Thursday, July 24, 2008

So What Kind of Change Can We Expect?

Family Security Matters

How would Barack Hussein Obama govern if elected to the presidency? With less than one term as a U.S. senator, and with most of that time having been spent running for president, it’s a little hard to say but there are certainly some good indicators. There is no question that Obama is very liberal (the most liberal U.S. senator, based on a National Journal vote ranking). With a voting record in line with folks like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer et al, an Obama presidency would certainly mean more government “solutions” to our problems. We already have plenty of that now, so the only “change” would be more of the same – except in greater quantities.

What about defending our borders? Millions of illegal aliens are now in this country draining our resources, closing down hospitals that can no longer afford to provide them free treatment, demanding we learn Spanish rather than they learning English, depositing “anchor babies” on our soil who immediately become citizens and “entitled” to gobs of goodies at taxpayer expense. The Bush Administration has done nothing to impede the flow, and it is quite evident Obama – “the agent of change” – will do nothing either. Obama actually agrees with the illegals by the way, and thinks your children should learn Spanish. Sounds like more of the same, only pushed absurdly even further.

What about increasing oil supplies? We could start lifting these restrictions on drilling for our own oil and building refineries, and the price of oil would go down. It has the added benefit of decreasing our dependence on the Middle East. For years, our own government has kept us dependent on OPEC, rather than looking for ways to become self-reliant. Barack Obama is opposed to drilling offshore or in ANWR. Change? Sounds like more of the same to me…

What about out of control judges who legislate from the bench? Courts packed with liberal judges have been pushing liberal causes down our throats for some time now. What types of judges would Obama appoint? He has spoken glowing words of praise for Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David H. Souter. Not exactly my idea of strict constructionists who follow the intent of the constitution. With more of these types being added to federal courts that are already chock full of liberals, we’d be getting, yes – more of the same.

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