Monday, July 28, 2008

Its Not About Alternative Energy

Its about breaking the middle class. Pelosi, Reid, and the dhimmicrats don't give a furry rats butt about solar, wind, or hydrogen powered cars. The only power they care about is their own.
Power to rule unfettered and impose their twisted ideologies on America and turn us into a third world country while they continue to live like the elitists they are. They already have their little piece of the American dream, and they will stop at nothing to make sure none of us ignorant peasants get ours.
The logic is diabolical. Keep the price of fuel as high as possible so we spend more of our money just trying to get by. They know that as long as we have disposable income we can pretty much do as we please. (as long as we act like adults of course.)
Disposable income is freedom. The more money you have to play, the happier you are. Some of us require less than others. (I personally am very low-maintainence)
They couldn't get the oil execs, so now they're going after the speculators. Stop the speculators, they say, and we can fix this. They even take credit for the recent price drops, because, they claim, just talking about stopping them has forced them to back down.

Bravo Sierra.

Reid says coal is making us sick and we have to stop using it.


I've already posted video and hundreds of words about the clean coal technology currently being used by Dominion Resources right here in Viriginia. It works. Dominion Resources has and is investing hundreds of millions of dollars converting existing facilities and building new ones to use this technology. It's safe, it's clean and it actually reduces gypsum mining because the by-product of the scrubbing process is gypsum.
It's time for Americans to tell the dhimmicrats we've had enough of their Bravo Sierra.

If they want us to develop alternative energy, I'm all for that. But for that to happen, we have to be comfortable right now. New ideas are not forced in times of emergency, they are developed over beers and BBQ in the backyards of average Amercians with time on their hands and nothing else to do but kick ideas back and forth.

They continue to ignore the will of a majority of the American public, 75% of whom are ready to punch holes and pump oil wherever it is.
Now I'm done.
Here's a smarter man than me to explain some more:

Nancy Pelosi is playing God

by Henry Lamb
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN that she would block any vote to allow offshore drilling. This remarkable stance comes in the face of the latest poll that says 73 percent of Americans favor offshore drilling, while only 27 percent oppose it. Nancy Pelosi again displays her contempt for her employer, the American people. Her arrogance and wrong-headed philosophy have led Congress to an approval rating of a staggering 14 percent, the lowest ever.
The arguments she advances in defense of her position are, at best, silly, and at worst, devious. She says she will not allow additional reserves to be drilled because oil companies already hold leases on 68 million acres of federal land that are not being drilled. She ignores the testimony of oil company representatives who tell her that had they found oil under these lands, they would be pumping it. The oil companies need to drill where the oil is.
There is plenty of oil to drill. Known reserves offshore, in Alaska, the Bakken fields of North Dakota and Montana, and elsewhere can meet the energy demand for at least 100 years. But Pelosi and her colleagues don't want this oil produced. Pelosi says that it will take 10 years for this new oil supply to reach the pump, and then, it would reduce the price by only 2 cents per gallon. This price projection is pure fiction.
As an alternative, she says the president should release 70 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserves, which would provide immediate price relief. Is this silly, stupid, or just more of Pelosi's political doublespeak? This alternative would supply less than four days of the U.S. demand, which would not likely even be noticed at the
pump. It would do nothing to solve the underlying problem of too little supply.
Pelosi, like Al Gore, wants to end America's reliance on oil and switch to new, exotic, yet-to-be-developed energy sources such as wind, solar, hydrogen and, in particular, electric cars. America has been investing heavily in research in all these areas for years. Some significant progress has been made. No one in their right mind – which includes Al Gore – can think this new technology can be available within the next 10 years, with enough distribution to make hydrogen filling stations and recharging for electric cars viable options. It is certain, however, that by developing known oil reserves, the U.S. energy demand can be met in 10 years, or less.
There is a big disconnect between the rush to convert automobiles to batteries and the reality that the electricity to recharge those batteries would require a massive new generating capacity. The same flawed excuse of "protecting the environment" has also blocked the expansion of electricity generating capacity. If the self-appointed gods of environmental protection won't allow the expansion of electricity generation, how are the batteries of all these new electric vehicles going to be recharged every night?

By her refusal even to allow debate on proposals to expand oil development – where oil is known to exist – she stands like a barricade between thirsty consumers and a new mountain stream. She apparently sees herself as a self-appointed savior; she is, in truth, acting as judge and jury, condemning a nation desperate for more energy to spiraling energy costs for possibly another generation.

This is not a new posture for Democrat leadership. Democrats in the House, the Senate and the White House have blocked expansion of oil supplies for more than a decade. Had Bill Clinton not vetoed the bill that would have opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge more than a decade ago, gas prices would not be as high as they are today. Millions of jobs would have been created, and every American could have saved the money needlessly paid to foreign sources for oil, simply because one man played God and defied the express will of the people.

you greedy, manipulative, coniving, heartless, calculating, Marxist (rhymes with witch).

BTW, THE SURGE WORKED you stupid cow.
Cross posted at The Talon.

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