Santa Delivers New Bat for MSM to Beat the Troops With
***UPDATE (2)***
A couple of points;
According to Charles at LGF, the original article the AP put out this morning has been rewritten.
Also LGF poster ‘Tumulus11’ has caught the AP admitting to doing an ongoing body count:
“Version One:
'BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military death toll in Iraq has reached 2,974, one more than the number of deaths in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, according to an Associated Press count on Tuesday.'
Version Two:
'BAGHDAD, Iraq - At least 36 Iraqis died Tuesday in bombings, officials said, including a coordinated strike that killed 25 in western Baghdad. Separately, the deaths of six U.S. soldiers pushed the American toll beyond the number of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.'
The Associated Press got caught pointing and counting. “
I can just envision a “hit” counter something like this:

** UPDATE: **
looks like I am not the only one who noticed the MSMs newest slam:
LGF: "'Grim Milestone' Watch"
[original publication]
Doubtless by now you have heard the new drumbeat from the main-stream media regarding the military deaths in Iraq;
Associated Press:
Separately, the deaths of six U.S. soldiers pushed the American toll beyond the number of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Via CNN:
The number of U.S. military personnel killed in the Iraq war stands at 2,977, including seven civilian contractors of the Defense Department, pushing the death toll above that of the September 11, 2001, attacks. An estimated 2,973 people were killed in the attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.
Via Reuters:
The deaths of six more American soldiers in Iraq pushed the U.S. death toll to at least 2,978 -- five more than the number killed in the September 11 attacks -- as bombs killed more than 20 people in Baghdad on Tuesday.
Hours after the end of Christmas – and before the leftovers have begun, the MSM continues it’s all-out propaganda offensive on American forces by breathlessly reporting that more U.S. troops have died in the war in Iraq than civilians died on 9/11 – a curious connection, since these MSM-types responsible for doing al-Qaida’s propaganda in America claim there is no connection between 911 and Iraq.
So what is their point? Are they saying if you loose more troops to fight the terrorist enemy than these same terrorists killed in American civilian lives (in one action) that the whole effort is too high of a price to pay?
The mainstream media here will say or do anything to break the will of the American people and our soldiers in Iraq, and their newest tool – more soldier deaths than victims on 9/11 – is just one more way to achieve that aim. Who do they think they are helping with an endless, day-after-day body count of American soldiers dead?
For once, MSM, why don’t you give us a daily headcount of how many Islamic terrorist our troops put out of commission permanently that day? Why won’t they do a week-long special on how many more people have food, healthcare, running water, electricity, than were available at the start of the war? Why don’t you stress how hard it is to do this – and then show that our military is making GREAT strides in this area? It’s true. Isn’t this news, too.
The reality of the situation is this: we are fighting a war against an enemy who is using women and children as shields and who use sneak-attacks, bombs, and guerrilla warfare . They will not face our troops openly. Further, we are too civilized to use the same tactics against them. Nor are we permitted to use interrogation methods to find out information on who is attacking us, and where they are – each of which could have saved some of those lives the MSM is jabbering about. The lefty-MSM and spineless republicans and politicians have tied our hands so we can’t fight, and then complain about the number of times the enemy punches us.
Makes me sick!
May God help us, and our troops forgive us.
(Sorry, didn’t mean to rant.)
A couple of points;
According to Charles at LGF, the original article the AP put out this morning has been rewritten.
Also LGF poster ‘Tumulus11’ has caught the AP admitting to doing an ongoing body count:
“Version One:
'BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military death toll in Iraq has reached 2,974, one more than the number of deaths in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, according to an Associated Press count on Tuesday.'
Version Two:
'BAGHDAD, Iraq - At least 36 Iraqis died Tuesday in bombings, officials said, including a coordinated strike that killed 25 in western Baghdad. Separately, the deaths of six U.S. soldiers pushed the American toll beyond the number of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.'
The Associated Press got caught pointing and counting. “
I can just envision a “hit” counter something like this:

** UPDATE: **
looks like I am not the only one who noticed the MSMs newest slam:
LGF: "'Grim Milestone' Watch"
[original publication]
Doubtless by now you have heard the new drumbeat from the main-stream media regarding the military deaths in Iraq;
Associated Press:
Separately, the deaths of six U.S. soldiers pushed the American toll beyond the number of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Via CNN:
The number of U.S. military personnel killed in the Iraq war stands at 2,977, including seven civilian contractors of the Defense Department, pushing the death toll above that of the September 11, 2001, attacks. An estimated 2,973 people were killed in the attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.
Via Reuters:
The deaths of six more American soldiers in Iraq pushed the U.S. death toll to at least 2,978 -- five more than the number killed in the September 11 attacks -- as bombs killed more than 20 people in Baghdad on Tuesday.
Hours after the end of Christmas – and before the leftovers have begun, the MSM continues it’s all-out propaganda offensive on American forces by breathlessly reporting that more U.S. troops have died in the war in Iraq than civilians died on 9/11 – a curious connection, since these MSM-types responsible for doing al-Qaida’s propaganda in America claim there is no connection between 911 and Iraq.
So what is their point? Are they saying if you loose more troops to fight the terrorist enemy than these same terrorists killed in American civilian lives (in one action) that the whole effort is too high of a price to pay?
The mainstream media here will say or do anything to break the will of the American people and our soldiers in Iraq, and their newest tool – more soldier deaths than victims on 9/11 – is just one more way to achieve that aim. Who do they think they are helping with an endless, day-after-day body count of American soldiers dead?
For once, MSM, why don’t you give us a daily headcount of how many Islamic terrorist our troops put out of commission permanently that day? Why won’t they do a week-long special on how many more people have food, healthcare, running water, electricity, than were available at the start of the war? Why don’t you stress how hard it is to do this – and then show that our military is making GREAT strides in this area? It’s true. Isn’t this news, too.
The reality of the situation is this: we are fighting a war against an enemy who is using women and children as shields and who use sneak-attacks, bombs, and guerrilla warfare . They will not face our troops openly. Further, we are too civilized to use the same tactics against them. Nor are we permitted to use interrogation methods to find out information on who is attacking us, and where they are – each of which could have saved some of those lives the MSM is jabbering about. The lefty-MSM and spineless republicans and politicians have tied our hands so we can’t fight, and then complain about the number of times the enemy punches us.
Makes me sick!
May God help us, and our troops forgive us.
(Sorry, didn’t mean to rant.)
Labels: iraq, troops, war on terror
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