Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Conservatives must act

YankeeMom has a live one over at her place. Jump over and have a go.

From American Thinker
H/T Coby GOE

Today, as in 1776, the biggest battle is once again about our courage and optimism. Conservatism is embedded deep within the American spirit. But it requires constant loving care and outright cheerleading to feel free to express ourselves. You are not alone: Sixty million conservatives can't be wrong. (And that's a lowball estimate.)
Six months before November 2008, many conservatives are down in the dumps. John McCain is behind in the money race.
George Will thinks we are doomed --- an amazing thing to say, half a year before a toss-up election. Even Rush is in a sulk about John McCain.
But the stakes are higher than they have been in the last fifty years. No major US political party has ever nominated a radical Leftist before --- and Obama can't hide his real loyalties. Even Bill Clinton was more of a 'moderate' Democrat. Obama is a True Believer in the Left, like a younger Hillary Clinton after a sex change and a major sun tan.
The last attempt by the radical Left to conquer the US presidency was defeated by Harry Truman in 1948. Well, the Dems have now allowed a true radical to win their nomination, and they seem to be thrilled by their new messiah.
Will the American people be taken in by the Left? That's the crucial question that will decide the historic election of '08.

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