San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation
No you stupid asshat. You can make it illegal for law abiding citizens to own guns, but you will NOT. EVER. disarm us.

Martha Boneta’s small farm shop is shut down
and the fruits of her labor -- herbal teas from her garden, handcrafted soaps
from her goats’ milk, and wool crafts from her alpacas, llamas, and sheep --
are going unsold.
Why? Martha is facing a $5,000 fine for hosting a birthday party on her private property for eight 10-year-old girls without a “special” permit from Fauquier County. Martha also was threatened with two additional $5,000 fines for other supposed infractions: One for advertising a pumpkin carving and another for operating the small shop on her property where Martha sold her fresh produce and handmade crafts. A Fauquier County bureaucrat told Martha that she was “out of line.” But Virginians know that it’s Fauquier County that’s out of line.
That’s why citizens from around the
Commonwealth are coming out in droves to support Delegate L. Scott
Lingamfelter and his House Bill 1430, the Boneta Bill, for
the relief of Martha and small farmers like her. Delegate Lingamfelter (R-31
Prince William and Fauquier) introduced the legislation to strengthen
Virginia’s Right to Farm Act (VRFA) and protects farmers like Martha against
future encroachments by local government.
In 2012, seventy-five percent of Virginians voted to protect property rights in a state ballot initiative, and the Boneta Bill reflects that sentiment that government is going too far. The Boneta Bill has galvanized property rights advocates, supporters of the free market, and all who cherish our Constitutional freedoms.
Delegate Lingamfelter has met with the Farm
Bureau and invited them to the table to help improve the bill. Delegate
Lingamfelter doesn’t care who gets the credit for the legislation. He cares
about getting relief for Martha and other farmers and citizens whose lives
are being invaded by all levels of government.
Labels: farmers, Fauquier County, General Assembly 2013, HB 1430, private property, property rights, small business, virginia
The National Conference of Democratic Mayors are now threatening to have their police departments boycott the purchase of guns from manufacturers who won’t adhere to the Obama Administration’s strictures.
The mayors are going to grade the manufacturers on their record of support vis-à-vis Obama’s plans for gun control, including universal background checks, the elimination of high-capacity magazines and sharing information on crime and mental health.
The leader of this crusade is Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, who stated:
When we were lobbying on Capitol Hill, it became clear that our goal of trying to pass laws that make it easier to make our communities safe was going to be opposed by the gun and ammunition manufacturers. We recognize as mayors, we help fund that, because we are one of the largest purchasers of guns and ammunition in the country. So at the Democratic mayors meeting last night, we agreed that we would all go back to our communities, gather information from our police chiefs and procurement officers about how many guns and how much ammunition we purchase, bring that in from the Democratic mayors so that we have a common list of how much money we’re spending, what purchases are pending and who we’re buying from.Rybak added that the group will join Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns to grade the manufacturers.
Rybak concluded:
Then we’re going to do everything we can as mayors to use … the collective buying power of many millions of dollars in guns and ammunition, to support those who will support common-sense laws and oppose those who are fighting us in Congress. I am not going to have the people, the taxpayers of Minneapolis, pay for people to stop the Congress from passing laws that keep our people safe. It’s especially galling, paying money from our police departments to produce loopholes that allow illegal handguns into my communities that could be used against police officers.
It seems we are not going to make progress until the Obama administration conforms this investigation to what we've known to be true all along--the attack on the Benghazi consulate was an act of terrorism. We must treat it as such.
“In Bullies, Ben Shapiro shows once and for all that the left is the single greatest source of bullying in modern American life. Their goal: to shut down the political debate in the name of political correctness. Don't let them shut you up — read Bullies, and learn how to fight back!”With the agenda being the fundamental transformation of America from a Democratic Republic to a socialist utopian wonderland where everyone, except the ruling elites, lives in equal misery and desperation.
Labels: blood sucking heartless dhimmicrats, bullies, cunning dhimmicrats, socialist agenda, union thugs
Labels: american thinker, cunning dhimmicrats, marxist tactics, socialist engineering
The bottom line: gun control politicians ensconced behind the wall of protection afforded them by armed guard upon armed guard are completely out of touch with the average American father who understands it's his duty to protect his family from danger; they can't relate to the single mom who sleeps with a .38 Special close at hand because she must protect her kids in the night; and they have nothing in common with the elderly couple whose home is no longer in the good part of town, and who fall asleep every night wondering if the gun shots they hear are getting closer.
But Americans understand. And right now, they're expressing their views on such things by buying guns and ammo, then meeting the legal requirements for concealed carry in their respective states.
Even though data, history, and facts show that a well-armed citizenry actually reduces crime and that no gun control laws currently on the books or being proposed would have stopped the Sandy Hook mass-murder, none of that matters. All that matters is handing Obama a victory and the NRA and the Right a defeat.
The terrible massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary has not only exposed the media's hypocrisies and biases with respect to gun control; it is also a revealing look at their priorities. There's no question Sandy Hook deserved every bit of media attention it received -- that's not my point. But what about the 532 homicides that occurred in Chicago last year?
There's little doubt most of those murders were committed with some sort of firearm, and that the victims were predominantly poor minorities. We also know that 2670 people were shot in Chicago last year.
Where's the media attention for the poor, powerless, predominantly non-white victims of all this gun violence? Where's the activism and outrage?
Well, there is none, because the media's not about afflicting the powerful or giving voice to voiceless or any of that jive. The media's really about protecting a powerful government, and should the media dig into Chicago's problems, that would mean taking on a story in which Republicans can't be targeted, nor can a lack of government largess or gun-control laws.
In other words, digging into the murder of 532 people means facing up to and publicizing the fact that when the Left's vision is fulfilled, it's not all that pretty.
But, hey, what's a few hundred dead black people when the price of doing something about it is as high as admitting you might be wrong about a few things?
Labels: 2nd amendment., AR15, assault weapons, Glock. HandK, gun ban, gun control, gun violence, insane, madman, Myths lies downright stupidity, SandW, texas