Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can neither confirm nor deny the rumors out of D.C.

What happens in D.C. stays in D.C. !

The Friday night Pre-planning conference and Cocktail party was in full swing upon arrival.

I can neither confirm nor deny that a blogger was put into jail, wore woman's underwear (as an ascot), and was subjected to humiliating photographs.

Said blogger is rumored to have escaped and was seen in the company of many ne'er- do-wells, rakes, layabouts, and former Marines, imbibing alcohol and swathed in cigar smoke. Many wild and independent women were noted to be in the vicinity.....(links would be posted but I'm afraid of offending said women. They would ask, "Why did SHE get "wild" and I got "independent?" They were all wild, independent, and beautiful.) Of course, said former Marine was surrounded by them at all times....

Bloggers of great renown deigned to grace us with their presence. Possible fanboy activity was sighted. Apparently, said escaped blogger is more notorious than he realized, receiving wonderful welcomes from the previously noted wild and independent women, upon introduction by one of those previously mentioned former Marines.

Photographic evidence is lacking due to the anonymous blogger being too damn tired to figure out how to put film into these new fangled cameras. That and his hands were filled with adult beverages. Saturday was no better. Stupid camera......(digital immigrant, indeed)

Because said blogger has determined that he sucks as a reporter when covering conferences, better accounts can be found here. ( I can't make sense of my notes.....)

A great big thank you goes out to all of the milbloggers (you know who you are) for the great welcome that I got. I met so many great people, I won't try to thank them all personally.
Thanks to you all. See ya in the internets....




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