Biden Bitter Bruised & Broken

Courtesy of End_Clintonism_Now
Senator Joe Biden of Delaware was frustrated enough in an appearance on the Today show Thursday to suggest scrapping hearings altogether. "The system's kind of broken," Biden said. Time Online
American Daughter said...
I love your new weblog. It is a valuable addition to the Virginia blogosphere.
3:58 PM
f mcdonald said...
Thank you, American Daughter. You've got some awesome stuff on your website and we're going to put your link in the sidebar if that's ok with you.
9:46 PM
spankthatdonkey said...
Love the Photo!!!! Keep Spanking them Donkeys!!! :D
10:47 PM
Labels: biden, clueless democrats
I love your new weblog. It is a valuable addition to the Virginia blogosphere.
Thank you, American Daughter. You've got some awesome stuff on your website and we're going to put your link in the sidebar if that's ok with you.
Love the Photo!!!! Keep Spanking them Donkeys!!! :D
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