Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Biden: We're Going to Shove It Down His Throat

Joe Biden must have eaten his Wheaties this moring. He's feeling so frisky that he thinks he can MAKE the President sign their surrender package. Via Drudge:

" "Blunt talk from Joe Biden, picked up by C-Span answering a man's question at Jim Clyburn's fish fry April 27 in Columbia, S.C.
Biden is asked what he'll do when Bush, as is expected, vetoes the Iraq funding bill.
First, he talks about his son, and the equipment soldiers need -- "The idea that we're not building new Humvees with the V-shaped things is just crap. Kids are dying that don't have to die."
And: "Second thing is, we're going to shove it down his throat." "

This is what happens when a liberal can't win an argument or force you to do what THEY think you should do: the purveyors of peace advocate violence.

Empy words from an empty-headed man.

Just sickening.

Anyone who cares: Biden's contact info.

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