed with. Weakness and dithering and flying to Las Vegas the next day for celebrity fund-raising parties are somehow better?The RJ pulled no punches about the Obama Administration‘s efforts to destroy our economy and accused Obama of continually flat-out lying to the American people.
This administration is an embarrassment on foreign policy and incompetent at best on the economy - though a more careful analysis shows what can only be a perverse and willful attempt to destroy our prosperity. Back in January 2008, Barack Obama told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that under his cap-and-trade plan, "If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them." He added, "Under my plan ... electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." It was also in 2008 that Mr. Obama's future Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, famously said it would be necessary to "figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" - $9 a gallon.
Yet the president now claims he's in favor of oil development and pipelines, taking credit for increased oil production on private lands where he's powerless to block it, after he halted the Keystone XL Pipeline and oversaw a 50 percent reduction in oil leases on public lands.
These behaviors go far beyond "spin." They amount to a pack of lies.
To return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion, like Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb to its target at the end of the movie "Dr. Strangelove," would be disastrous. Candidate Obama said if he couldn't fix the economy in four years, his would be a one-term presidency.
Mitt Romney is moral, capable and responsible man. Just this once, it's time to hold Barack Obama to his word. Maybe we can all do something about that, come Tuesday.The fiery wrath of proud Americans is back.
President Obama lied to the American people (and to the world)
about the cause of the deaths of four courageous Americans whose lives were
at risk there. One way or the other, Obama will pay. And as he pays, his
party will be constantly on the defensive, the reputations of their
leadership incalculably besmirched.
The Benghazi debacle boils down to a single key factor -- the
granting or withholding of “cross-border authority.” Sending additional
forces into a foreign country always requires the president's approval. Obama
was either absent, or refused "CBA."
Labels: benghazi, blood sucking heartless dhimmicrats, CIC, dhimmi cowards, dhimmitude, Libya, Navy Seals, PJMedia, secdef
Labels: ELECTION, family foundation, property rights, question 1, vote yes