Sunday, January 14, 2007

Raiding Insurgent Homes Nets Some Good Intell

Looks like raiding the homes of terrorists in Iraq have paid off in the form of learning how they are gathering information on allied bases in Iraq.

" Insurgents are using aerial footage from the Google Earth Web mapping tool to pinpoint soft spots in British bases in Iraq, a newspaper reports via British military officials.
Materials seized last week during raids on homes of terrorists showed a set of photographs off Google's internet tool with the exact longitude and latitude of a
Basra Palace base where 1,000 British troops stay, the Telegraph reports.
Click here to view the full Telegraph story.
"This is evidence as far as we are concerned for planning terrorist attacks," an intelligence officer with the
Royal Green Jackets battle group stationed in Basra told the Telegraph. "Who would otherwise have Google Earth imagery of one of our bases?"
The officer said he believes insurgents use Google Earth to identify the most vulnerable areas of bases, such as tents. The tool can get as detailed as showing specific vehicles in a desired region and has no limits to who can sign up and use it."

Try and balance what we just learned from this particular raid with John Kerry's statement admonishing our forces for breaking into Iraqis' homes in the middle of the night, "terroizing women and children".

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