#Occupy Movement Is Unsafe for Women: Attacks and Threats Show Dangers of Anarchist Organizing

#Occupy Movement Is Unsafe for Women: Attacks and Threats Show Dangers of Anarchist Organizing
As the Occupy manifestation of the “Global Peace and Justice Movement” begins to decay and break down into the predictable anarchy, violence and arrests, it is becoming clear that the protests pose special dangers for women. Even the left has begun to admit it. The Nation tries to laud the role of women in Occupy Wall Street but can’t avoid the truth:
Here are a just a few recent incidents:
•A 14-year-old runaway was allegedly sexually assaulted at Occupy Dallas.
•A 19-year-old student activist was allegedly raped at Occupy Cleveland.
•A man was arrested on charges of indecent exposure to children at Occupy Seattle.
•A female reporter was threatened by activists at Occupy Oakland.
Labels: anarchists, Leftist violence, violence, violent moonbats
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