*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
Recently, President Obama said that the Occupiers are just like the Tea Party.
That’s a lie.

Recently, President Obama said that the Occupiers are just like the Tea Party.
That’s a lie.
The Chicago media–much like the mainstream media in the rest of the country–has largely ignored the true origins of the Occupy demonstrations, and has failed to hold organizers accountable for the violence and bigotry of some of their members.
It ought to be newsworthy, for example, when individuals under investigation by the FBI for terrorism lead a sit-in outside the mayor’s office. But that fact was ignored by media reports in Chicago and elsewhere.
As the Occupy manifestation of the “Global Peace and Justice Movement” begins to decay and break down into the predictable anarchy, violence and arrests, it is becoming clear that the protests pose special dangers for women. Even the left has begun to admit it. The Nation tries to laud the role of women in Occupy Wall Street but can’t avoid the truth:
Here are a just a few recent incidents:
•A 14-year-old runaway was allegedly sexually assaulted at Occupy Dallas.
•A 19-year-old student activist was allegedly raped at Occupy Cleveland.
•A man was arrested on charges of indecent exposure to children at Occupy Seattle.
•A female reporter was threatened by activists at Occupy Oakland.
Labels: anarchists, Leftist violence, violence, violent moonbats
As the Occupy Wall Street protesters started to gather in various cities across the country, it was soon learned that the American Nazi Party endorsed the movement and called for its members to “…JOIN IN the attack on Judeo-Capitalism.” Even the left wing media is conceding that the OWS crowd is a manifestation of left wing anger intended to counter the Tea Party. Timothy McVeigh was a neo-Nazi. His favorite book was a novel entitled The Turner Diaries, which was written by William L. Pierce, an official with the American Nazi Party; even the far left group Southern Poverty Law Center acknowledges this. We are left to conclude that since the American Nazi Party endorses the OWS protests, so would Mr. McVeigh.
Labels: domestic terrorists, dont be a douChe', marxists, occupation, socialist propaganda, wall street
Well, and I think that’s–that’s one side of what people want, right, ’cause that’s not the only thing people want, they also want to take the banker out of his, you know, fucking tower and string him up in the public square, right? [Applause] That’s not–that’s not, like, just the crazy left. That’s everyday folks talking about their experiences.Like, you know....
And, like, this is America, right? We want to talk about “we’re the 99%” as if we’re also not the 99% that loves Transformers 4, right? [Laughter] As if this is the 99% that doesn’t also, like, feel passionate anger. “All we want is, like, you know, our little appropriate piece of the pie and we just want to be friendly.“
Labels: domestic terrorists, Leftist violence, occupation, violent moonbats, wall street
"Fisker is using this funding to bring a shuttered General Motors plant in Delaware back to life and employing more than 2,500 workers. Fisker was attracted to this site in part by the opportunity to rehire some of the trained, dedicated workers who lost their jobs when that plant closed," Leistikow said. The department later clarified that 120 workers have been hired at the site to date, with the rest set to be hired by early 2013.Read more:
While President Obama stumps for huge tax hikes — on incomes of $200,000 to the millionaire and billionaire level — and demoralizes businesses and entrepreneurs with his populist attacks on success and risk-taking, the GOP is fast coming up with a much better idea.
The handwriting is now on the wall. A huge part of the 2012 campaign will be pro-growth tax reform versus “fairness,” redistribution, and soak-the-rich. In a stalled-out economy, I’ll take the supply-side bet anytime. Pro-growth, flat-tax reform is going to win
May 1961
President Kennedy approves sending 400 Special Forces troops and 100 other U.S. military advisers to South Vietnam. On the same day, he orders the start of clandestine warfare against North Vietnam to be conducted by South Vietnamese agents under the direction and training of the CIA and U.S. Special Forces troops. Kennedy’s orders also called for South Vietnamese forces to infiltrate Laos to locate and disrupt communist bases and supply lines there.
We all know how that developed.
And here we go again………
October 2011
Two days ago President Obama authorized the deployment to Uganda of approximately 100 combat-equipped U.S. forces to help regional forces “remove from the battlefield” – meaning capture or kill – Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and senior leaders of the LRA.
The forces will deploy beginning with a small group and grow over the next month to 100. They will ultimately go to Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the permission of those countries.
The president made this announcement in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Friday afternoon, saying that “deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa.”
He said that “although the U.S. forces are combat-equipped, they will only be providing information, advice, and assistance to partner nation forces, and they will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defense.”
