Tuesday, March 31, 2009

They Will Succeed If You Don't Do Something

The extreme-left is desperately trying to take over every aspect of your life. In case you haven't noticed, they're taking control of the banking industry, they're trying to take control of your family's healthcare, they're taking control of the auto industry and the energy industry...

But, most horrifically, THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOU. And, make no mistake; the so-called $3.6 TRILLION BUDGET ABOMINATION IS THEIR MEANS TO DO IT. Some critics, to borrow a phrase from the good folks at FreedomWorks, are saying that this $ 3.6 trillion budget abomination "taxes too much, spends too much, and borrows too much." But the simple fact that $3.6 trillion is a mind-boggling figure is just one small piece of the puzzle.

The one thing that no one is really taking about (the 800 pound gorilla in the room) is that this $3.6 trillion budget abomination is ALSO the LARGEST AND MOST AMBITIOUS GOVERNMENT POWER GRAB IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY. And if it passes, you can start to kiss the free-market system goodbye. If it passes, you can kiss your personal liberties goodbye.

Here are just a handful of the highlights:
Health Care: According to the typically pro-Obama New York Times: "Mr. Obama asked Congress to set aside $634 billion in a 'reserve fund for health care reform.' He provided no new information about how to cover the uninsured, saying he would work out the details with Congress later this year." The Times also stated that Obama "would also increase premiums charged to Medicare beneficiaries...." No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Obama is asking Congress for $634 billion dollars of your money, is offering no clear plan as to what he wants to do with the money (he'll get to that later, after the money is appropriated) and wants to cut back on benefits. The only thing that is certain is the government will start taking money out of your pocket and start making your healthcare decisions for you.

Taxes: Moveon.org, while promoting the $3.6 trillion budget abomination, repeats the Obama mantra that it: "Reduces taxes for 95% of working Americans. And if your family makes less than $250,000, your taxes won't go up one dime."

The truth of the matter, however, is that this $3.6 trillion budget calls for a number of hidden taxes. One of these is a cap-and-trade energy tax which, according to The Wall Street Journal "would cost the average household in the bottom-income quintile about 3.3 percent of its after-tax income every year. That's about $680, not including the costs of reduced employment and output. The three middle quintiles would see their paychecks cut between $880 and $1,500, or 2.9 percent to 2.7 percent of income."

The Wall Street Journal concludes: "Cap and trade, in other words, is a scheme to redistribute income and wealth--but in a very curious way. It takes from the working class and gives to the affluent; takes from Miami, Ohio, and gives to Miami, Florida; and takes from an industrial America that is already struggling and gives to rich Silicon Valley and Wall Street 'green tech' investors who know how to leverage the political class."

Jobs: MoveOn.org claims the budget "Invests more than $100 billion in clean energy technology, creating millions of green jobs that can never be outsourced." The folks at FreedomWorks have this to say: "The numbers being used here, like the numbers used in the stimulus debate, are deceptive in that they hide the less rosy bigger picture. It is a classic case of 'what is seen and what is not seen' as described so clearly by economists Frederic Bastiat and Henry Hazlitt. What is seen are the jobs that will certainly result from the government spending $100 billion. What is not seen are all the jobs that are lost because the government has to take those $100 billion out of one part of the economy to spend it somewhere else."

You're starting to get the picture. This $3.6 trillion budget has nothing to do with stimulating the economy, or making life better for the average Joe; unless, of course, you believe that the redistribution of YOUR income and government intrusion into YOUR life are good things. Perhaps that's why Senator Judd Gregg called Obama's $3.6 trillion budget "an extraordinary move of our government to the left." Gregg added that President Obama "is proposing the largest tax increase in history..."

Tell the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. in unmistakable terms that the American people want this $3.6 trillion abomination of a budget bill DEAD... a stake driven through its heart. Tell them that the American people do not want "compromises" or insignificant amounts of fat trimmed from this monster. Tell the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. that OBAMA'S BUDGET MUST DIE!

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