Saturday, February 28, 2009

State of the Union since the election of the Democrats

Tell me again why electing these monsters into office was so much better than McCain. Tell me again why Obama doesn't need a lick of common sense or experience in the real world. Tell me again why staying home instead of voting for the GOP in 2006 was SUCH a good idea to punish the GOP....

The price of gold has risen over $200/oz. since election day.
The Dow Jones Average has dropped by nearly 2000 points since election day, has lost approximately 50% in value since its high in 2007, and is at its lowest since February, 1997. We have lost 12 years of gains!
Banks that were given billions, and refuse to state what they did with the money, are now asking for more.
Companies that were given bailouts, are now asking for more billions to drop into the money hole.
And the only sales that are booming are guns and ammo. 4.5 million NICS background checks for gun transfers since the election. And that's just the FFL dealers.....

The press has clamored that the economy has been bad since President Bush took office. Their predictions have finally come true. We ARE in a recession, one caused by debt, fear mongering, and unexplained runs on money market accounts. A run that the press has STILL refused to investigate. A recession that has yet to hit 1981-82 levels, yet could become a depression if the fear mongering by Congress, Obama, and the press, continues. Obama needs to continue this mode of operation in order to pass unread spending bills that include socialist programs that could not get passed, otherwise.

Malfeasance and corruption on the part of Congress created this mess. It is directly attributable to the Democrat Party, Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, Fannie and Freddie's failure, and Schumer's comments that caused a run on IndyBanc.

First, the banks tanked because of a mysterious run on the money market accounts. Bush pushed for the first bail out after this info and dangerous comments by Schumer about Indymac. Then, the Big Three needed to be rescued. They're "too big to fail." And the Democrats saw a crisis that just couldn't be wasted. Now everything that the Democrats hold dear needs a bail out. We're going to spend an additional TRILLION PLUS dollars on a spending bill that some say isn't BIG ENOUGH. NOW, the Democrats are asking for additional billions for more bailout. And this doesn't include the new budget that will saddle every taxpayer with a bill of over $20,000.00.

US GDP: $14.3 Trillion (and contracting)
Projected US Debt 2013: 15+ Trillion. ( I think that means we're bankrupt.)

Mr. Tough Money Love has the numbers:(Get the duct tape) He also explains "deficits" in a very simple way.....

According to the budget document, here are the projected federal debt numbers:

Gross Federal debt in 2008 = $ 9.986 trillion (actual)

Gross Federal debt in 2009 = $12.704 trillion (est.)

Gross Federal debt in 2013 = $16.198 trillion (est.)

(That’s $16,198,000,000,000.00 for those who like to see the zeroes.)

So in one budget year, the Obama team wants to increase our national debt by 27% and over four years, by 62%. Staggering. I expect the actual numbers to exceed the estimates, unless Congress decides to throw even more tax increases into the equation.

Moving on, the budget document includes some economic assumptions on which the projections are based. One of those economic assumptions was so bogus I laughed out loud.Because the CBO estimates used by the White House do not take into account the recently passed stimulus bill. You know, that little $787 billion expenditure. (The budget document points that out in a tiny footnote.) Table S-8 shows that the White House assumes that real GDP will fall by 1.2% in 2009 then increase by 3.2% in 2010. That’s a gigantic swing in one year. Table S-8 also includes the real GDP estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO predicts that GDP will fall by 2.2% in 2009 and increase by only 1.5% in 2010. These numbers are significantly less optimistic than those of the White House and even these numbers are wrong. Why?

So why would the White House use CBO estimates that ignore the stimulus spending? You would hope that the stimulus bill would actually improve GDP growth. But, as I reported in this fantasy interview, the CBO ran GDP projections that included the stimulus spending. Those projections were for GDP to show no growth in 2013 and to actually begin to decline in 2014. No wonder the White House didn’t use those numbers in its budget document.

Apparently, the cure is actually what might kill us.

Its gotten so bad that even liberals are furious with Congress and Obama.

And Conservatives are actually protesting in the streets.

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