The "Governator" Is Right: Turn Off The T.V.

Can I go on record now and say that the “Governator” is right. I don’t understand how comments as simple and straight-forward as his can even start a dispute. Some of the comments in this article are so off-based or irrelevant it’s pathetic. Here’s a running commentary; there’s just too much to talk about any other way. My comments are in red.
"Some Hispanic leaders lashed out Friday at California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's advice that immigrants should "turn off the Spanish television set" to better learn how to speak English.
Schwarzenegger, who immigrated to the U.S. from Austria, recently told a group of Hispanic journalists that immigrants should stay away from Spanish-language television, books and newspapers.
Need I say that probably his first problem was that he was talking to “journalists.” I used to like that word. Now it stikes the same cord with me as “tax collector” and “ACLU.”
"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," Schwarzenegger said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists in San Jose, Calif. "You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster."
He’s right. It’s the same principle as a Spanish immersion program. You go stay in another country and immerse yourself in it. You learn to speak the language as the inhabitants do out of necessity. I don’t believe he is saying “don’t look at it ever again,” but if you don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone you will never learn. It shows a great sense of understanding and maturity on the Governor’s part – not to mention the fact that he is an immigrant himself – a very successful immigrant. IF ANYONE W0ULD KNOW HOW TO SUCCEED IN AMERICA HE DOES!
Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., called the governor's advice a "typical sound bite solution to an important issue," said Jim Dau, a spokesman for Sanchez.
And her answer is a typical Democrat sound bite snipe at people who tell the honest truth. It shows a huge lack of understanding on HER part. That, or she is deliberately trying to be a hindrance to the progress of Spanish-speaking immigrants to this country. This smells suspiciously like Democrat attempts to once again create a permanent underclass who the “Dems” can pander to with “freebies” in exchange for slavishly voting Democratic. Absolutely contemptible.
Sanchez said immigrants face the challenge of taking an ESL course because of long lines and up to a three-year wait to get into a class.
The subject of her answer is totally different than the subject at hand and is a distraction from the real subject.
So, again, if you can’t get into an English-as-a-second- language class, why not study on your own? Immerse yourself in the language for an hour or two a day and hear English speakers talk and try to understand. I watch Univision to learn some Spanish and how it’s said. This is a typical Democrat refute of their worst ideological enemy – self-help. If you learn that you may not need government programs and intervention – that you can do some things for yourself without governments help – then their hold on you is broken and bye-bye votes.
A Hispanic advocacy group said Schwarzenegger's comments show his "ignorance on immigration issues."
HIS ignorance? HE IS AN IMMIGRANT! This “Hispanic advocacy group” is not doing their own constituents a favor here.
"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger demonstrated his ignorance on immigration issues once again by perpetuating the myth that immigrants have to reject their old culture and language in order to learn English and assimilate," said Brent Wilkes, national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens.
Where in anything he said did he say to “reject their old culture and language in order to learn English? This is typical race-baiting and an attempt to create a straw-man to argue against when they have no argument.
Wilkes said today's Latino immigrants learn English faster than German, Irish and Italian immigrants did a century ago, without TV.
And if they would listen, they would learn it even QUICKER.
Spanish-language media helps Hispanics stay connected to their cultural heritage and important public information, according to a spokesperson for Univision, a U.S.-based Spanish-language television network.
Wonderful! But watch 1 less hour per day while you try and learn the language of the country that you want to work in – especially since that is the language that your paycheck is written in.
"Spanish-language media plays the essential roles of providing the Hispanic community with the news and information they need and care about, and keeping them connected to their cultural heritage," a said the Univision spokeswoman, who declined to provide her name.
I repeat: “Wonderful! But watch 1 less hour per day while you try and learn the language of the country that you want to work in – especially since that is the language that your paycheck is written in.
"In addition to daily news from around the world, Spanish speakers rely on Spanish-language media for information in critical situations, such as severe weather alerts and health emergencies, and for other public services they may not be able to get anywhere else," the spokeswoman said.
And what happens to your Spanish-speakers when they are away from the television? What happens when they are caught in an English-only environment and that same emergency comes up? Do we need hurricanes in Spanish now? Do we need bi-language disasters?
"Some Hispanic leaders lashed out Friday at California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's advice that immigrants should "turn off the Spanish television set" to better learn how to speak English.
Schwarzenegger, who immigrated to the U.S. from Austria, recently told a group of Hispanic journalists that immigrants should stay away from Spanish-language television, books and newspapers.
