Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fred needs to fit actions to his words.

Fred is back!

But, I don't care.

I understand that he is friends with John McCain. I understand that he believes, as many do, that we must unite behind the GOP candidate for the good of the country because the Democratic Party candidates are so horrible. His endorsement of John McCain was, admittedly, weak:

"This is no longer about past preferences or differences. It is about what is best for our country and for me that means that Republican should close ranks behind John McCain," Thompson said in a statement reported by the Associated Press.

He did NOT say that McCain was the best candidate of the the race....

That said, having endorsed McCain, the Republican candidate most despised by the GOP, how can he say this(emphasis mine):

"Our nation has some serious issues to work through for today … and for the next generation. Now isn’t the time for conservatives to be looking for a tailored message or a politically expedient route to victory if the end result is going to be the inevitable slide toward the liberalization and secularization of America, and the growth of government and loss of freedom that inevitably ensues. For us conservatives it must be about principles and policies that are grounded in freedom, free markets and the rule of law."

If McCain is not the embodiment of a tailored, expedient politician, then, who is? (Other than the Dems)
If Fred truly believes his own statement, he needs to get busy, get involved with the campaign, and use whatever influence his supposed friendship gives him to attempt to rein in John McCain.

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