Monday, October 24, 2011

Glenn Beck Was Right, Says Leading Occupy Activist: #OccupyWallStreet Wants Violent Revolution

Glenn Beck Was Right, Says Leading Occupy Activist: #OccupyWallStreet Wants Violent Revolution

In their own words.

Well, and I think that’s–that’s one side of what people want, right, ’cause that’s not the only thing people want, they also want to take the banker out of his, you know, fucking tower and string him up in the public square, right? [Applause] That’s not–that’s not, like, just the crazy left. That’s everyday folks talking about their experiences.

And, like, this is America, right? We want to talk about “we’re the 99%” as if we’re also not the 99% that loves Transformers 4, right? [Laughter] As if this is the 99% that doesn’t also, like, feel passionate anger. “All we want is, like, you know, our little appropriate piece of the pie and we just want to be friendly.“
Like, you know....

Forewarned is forearmed.

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