Need I say that probably his first problem was that he was talking to “journalists.” I used to like that word. Now it stikes the same cord with me as “tax collector” and “ACLU.”
"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," Schwarzenegger said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists in San Jose, Calif. "You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster."
He’s right. It’s the same principle as a Spanish immersion program. You go stay in another country and immerse yourself in it. You learn to speak the language as the inhabitants do out of necessity. I don’t believe he is saying “don’t look at it ever again,” but if you don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone you will never learn. It shows a great sense of understanding and maturity on the Governor’s part – not to mention the fact that he is an immigrant himself – a very successful immigrant. IF ANYONE W0ULD KNOW HOW TO SUCCEED IN AMERICA HE DOES!
Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., called the governor's advice a "typical sound bite solution to an important issue," said Jim Dau, a spokesman for Sanchez.
And her answer is a typical Democrat sound bite snipe at people who tell the honest truth. It shows a huge lack of understanding on HER part. That, or she is deliberately trying to be a hindrance to the progress of Spanish-speaking immigrants to this country. This smells suspiciously like Democrat attempts to once again create a permanent underclass who the “Dems” can pander to with “freebies” in exchange for slavishly voting Democratic. Absolutely contemptible.
Sanchez said immigrants face the challenge of taking an ESL course because of long lines and up to a three-year wait to get into a class.
The subject of her answer is totally different than the subject at hand and is a distraction from the real subject.
So, again, if you can’t get into an English-as-a-second- language class, why not study on your own? Immerse yourself in the language for an hour or two a day and hear English speakers talk and try to understand. I watch Univision to learn some Spanish and how it’s said. This is a typical Democrat refute of their worst ideological enemy – self-help. If you learn that you may not need government programs and intervention – that you can do some things for yourself without governments help – then their hold on you is broken and bye-bye votes.
A Hispanic advocacy group said Schwarzenegger's comments show his "ignorance on immigration issues."
HIS ignorance? HE IS AN IMMIGRANT! This “Hispanic advocacy group” is not doing their own constituents a favor here.
"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger demonstrated his ignorance on immigration issues once again by perpetuating the myth that immigrants have to reject their old culture and language in order to learn English and assimilate," said Brent Wilkes, national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens.
Where in anything he said did he say to “reject their old culture and language in order to learn English? This is typical race-baiting and an attempt to create a straw-man to argue against when they have no argument.
Wilkes said today's Latino immigrants learn English faster than German, Irish and Italian immigrants did a century ago, without TV.
And if they would listen, they would learn it even QUICKER.
Spanish-language media helps Hispanics stay connected to their cultural heritage and important public information, according to a spokesperson for Univision, a U.S.-based Spanish-language television network.
Wonderful! But watch 1 less hour per day while you try and learn the language of the country that you want to work in – especially since that is the language that your paycheck is written in.
"Spanish-language media plays the essential roles of providing the Hispanic community with the news and information they need and care about, and keeping them connected to their cultural heritage," a said the Univision spokeswoman, who declined to provide her name.
I repeat: “Wonderful! But watch 1 less hour per day while you try and learn the language of the country that you want to work in – especially since that is the language that your paycheck is written in.
"In addition to daily news from around the world, Spanish speakers rely on Spanish-language media for information in critical situations, such as severe weather alerts and health emergencies, and for other public services they may not be able to get anywhere else," the spokeswoman said.
And what happens to your Spanish-speakers when they are away from the television? What happens when they are caught in an English-only environment and that same emergency comes up? Do we need hurricanes in Spanish now? Do we need bi-language disasters?
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., agrees with Schwarzenegger that there should be English language standards."Congressman Hunter believes there should be English language standards in place, especially through this citizenship process," said Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter.
Joe, that’s not what the issue is. This issue isn’t “English language standards.” It’s whether it’s a good idea for non-English speakers to try and seek to learn English on their own by watching and listening to people who do it.
But TV viewers should be free to watch whatever basic programming they prefer, Kasper added.
Cop-out. I wonder if Duncan would have said this himself? Piss-poor answer for someone who is a conservative.
Sanchez agreed.
The first sign that you’re WAAAYYYY off base.
"People should use whatever news outlets keep them best informed — whether they're in English, Spanish, German or any other language," Sanchez said.
Joe, that’s not what the issue is. This issue isn’t “English language standards.” It’s whether it’s a good idea for non-English speakers to try and seek to learn English on their own by watching and listening to people who do it.
But TV viewers should be free to watch whatever basic programming they prefer, Kasper added.
Cop-out. I wonder if Duncan would have said this himself? Piss-poor answer for someone who is a conservative.
