Viva La Nina!
Bouddicca, Jeanne d'Arc, Isabella of Spain: Warrior Women whose names and stories come to us from times long past. La Nina Del Escambray, Cuban guerilla fighter, is from our time, our place in history. Why have we not heard her story before?
Humberto Fontova in an article posted on Che Guevera Lies tells how Fidel and Che with the help of their Russian comrades decimated the villages and people of Escambray in 1962 .
From the archives:

Che with Mascot
insanehippie said...
Which one was Che? All I see is some jackass and a horse on the left.
12:37 AM
Humberto Fontova in an article posted on Che Guevera Lies tells how Fidel and Che with the help of their Russian comrades decimated the villages and people of Escambray in 1962 .
One of these Cuban redneck wives refused to be relocated. After her husband, sons, and a few nephews were murdered by the Gallant Che and his minions, she grabbed a tommy gun herself, rammed in a clip and took to the hills. She became a rebel herself. Cubans know her as La Niña Del Escambray.
For a year she ran rings around the Communist armies sweeping the hills in her pursuit. Finally she ran out of ammo and supplies and the reds rounded her up. Amazingly, she wasn't executed (Che must have taken that day off.) For years La Niña suffered horribly in Castro’s dungeons, but she lives in Miami today. Seems to me her tragic story makes ideal fodder for Oprah, for all those women’s magazines, for all those butch professorettes of "Women’s Studies," for a Susan Sarandon role, for a little whooping up by Gloria Steinem, Dianne Feinstein and Hillary herself.
From the archives:

Che with Mascot
insanehippie said...
Which one was Che? All I see is some jackass and a horse on the left.
12:37 AM
Labels: cuba, freedom fighters
Which one was Che? All I see is some jackass and a horse on the left.
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