Sunday, January 08, 2006

Americans For Prosperity: Someone called in the Cavalry

Nickfinity over at Say No to RINOs has posted a great summary of the Americans For Prosperity Virginia Grassroots meeting held on January 7. Speakers included AFP's Rob Whitney, Delegate Chris Saxman, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling (that guy is showing up in all the Right places!), The Honorable Paul Harris, Dr. Jim Miller, Speaker of the House William Howell, Steve Horton and Phil Cox.

After reading his detailed report there seems to be hope this group may be THE great anti-tax coagulator Virginia needs and platelet donations will most likely be in order before all is said and done.

Here is a bit of what nickfinity had to report:

Delegate Saxman is a member of the Cost Cutting Caucus and is a big proponent of school choice. I believe he has a bill this year that would give tax credits to corporations who offer scholarships to private schools. I hope it passes.

Delegate Saxman also supports a more transparent budget. I have only glanced at this year's budget, but it appears to be an improvement over previous years. I hope it is something he continues to work on.

As an aside, during the tax hike debate I talked to Senator Stosch and asked him where I could look at the budget. He said it was available online and made it sound like any schmuck could look at it and figure everything out. I did look, but it was difficult to navigate and understand. The following year on a survey he asked if the budget document should be easier to view and understand.

Following Delegate Saxman was Rob Whitney. Rob discussed the victory AFP had in Kansas. At the same time Virginia was passing a $1.4 billion tax increase Kansas was defeating a $1 billion increase. Part of a problem in Virginia is that the anti-tax crowd is not as organized as it should be. AFP will hopefully be the answer.

Dontcha just love the new media?




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