David Brat WINS!!!!!
At the time of this writing, with 88.86% of the vote:
Cantor lost all counties except Culpeper, Orange, and Richmond City.

It is now safe to say that Eric Cantor wins the award for the most dishonest campaign of the election cycle. And given the fact that every establishment candidate has run a campaign based on distorting their own record or issue positions, that is saying a lot.
After sending out a series of shockingly dishonest mailers and appallingly deceitful TV ads, Cantor blasted out an email last week accusing his primary opponent, Dave Brat, of having the support of “a liberal pro-amnesty group.”
You literally can’t make this stuff up.
If he is really to the right of Dave Brat on the issue, he should put his mouth where his money is and pledge not to bring any amnesty bill to the floor as Majority Leader or Speaker. We can end the games right now.