New Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito!
Dark Eyed Junko said...
I can appreciate your enthusiasm and support for the new Justice, but your comment "Neener neener neener" is more hurtful than helpful. It's become too commonplace for people to take sides, as if rooting for a football team. Unfortunately, that way of thinking only undermines the political process by impeding meaningful discussion of the issues. I see the same thing happening equally with both sides of the spectrum, and it makes me sad that people are too preoccupied with the thrill of victory to see how contemptuous it all is to our democracy.
6:03 PM
f mcdonald said...
After the sophomoric way SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ALITO was maligned, ridiculed and demeaned by certain members of the United States Senate, the leftwing blogosphere, the Deaniacs, the NAGS, etc., etc., I think Neener Neener Neener is quite appropriate and easily understood.
10:12 PM
Other said...
Life forces us to take sides and then our only choices are how to respond. There is no progress or even change without conflict. We learn how to walk because we are in conflict with gravity; sitting on the floor not being able to reach something.
It isn't like a football game because there are so many sides to choose from. This really complex game has few rules and they keep changing and then you pick whether you're going to carry the ball for awhile or be a cheerleader. Nobody gets to be a referee or stand on the sidelines, there are no bleachers just a really really big invisible playing field with no lines drawn. and there is no gaterade or Theisman trophy you just get to stay in the game
10:48 PM
f mcdonald said...
Your comment is beautifully written. After reading it, the image that came to mind was Thunderdome.
It seems to me the natural world is incredibly ordered. The more closely science examines it the more this is shown to be true. Man is part of this natural order and law. Men survive the most horrible, brutal circumstances sometimes not even wanting to do so because buried deep within their being is hope. It may be unrecognized and unacknowledged but it is there.
"We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond the thunderdome "
3:07 PM
Labels: alito, supreme court