American Thinker-Right on Point
We Are Being Played: Socialist Mind Game

are being played; it’s time we learned the game.
have their Constitution. Progressives have their Narrative. The current battle
for America is between these two concepts, and each side uses different rules
to fight it.
set of rules is consistent with an unchanging objective: limited government and
individual freedoms. The other side’s rules are as fickle as their goals, which
are never fully disclosed beyond the equivocal references to fairness and
hyphenated forms of justice. They will have to remain vague and deny their true
allegiances until a time when American voters will no longer squirm at the word
yet spotting them isn’t that hard. As a bird is known by his feathers,
socialists are known by their Game.
tried and mastered in the USSR, the Game has since been popularized around the
world, assuming various forms, names, and colors — from red to brown to green.
It is now taking hold in the United States under the blue web banners of
Obama’s campaign infomercials.
laws of society and human nature are such that socialism can only be achieved
through a certain sequence of steps and manipulations. For instance, the only
way to attain material equality is to confiscate someone’s property and give it
to others. That necessitates a centralized mechanism of coercion,
redistribution, and control. Such a system gives extraordinary corrupting
powers to a small centralized elite, while turning the rest of the citizenry
into a compliant, obsequious herd.
Labels: american thinker, cunning dhimmicrats, marxist tactics, socialist engineering
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