Labels: China, liberty, maoism, maoists, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, youtube
The protesters have railed against food corporations because they believe their products are altering their DNA. They want free education so they don’t have to work or join the military to payoff student loans. They have called for a living wage. They take pride in disrupting the lives of working Americans because they do not share the same work ethic. Furthermore, they want to end wealth in America and replace capitalism with a system of sharing that gives out really cool stuff. These are but just a few of the mob’s demands. Mikhail Bakunin, the Russian author of the quote in the heading, was considered the author of violent social anarchism. Bakunin advocated atheism and violence as well as terrorism, revolution and destruction. Is it coincidental that the Wall Street Protestors have been heard shouting death threats against cops, Jews, and the wealthy?
Labels: dhimmi unions, Leftist violence, Marxism, occupation, screw SEIU, socialism, socialist propaganda, union thugs, unions
We are unapologetic supporters of Virginia’s Right-to-Work laws and fighting off the union excesses that is hurting businessmen across the United States.
Over the last three weeks, as the world has watched the spectacle of the Zuccotti Park protesters in lower Manhattan, some have been inspired and, in many cases, repulsed at the protesters occupying the park. Since the protests have now garnered the backing from the professional protesters from the AFL-CIO’s 56 unions and the SEIU, as well as implicit and explicit support from the Obama Administration and Democrats, there is more relevance to examining not just what the protesters are protesting but what they are promoting.
Meet “the Collaborators” [aka Baklava [sic] Boy and his friend. It was a chance encounter (the taking of this picture and the subsequent conversation) on Day One of #OccupyWallSt that gave some insight into the minds of the Neo-Communists protesting across the country.
Labels: government healthcare, Illusion or Reality, jobs, reality, unemployment rate
An Energy Department adviser and former fundraiser for President Barack Obama pushed to make sure that a California solar company got a half-billion federal loan, despite pledging to recuse himself because his wife's law firm represented the company.
Newly released emails show that Steve Spinner, a former Obama fundraiser who helped monitor a clean energy loan guarantee program, was more actively involved in a loan for Solyndra LLC than administration officials have acknowledged.
In the emails, Spinner repeatedly pushes Energy Department and White House budget officials to ensure that the loan was finalized before Biden's planned trip. The loan closing was announced at the groundbreaking ceremony on Sept. 4, 2009.
"How -- hard is this? What is he waiting for?" Spinner wrote in an Aug, 28, 2009 email to a DOE official. "I have the OVP (Office of the Vice President) and WH (the White House) breathing down my neck on this. They are getting itchy to get involved."
Labels: conflict of interests, energy development, liar, solar power, ZERO
So the hippies are still hunkered down by Wall Street. Like their hero Bill Ayers (aka, President Obama’s terrorist buddy), they are admitted anti-capitalists who want more government-sponsored wealth redistribution, education recognized as a human right, and cradle-to-grave healthcare at no cost to the one receiving the healthcare.In the interests of fairness, its only proper that we share the demands of the OWS so our readers may make their own decisions regarding the validity of the accusations being leveled against they. (No that's not a typo. All the accusations begin with the word "They")
That’s right, regardless of the claims to “Occupy Wall Street” in order to protest alleged financial wrong-doing (which is just leftist jargon for “shame on you for making a profit”), the real impetus because the gathering of these dirty hippies is union-sponsored socialism.And President Obama is encouraging it. (emphasis added)
Labels: Andrew Breitbart, ayers, Big Government.com, communist manifesto, domestic terrorists, Dr Zero, occupation, the annointed one, wall street
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Labels: anarchists, asshats everywhere, communist manifesto, moonbats, occupation, wall street, WTC
Labels: Eric Cantor, fascism, fascist, occupation, Pat Dollard, scum, wall street, Washington Times
Labels: Germany, Leftist violence, occupation, Pat Dollard, protests, thugs, wall street, youtube
What Media Matters doesn’t want to tell you is what Adams’s book reveals: that the New Black Panthers were there to support Obama, and said so earlier that day while Obama listened and smiled; that the Panthers shadowed him, left the march with him, and raised black power salutes over his head; and that Shabazz claimed he spoke with Obama.
If there was a 4th of July event and the Ku Klux Klan were given a speaker’s slot, would any GOP candidate be stupid enough to speak there? Why, then, is it acceptable to Media Matters for Obama and other Democrats to have spoken and marched with the Panthers?
So, who is the New Black Panther Party?
.....a short summary with a lot of video because, frankly, a tiny bit of research quickly brings up how awful this group is.
Let’s start with a video of Geraldo Rivera taking on New Black Panther Party leader Malik Zulu Shabazz over his statement after 9/11 that “Brother” Osama bin Laden deserved “respect” and applause:
Today, in 1789, George Washington sent the first ten amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) to the states for ratification.
Labels: 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Big Government.com, Bill of Rights, George Washington, ratification