Monday, June 02, 2008

ChiComs Drilling Off the Coast of Fla

Anyone who thinks the dhimmicrats have a plan to solve high gas prices has a house next door to Cleopatra; they're living in denial. All the dhimmis want to do is tax the oil companies. Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize the petroleum industry. Durbin the Turbin claims there is no way we can drill our way out of this problem.

Meanwhile, China and India are 50 miles off the coast of Florida, drilling in Castro's fields, using technology which could allow them to drill laterally and tap OUR reserves, and there ain't a freaking thing we're doing about it. What is wrong with these people? Have they lost their minds? Did they have a mind to begin with?

The dhimmis tout environmental concerns when they restrict drilling and prohibit new refineries. Does anyone here really think the ChiComs are concerned about the environment? Do you really think they give a furry rats ass about some pelicans or fish?

If the dhimmis really want to solve this energy crisis, they need to get their collective (yes, pun intended) asses in gear and pass Rep Sue Myrick's (R-NC) bill to allow drilling off our coast. Its HR 6108, the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008 and will suspend the moratorium on offshore drilling. We can do this safely, cleanly, with minimal environmental impact, and it will go a long way towards solving the problem.

Rep Myrick is a frequent guest on the syndicated morning radio show John Boy and Billy out of Charlotte, NC and was on this morning talking about her bill. She supports drilling in ANWR and she also called for the State Department to revoke Jimmah Carter's passport.

It's time to put the economic interests of the American people at the front of the line. The enviro-nazis and the tree-hugging whack-job special interests that are controlling the dhimmicrat politicians have managed to once again step on my last nerve. It's time to tell these twits to STFD and STFU while the grown-ups deal with the problem.

Call your representatives and tell them to pass this bill, and tell them if they really want to help, move some battle cruisers down to the Straits of Florida and monitor the ChiCom operations 50 miles off our coast.
One drop of oil spilled and the operation is toast. I have it on good authority that some of those vessels carry big toasters.
Cross posted at The Talon and DCPW.

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