Saturday, November 17, 2012

FBI Supressing (Intimidating) Journalists?

Just got a message the #2 man at the EffaBeeEye called investigative journalist Susan Katz Keating (my BFF) at her home and told her to stop investigating the Petraeous/Broadwell/Kelly/Allen connection to Benghazi where 4 Americans were left to die in the sands of North Africa.

Susan Katz Keating is an investigative journalist specializing in national security. A former Washington Times reporter, she is the author of Prisoners of Hope: Exploiting the POW/MIA Myth in America (Random House), and three books for young readers. A People magazine correspondent, she covers high profile stories, including the Virginia Tech and Ft. Hood shootings, and the SEAL assault on Osama bin Laden. Her work has appeared in Readers Digest, The New York Times, Air&Space, American Legion, VFW, Soldier of Fortune, and other publications. She has been cited in the New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal, Salon, and other journals. She is a founding trustee for the National Museum of Americans in Wartime, and serves on the board for Cooking With the Troops. She briefly was in the U.S. Women's Army Corps, where she earned her Expert rating on the M-16 rifle. She was editor of the Dixon Tribune newspaper in California. She was a director of the Travis AFB Museum, and served as restoration crew chief on a B-52. She belongs to the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, and serves on the Draft Board. She attended the University of California at Davis. She lives in Virginia.

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