Sanchez agreed.
The first sign that you’re WAAAYYYY off base.
"People should use whatever news outlets keep them best informed — whether they're in English, Spanish, German or any other language," Sanchez said.
Joey Vento, owner of Geno’s Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia, told FOX News that Hispanics won’t progress until they are forced to learn English.
“The Spanish people will never progress because of the fact that it makes it so easy for them to go to school or have anything and it’s done in Spanish,” Vento said. “You must be forced to learn English to be prosperous, otherwise you will be limited.”
Certainly the case if we are providing everything in multiple languages
Francisco Hernandez, an immigration attorney, said there’s nothing wrong with encouraging immigrants to learn English but there’s no need for “immigrant bashing.”
Oh, no – a lawyer! Plenty of education, but no sense.
Listen to what he’s telling you folks: telling Hispanics to turn on American t.v. to get exposure to English that they are trying to learn is now IMMIGRANT BASHING! DOES THAT SOUND RIGHT TO YOU??
“We have to remember that Spanish is part of this country’s heritage. There’s nothing wrong with it,” Hernandez said.
Nope, English is a part of this country’s heritage, not Spanish. Revisionism at it’s best.
Having half the Southwest and California carrying Spanish names doen’t make Spanish “a part of this country’s heritage – certainly not to the point that Spanish speakers shouldn’t have to take initiative to learn the language of their host country in order to live easier.
Schwarzenegger answered a question about how Hispanic students can improve academic performance, saying he was about to make a politically-incorrect statement.
He’s at least smart enough to see controversy when the opportunity arises.
“The Spanish people will never progress because of the fact that it makes it so easy for them to go to school or have anything and it’s done in Spanish,” Vento said. “You must be forced to learn English to be prosperous, otherwise you will be limited.”
Certainly the case if we are providing everything in multiple languages
Francisco Hernandez, an immigration attorney, said there’s nothing wrong with encouraging immigrants to learn English but there’s no need for “immigrant bashing.”
Oh, no – a lawyer! Plenty of education, but no sense.
Listen to what he’s telling you folks: telling Hispanics to turn on American t.v. to get exposure to English that they are trying to learn is now IMMIGRANT BASHING! DOES THAT SOUND RIGHT TO YOU??
“We have to remember that Spanish is part of this country’s heritage. There’s nothing wrong with it,” Hernandez said.
Nope, English is a part of this country’s heritage, not Spanish. Revisionism at it’s best.
Having half the Southwest and California carrying Spanish names doen’t make Spanish “a part of this country’s heritage – certainly not to the point that Spanish speakers shouldn’t have to take initiative to learn the language of their host country in order to live easier.
Schwarzenegger answered a question about how Hispanic students can improve academic performance, saying he was about to make a politically-incorrect statement.
He’s at least smart enough to see controversy when the opportunity arises.
"I know this sounds odd and this is the politically incorrect thing to say and I'm going to get myself in trouble," Schwarzenegger said. "But I know that when I came to this country, I very rarely spoke German to anyone."
But the governor's comments didn't sit too well with audience members.
"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," Alex Nogales, president and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.
The president and CEO of a coalition that is charged with looking out for Hispanic’s interests and he can’t see this? Amazing! They are reacting to something that has not even been said!
Rafael Olmeda, president of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, said most NAHJ members would agree with the governor's statements.
"Most people I've spoken to walked away believing that he was trying to say that we must learn English to succeed in American society," Olmeda said.
THANK GOD!!!!!! Someone restored my belief in the competence of the leaders in the Latin community. Great for you Mr. Olmeda, please tell that to everyone you see and tell your members that f22strike says “Hola.”
The governor's office backed up Schwarzenegger's comments."
"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," Alex Nogales, president and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.
The president and CEO of a coalition that is charged with looking out for Hispanic’s interests and he can’t see this? Amazing! They are reacting to something that has not even been said!
Rafael Olmeda, president of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, said most NAHJ members would agree with the governor's statements.
"Most people I've spoken to walked away believing that he was trying to say that we must learn English to succeed in American society," Olmeda said.
THANK GOD!!!!!! Someone restored my belief in the competence of the leaders in the Latin community. Great for you Mr. Olmeda, please tell that to everyone you see and tell your members that f22strike says “Hola.”
The governor's office backed up Schwarzenegger's comments."
That’s it for me. I couldn’t take one more crazy comment. I need a drink. “Chow!”
Labels: clueless, conservative Hollywood, conservative priciples, illegal immigration
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