Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Uncle Jimbo Has Some Thoughts on the Navy SEALs

Note the reference to Gordon Liddy.

UJ has been doing a little radio with the G-Man in the mornings.
I'm not posting the whole thing here because I want you to go read it on Blackfive

Allahpundit shows his a** ref SEALs

Posted By Uncle Jimbo

UPDATE II: Beta male links to this with headline "Time for another Allahpundit sucks post" not that I can recall one in many moons or maybe ever. Fair is fair here
is the post that pissed me off
, and yes the blood mist is in my eyes. C'est la Vie.

UPDATE: I am not listening to any, "Oh he is just doing analysis" BS. Then where is the statement "But this is a chickenshit thing to do"? Absent, sadly.

Looks like some Gordon Liddy radio tomorrow on this, I will advise as to the time. have I mentioned we don't even know if this guy was just following the AQ playbook and popped himself so he could screw our guys.


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