Ladies and Gentlemen, I have tried to be patient. I have tried to be accommodating. I have tried to be “understanding” with those out there who feel that the actions of this country with regard to Iraq and Afghanistan are “illegal,” “immoral,” “imperialistic,” yada, yada, yada. I have been patient with the “Bush lied, kids died crowd,” hoping one day they would grow up and see the truth but, they have not. For two years on this site and others – I have encouraged open debate, and taken time away from my life to try and put a counter point of consideration for those who billed themselves as “open minded” and “looking at ALL of the facts, and making a decision based on…. etc. etc, etc.” Fine. They have had all the time they need to look at facts. I will continue to let them have “paralysis of analysis” and “information constipation” on a lot of other subjects, but this war is different. While they endlessly “examine the facts” people are dieing!
Those in the media who should be supplying facts and both sides of the story aren’t.
Or, even worse, they obscure what is important, with stupidity: moronic idiocy like this made the front “splash” page of Yahoo:
"SEATTLE - Researchers at the University of Washington say all that holiday baking and eating has an environmental impact — Puget Sound is being flavored by cinnamon and vanilla. "Even something as fun as baking for the holiday season has an environmental effect," said Rick Keil, an associate professor of chemical oceanography. "When we bake and change the way we eat, it has an impact on what the environment sees. To me it shows the connectedness."
Well, while they are worried about cake-flavored lakes, did anyone hear this story talked about in the MSM:
“LYERLY, Georgia (AP) -- After her son Justin was killed serving in Iraq, a grieving Jan Johnson resolved to see the place where he died and to better understand why it happened.
Johnson and her husband, Joe, who also served in Iraq, were among a group of seven parents who lost children in the war who were picked to travel to northern Iraq in November as a scout team for a bigger trip next year.
"I wanted to go see where my son died," she said. "You hear in the news how bad Iraq is, that it isn't worth saving. ... I wanted to go find out for myself."
Family members of U.S. casualties of war have made pilgrimages in the past to Vietnam and other war zones where their sons and daughters died.”
Now here’s the important part:
>“There, they said, their sons were treated as liberators and the parents welcomed as heroes. As guests of the Kurdistan Regional Government, the parents visited a parade of politicians and government ministers who thanked them for their visit -- and their sacrifice. Many told the families their sons were martyrs, a term that at first seemed offensive to some. "Until I understood the meaning of what a martyr was, it was kind of a slap in the face," Jan said. "But they weren't comparing them to suicide bombers. I realized they were comparing them to heroes." They traveled to outlying villages and were invited to sip tea with Kurdish dignitaries. One told them of his painstaking efforts to find mass graves and evidence of Iraqi abuse. Another took them on a tour of a prison camp that was transformed into a rose garden after Hussein's grip on the region waned.
Wherever they traveled, fellow mother Debra Argel Bastian of Lompoc, California, handed out wallet-sized photos of her son, Derek Argel, who was killed in a May 2005 plane crash near the Iranian border. One mother tucked the photo into a framed picture of her two sons and husband, who had also been killed during Saddam's rule. "Now your son is my son," the woman told Bastian.
She broke down crying.
"I needed to make that trip," said Bastian, who traveled with her husband, Todd. "All of us were very, very disappointed in the media coverage over the war. I had so many avenues that were telling me different, that there were good things happening in Iraq, that they were just reporting the bomb of the day."
Jan Johnson said she was touched by an unexpected meeting with a soldier who was part of the team that tried to rescue her son. "It brought Justin closer to me," she said.
The group returned home 10 days later, in time for some to attend Veterans Day parades.
Jan says she hopes to help lead another trip, possibly to Baghdad, with a larger contingent of families.
"We're crazy. We suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder," Jan said. "We're allowed to do stupid things."
Answer honestly; when was the last time you heard this or a story like it in ABC, NBC, OR CBS? WHAT WAS THE LAST PATRIOTIC, PRO-AMERICA, FLAG-WAVING, MOM AND APPLE PIE THING TO COME FROM THE MAIN-STREAM MEDIA?
Had you even heard of this before I brought it up? I’m telling you, the left and the MSM here behind the front lines are doing a dis-service to our armed forces. We are hindering their progress and welfare in this war, by “damning with faint praise,” all that they accomplish and strive to do, and at the same time championing every murderer, terrorist, and lunatic 3rd world leader they can find.
I am tired of it! I am sick to death of it. I could just break the computer.
I am not taking this any more. I will no longer entertain casually any more slams at our troops, the president, or this mission. I am a former soldier, and I hurt every time I see someone say or do some of the things that I read and hear. Some of our troops are very young and are out on their own for the first time. They have no concept of other wars to compare this to, and I hurt knowing that they will believe what they are doing is meaningless and the deaths of their friends for naught. I will not take this any more. Anyone who comes here with that attitude, be prepared for a war of your own. You are trespassing. And if you don’t like what you read and it bothers you that much, then GO AWAY! Democrat “Under-ware” will be glad to have you.
Labels: american spirit, clueless democrats, iraq, war on terror
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