Susan Katz Keating: On Our Nation's Birthday, Mark Dolfini Stands for the Fallen...With Help From His Friends
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Labels: 2nd Amendment, guns, Lucky Gunner, machine guns
One small step toward Executive Order 6102 part 2, and one giant leap for corrupt-congressman-kind.
Date: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:11 PM
Subject: Important Account Notice Re: Metals Trading
To: xxx
Important Account Notice Re: Metals Trading
We wanted to make you aware of some upcoming changes to’s product offering. As a result of the Dodd-Frank Act enacted by US Congress, a new regulation prohibiting US residents from trading over the counter precious metals, including gold and silver, will go into effect on Friday, July 15, 2011.
In conjunction with this new regulation, must discontinue metals trading for US residents on Friday, July 15, 2011 at the close of trading at 5pm ET. As a result, all open metals positions must be closed by July 15, 2011 at 5pm ET.
Labels: glenn beck, gold
Labels: hillary clinton, muslim brotherhood, new york, SAUDI ARABIA, secretary of state
Labels: blackfive, enemedia, NBC, Pledge of Allegiance, uncle jimbo
Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich's campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.Do they know something we don't?
Labels: Lucky Gunner
Labels: Lucky Gunner
Florida Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns is demanding an investigation into cybersecurity issues raised by #Weinergate, saying it is vital to “ensure our national security.”
Though New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner remains silent on whether or not he’ll be seeking an investigation into his claims that his Twitter and Facebook accounts were hacked, leading to his Twitter account’s posting of a picture of a man’s erect penis underneath gray boxer-briefs, Stearns told The Daily Caller that the imbroglio raises troubling questions that should be looked into by Congress.
“Although this particular incident is a matter for law enforcement, it clearly indicates that hacking is a serious problem and as Chairman it would be appropriate for the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee to examine the issue of cybersecurity to protect our privacy and to ensure our national security,” Stearns said in an email to The Daily Caller.Stearns is the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, a committee on which Weiner sits.
Neither Weiner nor his spokesman Dave Arnold will say whether or not it is Weiner in the lewd photo, nor will they say if they’re seeking an official FBI or U.S. Capitol police investigation into the alleged hacking.UPDATE: Weiner responded to Stearns’s call for a cybersecurity investigation by telling Politico he doesn’t “respond to distractions, particularly ones named Cliff Stearns.”
Labels: democrat political hack, domestic security, twitter
If Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) wants to convince us he's the innocent victim of a hacker, he might not be doing the best job. Yesterday during a Capitol Hill press conference, he repeatedly and angrily refused to answer simple yes/no questions such as, "Is that you in that picture?" and "Did you send that picture?" and "Are the police investigating?" Instead, he claimed his previous statements answered those questions already, even though they really didn't. Oh yeah, and he called one guy a rude name for asking.
NY Post: "[Weiner] flashed a tight, uncomfortable smile and avoided eye contact as he tried to deflect point-blank questions from reporters about whether or not he had sent a crotch shot of himself in underwear to a 21-year-old co-ed in Seattle. 'Was it from you or not,' demanded CNN's Capitol Hill producer Ted Barrett.
To which the squirming Weiner replied: 'If I were giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone in the back threw a pie or yelled out an insult, I would not spend the next two hours of my speech responding to that pie or that insult...'
Then in another cringeworthy exchange, the Brooklyn-Queens Democrat unloaded a snarky insult instead of saying why he didn't pass on to Capitol Police his claim that his Twitter account had been hacked -- which would be a federal crime.
'I'm going to have to ask that we follow some rules here. One of them is going to be you ask questions and I'll do the answers. That seem reasonable? . . . You do the questions, I do the answers, and this jackass interrupts me?' a fuming Weiner said of Barrett."
If Rep. Weiner is the victim here, it makes sense that he's angry. It makes less sense that his anger is directed not at the person who allegedly stole his identity, but rather at the people asking him about it. As of this morning, it's unclear whether Rep. Weiner will apologize to Mr. Barrett or just insist that his previous statements covered that.
Labels: Bill Clinton, daily caller, Monica, new york, seattle, twits, twitter, Washington State