Thar She Blows! No, For Real This Time.

Anyway, this can only be good news for conservatives. Hussein Obama’s announcement early in the week that he would assemble an exploratory committee for his presidential bid in ’08 spared us of anymore news reels with Hillary’s coy, “who me, my goodness no” crocodile tear attempt at Shirley Temple modesty as the Manhattan libs and the lapdog lib news media tried to make it seem like she needed coaxing to run for the Oval office. In truth, anyone standing in her way of the office is road kill. Liberal Democrats have believed from the get-go that this job should be Hillary’s in exchange for staying with “cigar Bill” and not putting America through it’s first presidential divorce – as would have been the case if she were a true N.O.W. feminist. Heck, it would have almost been like having a… royal family!
To libs the entire Clinton presidency was a missed opportunity. Liberalism had a chance to show how it could really change the world and Bill peed it down his leg. Conservatives, however, know that the entire Clinton presidency was a true showing of what America would be with these types of extreme left-wingers in charge; a 16 season production of “Animal House” with tax increases, gay weddings, and easy abortions for 9-year-olds between summer re-runs. So Hillary is now off to the White House to seek her ultimate revenge. She’s off to hurt kinda-sorta hubby Bill where it hurts him the most – no, the other place. Keeping him marginalized to the sidelines instead of being in the spotlight.
A sunny-side to a Hillary presidency might be the return of the items stolen from the White House last time she occupied it. Come to think of it, we’d better get contingency plans together now in case she wins. Get me Rent-A-Center on the phone! Everything worth $10.00 or more goes over to the Smithsonian now. Anyway, I digress.
Hillary running for president is great for conservatives.
Obama is the real threat from the Democratic/Liberal side of the aisle. Obama is a talented, fresh new face that has no background noise (so far) to cloud any portrayal that the Democrats could hang on him. He has no “cattle gate” history, no drowning victims or alcoholism (i.e. Kennedy,) no Vietnam baggage (i.e. Kerry) or tort trial séances (i.e. John Edwards.) He can be an every man’s man, with only 1/8th the work needed to fake it. Obama has the added advantage of being black. This gives the libs a chance to one-up Bush, who now has the record for promoting blacks to the highest positions in government history. Unfortunately, he has a snowballs chance in hell of surviving "Hurricane Hillary."
Hillary has Bill’s crack team of political killers who will un-earth everything we have ever not know about Obama’s past, be it political or personal. This will give the American public a good look at the man who wants to be the REAL first black president.
Hillary will be a much easier target for whoever the (probably Republican) challenger will be. She has a bigger history of scandals than Bill has, and I am sure all that she has done in the dark recesses of the congress over the last several years will add new darts of corruption and scandal that can justifiably be sent back at her. Also, Hillary has a huge temper as is verified by Clinton political operative Dick Morris. Over the long stresses of the political race, she will make mistakes and let her alter-ego show and the people will be reminded of who Madame Hillary really is.
Make no mistake. Hillary will be the Dems nomination. She has had her radar locked on that position for some time, she has paid her political dues over time to get in position for it, and she is not about to let some upstart pretty-face kid take what is rightfully hers. She will destroy Obama during the primaries (probably by proxy, through political favor seekers in the media, and those who owe her favors in the media, not to mention her die-hard “Hillary-lovers” who want nothing else but her. She will then take him as her running mate for VP (after some concessions to smooth over the damage to him that she has done and the hard feelings – probably on the side of Mrs. Obama.) Hillary has been VP for eight years already (sorry Al Gore) and she is not about to be someone else’s VP again. So happy “coming out” party Hillary. ‘Bout time you told us what we already knew.
Labels: 08 election, hillary clinton, osama obama
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