Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Couple of Things From This Weekend

I got back from DC this afternoon after dealing with moonbats, idiots, traitors, bigots, and public servants who refuse to listen to the will of the electorate.

Jonn over at This Aint Hell has more on everything except Arlington.

Lets deal with the serious stuff first:
1. Jerry Rivers had a report on FoxNews last night alleging that average Americans were standing out in front of the Canon Building yelling racial slurs and spitting on members of Congress on Saturday. As soon as the members of Congress affected by this alleged behavior produce a video of this incident which establishes proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I will be the first to call for the resigination of the members of whatever Tea Party/Citizens Group they belong to and insist they perform various acts of contrition which may include but not be limited to, cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors, painting houses, and raking leaves for the members of Congress affected. Bigotry in any form cannot be tolerated in a free society. It must be eliminated.

So far the only video of the event available does not support the alleged bigotry and hatred.

2. We do however, have documented evidence of true hatred and bigotry which ocurred Sunday morning at the Arlington National Cemetary. I went to Arlington National Cemetary this morning and witnessed it in its purest form. Westboro Ba'athist Chruch made an appearence this morning at 1100. Members of DCFreeRepublic, DCProtestWarrior, Gathering of Eagles and the Old Guard stood in support of the heros who could not stand for themselves. Yes, I said the Old Guard. These young Warriors exhibited an enormous amount of restraint and professionalism during this incident.

Members of the Old Guard line the sidewalk along Memorial Drive. Across the street are members of the Westboro Ba'athist Church

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