Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who Gets To Decide?

When we've won, I mean. Who gets to say it? Who needs to say it to make it true, or believable, or justified?
My guess would be the people who actually did the heavy-lifting. The men and women who got their boots muddy, their hands dirty. The ones who sacrificed everything to get where we are today.
This past November, Zombietime came up with an idea that took off like wildfire. A Declaration of Victory in Iraq, and named 22 November as V-I Day.

If you haven't bothered to read the whole post, you should; because at the bottom of that post are excerpts from some people who did the heavy lifting, who got their hands dirty and their boots bloody fighting to free 27 million people from a monster and then spent 3 more years eradicating any and all of the idiots who decided to show up and be targets.

You see, I know some of those people personally. I count them among my friends, and they in turn consider me one. That in itself is an honor I would never have expected but because they consider me a friend, and because friends help each other, I'm going to do whatever it takes to give them what they earned, what they DESERVE.

A Victory Party A Victory Celebration A Victory Parade.
An acknowledgement of their sacrifices, their efforts, their hard work.

I can do it. I've done things like this in the past. They know that and they have offered words of encouragement and support.

We have big plans. We have some great ideas and we need your help and your support.
As zombietime says though, if you don't think we've won; if you're one of those that won't admit victory no matter what, fine. Ignore us.

But if you think we have finally crossed that line; if you think our military has done what the democrats and the VLWM said could not and would not happen, then jump on board.
It's time, people. The time is now, and the place is Washington DC.
Lets thank our military for a job well done and stick it in the faces of the naysayers.

Blogs that have linked to this post:
Army Wife:Rants from Ft Livingroom (I love that title)
A Soldiers Perspective

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