Monday, October 20, 2008

Time For Truth and a Real Birth Certificate

This Is Now Looking Like Dan Rather-Part Deux

Yes, I stick my neck out. And, yes, I don't care...because, ultimately someone gets to the truth, whether it is by my hands or someone else's.
(Note to Amy Wilmer whose sun apparently rises and sets to what The People for The American Way tell her to think on any given day: Consider sticking it where the sun never shines)
Anyway, here's a minor correction to my previous e-mail about The Annenberg Foundation: Lenore Annenberg, President of the Annenberg Foundation, endorsed John McCain and Sarah Palin.
And, so, I take that fact...and...based on what I am about to present to you, I shrug, "So what? Do you actually believe that everything written on passes her muster before being posted?"
The answer to that is yes, no, completely irrelevant to my case now.
Preface: NO, I don't, by any means, think I'm the smartest person in politics.

BUT...I'm also not the dumbest. Which...for those of you who THINK you can beat me down, you cannot...because, I rarely give-up a good fight...especially one in which I can bring a new light to an issue.
Let's look at what presented in regards to the Obama Birth Certificate issue:
FactCheck states that they relied on the Obama campaign to send them a copy of this birth certificate, which the Obama campaign does, and FactCheck posts the supposed birth certificate here This document looks just a tad strange...and not in any way anyone else has ever pointed out. At least, not that I read anywhere on the Web.
#1) My own birth certificate not only shows the city and state in which I was born, but ALSO the hospital. says right on my certificate: "if not in Hospital, give street address or location". Meaning, give location of birth.
Obama's "Certification of Live Birth" has NO such information.
#2) On my certificate, the occupations of my mother and father are listed.
Obama's "certificate" has no such information.
#3) Obama's "certificate" was printed on laser paper, the design of which was
revised in November of 2001 (see bottom-left of document for "REV 11/01") has been argued by some folks that is a "short form" of a Hawaii birth certificate. Well, here's a blogger who was born in 1963 in Hawaii, and HIS certificate has all the info that is on my certificate.
This is where I believe "" has failed miserably. They take a document offered by a campaign and THEY ACCEPT IT AT FACE VALUE.
That's a crock of crappola. That's not "fact checking." That's being a lazy-ass.
What is needed is a REAL birth certificate from 1961.
Why do I say that? Because...on my certificate, there are SIGNATURES of my mom, the attendant...and, most importantly, the Registrar of the city I was born in. There is no such signature on this form from the site.
I believe that it is entirely possible for this to be a fraudulent document. Because...I've worked in the data analysis field for years...and I know how easy it is to fake data (not that I've done it myself, but I've seen, and caught, fake financial data being used in clients' databases).
Do you know how easy it would be if someone worked in the Hawaii Department of Health to "borrow" blank laser paper that this is printed on and create a fake document? One person could do it. One person who (gasp! no! that's impossible, Bill!) could know exactly what to do to enter fake data into a record, and press a button, and PRESTO! Instant, semi-official documentation.
Documentation, by the way, that was created on June 6, 2007...surely, Obama would have had to use a birth certificate for something else before 2007, right? Like, to get a passport? You know, IF he is a "US Citizen," he would have had to apply for a passport to travel elsewhere. Surely June 2007 was not his first need to travel out of the U.S...? should be re-named FullofSh*
They haven't "fact-checked" jack on this issue. It's like a check-washer endorsing the back of a check he just stole from someone's mailbox and making the check out to Cash"...FactCheck would take HIS word at the teller window for the "authenticity" of the document. just copied what did...what kind of "research into the truth" is that?
"Oh, we'll just copy what those guys did...yeah...that'll make it look like we DID something here..."
- Bill Simon

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