TODAY is NATIONAL AMMO DAY - Get Some! Its for the children!

November 19 is National Ammo Day.
It is a nationwide BUYcott of ammunition. You buy ammunition. 100 Rounds a person.
The goals of Ammo Day:
The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens. Make your support of the Second Amendment known--by voting with your dollars!
There are an estimated 75 MILLION gun owners in the United States of America. If each gun owner or Second Amendment supporter buys 100 rounds of ammunition, that’s 7.5 BILLION rounds in the hands of law-abiding citizens! (If you want to buy more than 100 rounds.....who are we to discourage you?
The gun/ammunition manufacturers have been taking the brunt of all the frivolous lawsuits, trying to put these folks out of business. Well, not if we can help it! And we CAN help it by buying ammunition on November 19!
There are other ways to show your support if you are unable or not interested in buying ammunition. On November 19, send a letter, a fax, or call your local representatives and let them know that you support the Second Amendment and the unhindered rights of law-abiding citizens To Keep and Bear Arms.Why November 19th?
There is really no particular reason November 19 was chosen. It did not conflict with any other holiday or event on the U.S. calendar.
We found, however, that people preferred to buy their ammo at gun shows or over weekends, which is why National Ammo Day is now National Ammo Day/Week.
However, we would me remiss if we did not mention that November 19 is the birthday of Kim du Toit (the creator of National Ammo Day). Kim couldn’t think of a nicer way to celebrate his birthday than it helping send a signal about how the value of the Second Amendment and our ammunition manufacturing industry. And, if we make our target of 5 BILLION rounds sold, his birthday wish will come true.
Remember, OBEY THE LAW.
Labels: 2nd Amendment, ammo, gun control, guns, gunthing, kim du toit, National ammo day
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